The day Ana was born was also the day that William began to like Cecily. Grell had been on office duty for the last three months and often brought Cecily with her. The little girl was quiet and stayed with either her mother or Alan and Eric. She stayed clear of William, sensing his dislike for her. And then Grell went into labor. Alan and Eric had asked Cecily to try to make friends with the Shinigami who were her age as they rushed Grell to the hospital section, promising to call Sebastian. Cecily sighed and made her way over to a group of children playing. They were all bigger than she was, Cecily was small for her age by any standards, but she didn't let that deter her.


"Go away. We don't want to play with a halfer."

If Cecily had been hurt by that statement, she didn't show it. Instead, she sat down and asked politely,

"Then can I watch?"

The other children convened for a moment before the leader turned, a grin plastered on his face.

"Cecily, we've thought of a new game. One that you can play, too."

"All right! What is it?"

"Chase the runt. The smallest person has to run and avoid being caught by the bigger people. Doesn't it sound fun?"

It didn't, but Cecily was happy to be able to play with the others and so agreed.

"Okay…on the count of three, you start running, Cecily. One. Two…THREE!"

Cecily turned and began running, but not because it was the rule of the game, but because the bigger children started to throw little rocks at her. She raced down the hallway, past the busy adults and scurried into an empty office. The other children didn't chase her inside but she could hear them snickering and mocking her. Cecily curled up in an empty spot on the bottom shelf next to some books and waited.

William was returning from a mission at that moment when he heard the undeveloped Shinigami children talking.

"The look on that halfer's face was priceless!"

"Yeah. I can't believe she actually thought we'd let her play anything with us. What an idiot!"

Halfer? Will thought. They must mean Grell's child.

Paying no more attention to it, Will made his way to his office where he instantly felt a change from when he left it. Looking around, he noted that nothing seemed to be out of place or missing. Brushing it off as paranoia, he sat down and began his reports. Moments later, William heard a rustling of skirts and turned, only to meet the terrified eyes of Cecily.

"I…I'm sorry…Mr. Spears…I was just…ummm….I'm sorry!" she cried out, giving William a deep curtsy before running out.

Meanwhile, Grell was in the infirmary, trying to give birth to a very stubborn Ana.

"Why won't this baby just come out already?" she screamed, causing several people to sweat drop, including the doctor.

"Come now, Miss Sutcliff. The baby's crowning. Just give one push…."

Despite Grell's best efforts, little Ana was refusing to emerge from the womb. It was at that moment, when the doctor and nurses began to contemplate performing a C-section that Cecily waltzed into the room.

"Mommy? Is Ana being stubborn?"

"Yes, dear," Grell admitted, giving her daughter a loving, but pained, looked.

"Let me try to help!"

The little red head climbed up onto the bed and rested her head on Grell's stomach.

"Ana….you need to stop being mean to Mommy and come out, okay? I want to meet my cute little sister."

Despite the doctor's protestations, Grell decided to give natural birth one last try. This time, Ana cooperated and Cecily was excited to see her little sister.

"She's looks like Daddy, Mommy!"

"Yes, Cecily. She does."

Ana was another tiny baby, 16 inches long and 6lbs even, who had a head of dark curls and her mother's eyes. As the mother and daughter stared at the tiny infant, Ana was screaming, displeased by her predicament, until a soft word from Cecily calmed and dissuaded her cries. Smiling, the new big sister curled up next to her already sleeping mother and fell asleep.

KRRR: Not exactly how I wanted it to go but there you have it. R and R please!