"Fone, please wake up." Thorn sobbed days later, sitting by Fone's bed.

Thorn's wounds weren't as bad so she recovered pretty quickly except for a stomachache. At the moment she also had heartache.

"C'mon Fone, you can't leave us." Phoney said, sitting on the other side.

"Losing our parents was bad enough…." Smiley's voice broke and he cried onto Bartleby, who was also sobbing.

"I'm afraid he's still badly wounded, and he appears to be in a coma." Mermie looked very downcast. "I don't know if he'll make but if he won't…."

"No!" Thorn said fiercely. "He'll make it, I know he will."

Inside Fone's thoughts, Fone seemed to be agreeing with Mermie….

"It's been three weeks and I still can't seem to wake up." Fone frowned, looking around the darkness that he was in. "Maybe my time has come after all…."

"Don't give up Fone."


"Yes, you're needed down on earth you can't die now."

"But I can't wake up."

"Sometimes it takes a little outside force as well as internal strength to do the job. Just be patient, soon you'll be with your loved ones again."


"Son, listen to her." A male voice unexpectedly said.

"DAD?" Fone gasped.

"And your mom sweetie." A female voice added.

Fone's parents appeared right in front of him, though Mim remained hidden. Fone's dad looked like him except older, while Fone's mom had red hair.

"Honey don't despair," Fone's mom said. "It's not your time."

"It wasn't yours or dad's either…." Fone sobbed, hugging them.

"Yes but we didn't have outside help, the car came at all of us from out of nowhere." Fone's dad said. "You do have outside help, have faith that they'll save you."

Note: Fone's parents, Phoney's parents, and Smiley's parents were having an outing together when a car crashed into them. Fone's parents died instantly, while Phoney's and Smiley's parents ended up in a coma and died the day after.

"All right, I won't give up." Fone smiled. "Can you stay?"

"Afraid not son, if we do stay then it'll be harder for you to wake up." Fone's dad shook his head sadly.

"But we'll still be with you in your heart, just as we have always been." Fone's mom smiled. "And you'll see us again when it is your time. Oh, also Thorn is a perfect choice for you, your dad and I couldn't be prouder."

"Thanks mom, dad." Fone smiled before they waved goodbye and disappeared; he then started to float away too….

Thorn was kissing Fone, hoping that would wake him up. And it worked! Fone responded to the kiss and slowly opened his eyes!

"Fone!" Thorn gasped happily, hugging him. "I knew you'd make it."

"Fone!" Phoney and Smiley cried happily, joining in the hug.

"Hey guys, lemme in!" Bartleby laughed as he too joined in the hug. "We were so worried Fone, we almost, well except for Thorn, thought…."

"Me too, but Mim and my parents convinced me not to give up." Fone smiled.

"Your parents?" Thorn stared.

"Yes. Oh, and they approve of our relationship." Fone smiled.

Thorn smiled back and she and Fone kissed again.

"Fone, after all that happened with Narcissus I realized that no matter what anyone else says or thinks we're going to end up together." Thorn said. "So I was wondering…will you be my king?"

"More like your husband, 'king' is just a side bonus." Fone smiled. "King, guard, soldier, I'm proud to serve Atheia in any title just so long as we're together."

"Here are the engagement rings," Grandma Ben smiled, handing Thorn a box. "Thorn had me buy them for her since she wouldn't leave your side."

When the box was opened two rings shone in the light streaming from the window. Thorn's was red, like the rose, and Fone's was a pearl. Fone and Thorn then sealed the engagement with a kiss. A few months later, after all the preparations, Fone and Thorn were wedded in the courtyard. Phoney and Smiley both shared the title of Best Man, while Bartleby was the Ringbearer. Taneal was the flower girl, and Headmaster served as the priest. Master Fone became King Fone, with Phoney, Smiley, and Bartleby as member of the court (not full fledged since they preferred to live in Boneville). King Fone and Queen Thorn ruled Atheia as if they had always been on the throne, and all the citizens agreed that they ruled as wonderfully as Thorn's own mother did.

Fone at first wanted to take the royal last name of Harvestar in order to keep it in the family, but Thorn insisted that the last name would be changed to Bone. As she put it the beginning of her rule was the start of a new era, and it was time to put the past behind them, especially to make way for the future. Fone paled a little at that because he realized that, being of different species, there would be no heir to the throne. Thorn brushed it aside; she was willing to make that sacrifice in order to be with the one she loves. Surprisingly, Thorn and Fone actually did have a kid, in the 'usual' way at that. Their newborn son inherited his mother's looks, but ended up having his father's mannerisms. Even his name was from his father: Ishmael. Ishmael never thought badly of his parents being two different species, and grew up to be just as good a ruler as his ancestors.