Three Little Words
Disclaimer: I own nothing. I am only borrowing The Doctor for a bit.
This is only my second fan fiction. It's just a little bit of a thing (my previous venture was a little longer and more angsty). I hope you like it. And comments/reviews/encouragement is greatly appreciated. And so, as the great man says "Allons-y!"
Three little words.
So powerful. So dangerous.
They exhilarate him and haunt him.
Three simple words.
He is reluctant to say them, yet strangely compelled.
He knows they will change his life forever, if he has the courage to say them. But the need that lies behind them frightens him.
There is power in words, as he told Will Shakespeare. Power to heal but also to hurt. Power to bring him joy or to crush his spirit. Power to make him a better man or to tear him apart.
Three little, simple, powerful words.
"Come with me."