KRRR: For the sake of my sanity (and everyone else's) I decided that Grell shall be….a woman, at least in this fic. Hope you like it!

When Grell came into work one morning with a baby bump, everyone was shocked. As far as anyone besides herself and William were concerned, the red haired Shinigami was single, but completely in love with her boss (AKA: William T. Spears). They speculated and rumors coursed through the office. Was she raped? No. Did she have a secret lover? Possible but unlikely. Did she get drunk and had a one night stand? Yes. So it seemed to all of Grell's coworkers, who ran with the last of the three options. It wasn't an unusual thing to hear about Grell's drunken displays of affection. When Ron confronted her, worried about his senpai, she merely laughed and walked off to see William.

As Grell recounted Ron's worried confrontation ("Sutcliff, if someone raped you then shouldn't you give the baby up? Do you really want a reminder? I could find it a nice home….") to Will, the dark haired Shinigami merely shook his head in annoyance.

"Knox is right you know."

"Huh? What are you talking about?"

"You need to get rid of that…thing. Who knows what kind of diseases and mutations it will have."

Grell merely stared at Will. Normally her brunette superior was cold, detached and indifferent. But as he told his ginger underling to terminate her pregnancy, his voice sounded so bitter and harsh that it caught Grell by surprise.

"W-what? NO! I will not kill this innocent little creature, Will!"

"It's an abomination, Grell. Don't you get it? You, a Reaper, could face serious consequences for even having a relationship with that vermin you call "Sabas-chan". If it gets out you're having his child…."

Will was cut off as Grell, his psychotic, yet endearing, subordinate slapped him across the face.

"NEVER call my daughter an abomination," she growled out before turning and stalking off.

Months later, Grell was having her child (swearing up and down the entire pregnancy that it was a girl, but no one believed her). Sebastian stood by her side, nauseous, but remaining calm while in his lover's presence.

"You're doing great. Keep pushing. The baby's almost there…"

And then suddenly, high pitched wails filled the room for a few moments, before a nurse arrived to clean and place a bracelet on the new child.

"It's a girl!"

Grell grinned both in joy and victory.

"What is her name?" the nurse asked, handing the tiny new-born to Sebastian.

"Cecily," he murmured, smiling fondly at his daughter, "Cecily Sutcliff-Michaelis."

Cecily didn't cry as she gazed up at her father, wonderment in her large blue eyes. Sebastian chuckled as he noticed that she had been born with hair: red hair, just like her mother. Although she was carried to full term, Cecily was a small baby, 5lbs and 2oz and only 15 inches long. Turning from the doctor and Grell, Sebastian began whispering to the infant in his arms.

"Cecily. My sweet Cecily. No matter what, I will give you to no one. You will be loved and cherished, but I refuse to give you away."

Cecily seemed to understand as she smiled, reaching a tiny, plump hand to Sebastian's cheek. He smiled at the innocent creature in his arms, already wrapped around her finger.