To clarify all the confusion going around, let me remind all those who are reading that this is a PREDICTION, and was written BEFORE TSoN was released. So yes, Hazel is not a daughter of Pluto here, nor is Frank of Mars, or Dakota of Bacchus.

Again, THIS WAS A PREDICTION, a sequel to my PREDICTION of TSoN.

Have fun reading :)



Jason grabbed the last of the wooden boards and headed for the deck. The IM-ing Room fountains exploded earlier today and had damaged the entire deck, which was right above it. Percy had gone down to the IM-ing Room to help Nyssa, Shane, Harley and Annabeth fix the fountains, while Leo, Piper, Jason, Frank, Hazel and a couple of Athena and Hephaestus kids fixed the deck. The wooden boards were completely damaged, so they had been busy making new ones for the ship's deck.

After Hazel and Frank came, Jason caught up with things going on back at Camp Legion. He found out that there was no special connection between Reyna and him – except for the fact that they were close childhood friends. What Frank did mention was that Jason did have a crush on her long ago, but it faded a while before he disappeared. Now, Jason didn't really worry about the whole Reyna-Piper conflict.

He placed the wooden boards next to Leo, who thanked him. The whole ship was done – except for the deck and the IM-ing Room, of course – thanks to Percy's return. Everyone was psyched about his return, and they had a whole new burst of energy. Now, everyone was working twice as fast.

Piper was busy handing out different hammers for the Hephaestus kids while Hazel and Frank were busy hammering away. The Athena kids were busy scolding the Hephaestus kids whenever they placed the boards in the wrong place – or they were busy studying blueprints and hammering the boards.

Jason crouched next to Leo. Leo wiped away a trickle of sweat running down his face. "Man, I think we've gone overboard with the work," he said, grabbing a small towel to wipe away all the sweat off his face. He realized his "little joke" (which Jason didn't understand) and chuckled. He stood up and yelled, "OK everyone! Let's take five!" Just on cue, the conch horn blew, signaling time for lunch.

Everyone rushed to their cabins to get cleaned up, before hurrying to the dining pavilion with their siblings. Hazel and Frank were both welcomed at the Apollo and Hermes cabins respectively, so they sat down at their respective tables.

Jason sat glumly at the Zeus table, watching everyone around him. Being an only child (Thalia likes to sit with the fellow hunters), that meant sitting alone. Percy had to sit alone as well, and Nico di Angelo as well.

He took a portion of his food and dumped it into the fire. "Jupiter," he muttered, calling his father by his Roman name. He sat back down at the Zeus table and started eating the healthy cheeseburger (which consisted of beef, cheese and a lot of lettuce, tomatoes, etc. (freshly picked of course)). He took his goblet and muttered, "Coke." The glass instantly filled itself with coke.

Jason felt the presence of someone sitting down with him. He looked up, to see his older (now the same age) sister sliding into the seat across him. She smirked when she saw his confused expression. "It's not a crime to sit with my baby brother, is it?" she asked innocently.

Jason shook his head and smiled. He was Thalia's baby brother and always will be. Even if he's going to be older than her soon enough, while she'll always be fifteen. Thalia dug into her food hungrily. Jason shook his head at his sister's immature actions and ate his food.

"Do you like Piper?" Thalia blurted out, causing Jason to be caught off guard. He was so shock from the question that he fell out of his chair into a muddy puddle of water next to his chair. The whole camp looked at him and snickered, causing Jason to go bright red. Thalia chuckled.

"Sorry 'bout that lil' bro," she said, helping him up. Jason sighed. Leo was laughing his butt off at his own table and Frank and Hazel were shaking their heads. Annabeth and Piper watched the scene in amusement, Percy and Nico snickered (great cousins, right?) and Sanders Olson, Hazel's younger mortal brother, and Rachel Dare, Camp Half-Blood's Oracle, were just staring at him, trying not to laugh. The Hermes table was cracking up.

"S'okay," Jason managed, looking at his muddy clothes. If he were Percy, he would've stayed dry. "Your question just caught me off guard."

Thalia nodded, trying to hide her amusement behind a sympathy smile. Jason sat back down. Thalia scooted over to the seat next to Jason, even though her fellow hunters were glaring at her for doing so. "So, what's the answer?"

Jason could've done a spit take right there, but he didn't want to cause another huge embarrassment for himself. He gulped down the coke in his mouth and faced Thalia. "Maybe," he replied. "I'm not sure."

Thalia smirked at her brother's confusion. Jason couldn't decide. He liked Piper, alright, but if he saw Reyna… would his feelings come back? Maybe if he could just sneak at a picture of her, maybe he could decide. But what would Reyna say if he was dating Piper? He was sure Reyna liked him; otherwise, he wouldn't be so confused.

Jason stood up and left the dining pavilion with Thalia. "Hey, I'm going to work on that figurine Annabeth, Percy, Nico and I are making. Wanna come?"

"Sure," Jason replied bluntly. His next shift wasn't in another hour. Percy, Annabeth and Piper all had the same shifts, so he would be seeing Annabeth and Percy in the Arts and Crafts building.

Jason and Thalia walked in silence. It felt weird after having that conversation he didn't want to have. They both stopped at the Zeus cabin first to let Jason get changed (again) and then headed off to the Arts and Crafts building. Thalia scowled when she saw Hippie Zeus and told Jason to hurry it up. Once they got to the building, Thalia rushed over to make more electric spears to be placed by her figurine.

Percy was busy painting his tidal waves while Annabeth made another owl. Her little half-sister accidentally clashed into it, causing it to smash on the floor. She apologized lots of times and Annabeth told her it was alright. She was currently making a new one to replace the old.

Nico was busy make skeleton bones for his skeleton guard. Thalia walked over to make more electric spears. Jason followed her. "I thought you didn't use electric spears," Jason said, looking at the tiny spears.

"I don't," Thalia answered honestly. "It's just because I wanted weapons that relate to electricity and the spears was the only thing I could think of." Jason nodded.

"Hey," a new voice said from next to him. Thalia made eye contact with Jason for a short while and smirked. Jason recognized the person immediately and tried his best not to blush.

"Hey," Jason replied as Piper watched Thalia form another spear out of clay. Nico walked by, carrying a couple of paint. Malcolm, Annabeth's half-brother, turned around and bumped into Nico, causing the paint to cover Thalia from head to toe.

Piper gasped, while Jason was thinking, revenge. Percy looked up from his project and burst out laughing. "Gods Thalia! Horrible fate much?"

Thalia glared at him. "Watch it, Jackson, I can turn you into smoked salmon any second now," she warned, but Percy ignored it. She turned to Nico and started yelling in Ancient Greek.

Jason didn't understand, but the whole building was trying not to laugh. Suddenly, a gush of water hit Thalia, making her wet. On the positive side, she was free of paint. "Percy!" she yelled.

"Look on the bright side," Percy pointed out. "You're squeaky clean!"

"Yeah, but wet!" Thalia countered. The next thing Jason knew, Thalia had a spear in her hand. Piper and Jason backed up to Annabeth, who smiled.

Percy stood by the doorway. Thalia ran to grab Percy, but Percy stepped out of the way. Unfortunately, Leo decided to show up at that moment with Hazel and Frank tailing behind him. And unfortunately, Thalia was already ready to shock Percy with a thousand volts and because he stepped out of the way, Thalia accidentally shocked Leo. Hazel rushed to help him up.

Thalia turned to Percy, who was now helping Nico clean the mess off the floor. Thalia raised her spear and sent a lightning down. She made sure it didn't cause major injuries and that it was a small lightning, just enough to get someone annoyed (and so it won't drain her energy). Percy looked up to see Thalia summoning lightning, so he pushed Malcolm, who bumped into Connor Stoll (he was there at the moment), who fell on Annabeth's half-sister, whose hand pushed the spear slightly, causing the direction of the lightning to change and hit Nico instead.

Nico cried out in shock and looked up and glared at Thalia. Thalia just stood there wide-eyed and Percy smirked. Jason, Piper and Annabeth just stood there in awe, watching the Big Three kids fight.

Nico fumed. "Thalia Grace!" he yelled. He took out his Stygion Iron sword and stabbed the ground, summoning a dead army. The army attacked Thalia and she fought them off with her bows and arrows (her hunting stuff).

She accidentally shot an arrow at Percy, almost hitting his Achilles spot. Angry, he hit Thalia and Nico with a huge gush of water, making it extra hot during the process. The fight continued like this, while Jason, Piper and Annabeth was on the floor, laughing. They were the only three who survived the fight in the building. The rest were on the floor, in pain because they were either hit by lightning, hot water, or dead people. Finally, Chiron showed up.

"What is the meaning of this?" he yelled, getting everyone's attention. Jason, Piper and Annabeth stopped laughing and were trying to contain their hidden laughter. Everyone else in the room winced in pain and surprise, because of Chiron's sudden presence.

Percy, Thalia and Nico looked like they were ready to collapse. The color from their faces was drained and their knees were weak. Nico was the first to fall over, but Percy and Thalia stood strong – at least, stronger than Nico.

Chiron sighed and turned to Annabeth. "Big Three fight?" Annabeth nodded.

"How bad?" Chiron asked again.

"Lightning, hot water and dead army," Annabeth said. Percy grinned at her and Annabeth shook her head. During that exchange, Jason saw that they both loved each other. He wondered if he felt the same with Piper.

Chiron sighed and stepped aside. Percy and Thalia groaned and each grabbed one of Nico's feet. They dragged him to the Big House, his head being dragged off the floor. Annabeth turned to Jason and Piper. "I have to go. Mind clearing this place up?"

They both nodded and Piper winked at her. Annabeth laughed and ran to catch up with Percy. When she arrived by his side, he held on to Annabeth by her waist. She laughed at his reaction. Jason smiled at the sight of the two. He walked over to Leo, Hazel and Frank, who were groaning by the door.

"Wow man, your sister's got power," Leo said, rubbing the back of his head.

Jason laughed. "Yeah. She was the reason I fell off the chair during lunch," Jason said, helping him up. Piper helped Hazel up and Frank stood up on his own.

"I'm just glad we don't have any Big Three kids back at camp, other than you," Hazel commented. Jason grinned in response.

"Yeah, but the biggest fight is Frank and Gwen constantly flirting," Jason teased, while Frank glared at him.

He grabbed a mop and started cleaning up. After a while, they were finally done. Jason checked his watch. "We missed our shift," Jason said, dread overcoming him.

Leo cursed in Ancient Greek. "And look, it's now time for dinner," Leo grumbled, pointing to the direction the sound of the conch horn was blown.

"I didn't noticed we've been tidying up for hours," Frank grumbled, and Hazel and Piper agreed.

Piper put her mop neatly away in the cleaning cabinet. "Come on," she said. "I need to round up my cabinmates."

Leo chuckled. "You make them sound like cows or something," he said. Piper glared at him and he raised his hands in defeat. Lacy, Piper's half-sister, appeared in the doorway and told her that all her siblings were in the cabin, waiting for her. Piper nodded and followed Lacy back to her cabin.

Leo quickly waved goodbye. Connor Stoll, who stayed around to help clean up (mainly because he didn't want to do any other activity and because Chiron told him to), told Frank that they needed to go back to their cabin before heading to dinner, leaving Hazel and Jason alone.

The two of them started walking back to the cabin arena. "So," Hazel started, "you like Piper?"

Jason almost tripped, but Hazel made sure he didn't. "I guess," he admitted. "But I don't know if I still have a crush on Reyna."

Hazel nodded, understanding. "We could IM them. Reyna would be glad to hear from you. Besides, I miss Gwendolyn," Hazel said, teasing Gwen even though she's not there at the moment.

Jason shook his head. "How are Dakota and Bobby doing?" he asked. He remembered them and a faded image of them, but he hasn't asked Hazel or Frank about them.

"OK. Dakota said you owe him a battle when you get back," Hazel said.

"Mars?" Jason guessed Dakota's godly parent.

Hazel nodded. "He's Reyna's ex. They became like brothers and sisters after that." Hazel noticed Jason getting slightly jealous, so she added, "But it was a summer fling. They never really like-like each other. Dakota dated her just because his friends told him to."

Jason loosened up and nodded. Campers around them were whispering and glancing at each other, not understanding what they were talking about. Only then did Jason realize that they were speaking in Latin. He didn't mind. He didn't want anyone, more likely, Piper (who might pass by), to understand their conversation.

Hazel's Greek siblings came out of their cabin, so Hazel just tailed behind them. Jason followed next to her. He was the only one in his cabin, so he didn't have anybody to round up. Besides, he wanted to hear more about his history.

"Why did Reyna date him then?" Jason asked, in Latin again.

Hazel's sisters turned around for a moment, wondering if there was something going on between Hazel and Jason, but ignored them after that. "Reyna was the only one who had never dated in her cabin during that time," Hazel explained. "She had a minor crush on Dakota, because he was 'sort of cute', and dated him for a while. Ironic, huh?"

Jason raised an eyebrow, not getting it. Hazel sighed. "Mars and Venus dating, and suddenly, their kids started going out as well," Hazel explained, rolling her eyes.

"Oh," Jason managed. "How about Bobby?"

"Still strangling people with vines," she grinned. Jason was debating on whether he was a son of Ceres or Bacchus. Hazel saw his 'debating expression' and said, "He was a son of Bacchus."

One of her sisters turned around. "Did you say 'Bacchus' as in Dionysus?" she asked. She suddenly had guilt on her face. "Sorry for eavesdropping. Usually I wouldn't, but I didn't understand a thing. I only caught the name Bacchus. I'm Kayla, by the way."

Hazel nodded. "Why are you interested in Dionysus?" Jason asked. A new voice replied for him.

"Mr. D's Dionysus. You know, the camp director," Piper said, appearing next to him. Her sisters were busy whispering behind her and giggling and pointing at the Jason and Piper.

Hazel's mouth dropped open. "You mean you have a god watching over your camp?"

Kayla giggled. "Yep. But everybody hates him. He gets everyone's names wrong," she simply stated. Thunder boomed overhead. She rolled her eyes.

They finally got to the pavilion. Jason sighed and said a quick goodbye to Hazel and Piper and sat down to eat his dinner.

Alright-y then! Don't forget to review! Click the blue button down there, and I will post another chapter! Oh, and read my TSON as well, if you haven't read it!