
A/N: Finally! And actual update, and the last one too! I really hope you enjoy this, and apologies for the four months it took for me to put this up :T

Cars and its characters belong to Pixar. If I had the ability to make off this, I wouldn't really be here right now.

"Are you nervous, Finn?"

The Aston Martin turned away from the view of the valley to face his old friend, an eyelid raised.

Tomber quickly rolled back, slightly unsteady on the rocky ground, knowing a look of intimidation when he saw one, and chuckled sardonically,"Ah, oui, I forget, the great Finn McMissile fears nothing! Nerves of steel and all that, correct?"

As the C.H.R.O.M.E. agent rolled his eyes, Mater drove over to the pair, usual exuberant grin bedecking his features,"Aw, don't listen ta' him, Finn!" the tow truck assured, gesturing excitedly with his two front tires. "You 'n Miss Gulia are gunna be happy togetha' 'till tha' end a' time!"

The Reliant Regal rolled his eyes as well. "I pity her."

Finn quickly regained control of the conversation. "I'm not worried, either of you. And Mater," the Aston Martin turned to the tow truck with a grateful smile, "I cannot thank you enough for managing to convince your friends to allow us to have the wedding here."

"Aw, it was nuthin', Finn," Mater shrugged bashfully, but with a clearly proud smile. "Anythin' fer yous an' Gulia."

"And I cannot believe so many cars decided to attend," Tomber observed, watching as several well-known friends made their way up the winding road leading to the Wheel Well, taking their positions on either side of the center aisle. A majority of Radiator Springs' residents were already in attendance, milling around and speaking amongst themselves before the ceremony began.

"Unbelievable indeed," Finn scoffed lightly, turning to face the drop-off that provided the rural township with what was in Finn's opinion one of the most breathtaking views he had ever seen. Neither he nor Giulia tired of seeing it in the time since she had arrived, and now, to the uttermost irony, they were to be married in front of it.

"Dad-gum, ain't it somethin' that even Lightnin' an' Sally came back early from their honeymoon ta' come ta' the weddin'?" Mater mulled aloud, drawing the Aston Martin's from his reverie.

Finn blinked, but nodded after a moment with a slowly-growing smile. Leave it to the tow truck to guide the attention back to his newly-wed best friend. "Say, Finn," Mater began, turning back to face the spy car with an inquisitive look. "Do ya' think Gulia's nervous too?"

The Aston Martin chuckled, appearing honestly amused by the notion, "I highly doubt that, Mater."

"There's no reason to be nervous, Giulia," Holley advised, watching the pacing Alfa Romeo wear a rut into the ground.

"I-I'm-a not...nervous," the Italian car disagreed distractedly, her newly touched up paintjob winking in the light of the spare Wheel Well room.

The Citroen that had been idling by the door gave a chaste smile, eyes faraway, "I remember how anxious I was before my wedding…"

Giulia turned to lock eyes with her old friend and gave Adele a comforting smile. The petite French car responded with one of her own, returning to reality, "You have nothing to worry about," Adele continued in her defined accent. "The wedding will go perfectly according to plan."

"I'm-a not worried about the wedding," Giulia admitted, her pacing having finally ceased. "Just..." the Alfa Romeo paused, "Fate has kept Finn and I apart long enough…I wonder if it will be cruel enough to do so again."

The Jaguar's eyes widened at the admission, but was quick to comfort her partner's fiancée, "You shouldn't think like that…it's just pre-wedding jitters. Sally was quite jumpy herself before her wedding as well."

Giulia chuckled, pausing in the center of the room, "I suppose you are right…"

"Of course she is," Adele replied, leading the Alfa Romeo back to the long mirror at the other end of the room. "Now do stop that pacing! No need to become, eh, 'worked up' over nothing, oui?"

"Oui," the Italian car sighed, resigning herself to the Citroen's last-minute touchups. After a few moments, Adele rolled back, admiring her work.

"You look beautiful, Giulia," she praised softly, lapsing into nostalgia for a moment. "I cannot even imagine what it would be like for my daughters when it is their wedding day…"

Giulia gave her long-time friend an empathetic smile, "I am sure that it will be just as stunning as yours was."

Adele gave a wistful smile, her gaze falling on the Jaguar just behind her,"Ah, and you mademoiselle?"

Holley glanced up, "What about me, Miss Turbo?"

The Citroen grinned coyly, "Well, we are all wondering when your wedding day will be."

Before the spy car could dignify that with an answer, and as a result, only blushed profusely in response, the door to the motel room creaked open to reveal a slim, silver Competizione. Miguel met his mother's gaze and smiled softly. "It is-a time."

Finn inhaled deeply, as to quell his suddenly rampant nerves. This was it…after so many years.

Mater had been the obvious choice for best man, although the space between the Aston Martin and tow truck, where the position would usually be filled, was empty, as Mater had placed himself a bit ways away. The spy car could've easily imagined the red Jaguar that would had occupied the space there, however. Mater did too, apparently, and honored Leland's memory by leaving the space.

Tomber was serving as the one to marry them, though Finn did not want to know how he had gained the credentials. The Reliant Regal idled a few feet behind him, casually flipping through the small black leather-bound book he would be reading from in a few minutes time.

The crowd's murmuring was brought to a sudden standstill as soft music began playing, an instrumental version of 'A Sunday Kind of Love'. Finn repressed a nervous gulp, and heard Mater chuckle and shake his cab in anticipation. Tomber nudged the Aston Martin and muttered jovially, "Good luck, Finn."

Finn bit back a rather scathing retort, as his nerves were more-or-less fried, and instead watched as cars began driving down the aisle. A small emerald green Audi was first, her eyes averted as she dropped flower petals in her wake. Rod Redline's only daughter instantly drove over to her mother, a pretty Audi 100 Coupe S, once her job as flower girl was completed, and a small chuckle arose from the crowd at her shy behavior. Her two elder brothers already sat at their mother's side, watching over the proceedings with feigned disinterest.

The bridesmaids were next; Adele cruising up first with her hood held high in pride, followed by Holley, smiling softly at the gathered cars. Once the pair had situated themselves, Finn heard a subtle click as Ramone—who was manning the stereo system for the wedding—changed the song. Mendelssohn's Wedding March echoed over the bluff in the next instant, and the Aston Martin felt his tires suddenly lock into place. And then there she was.

He had never seen her looking so beautiful. Her candy apple paint was as vibrant as it had been the first day he laid eyes on her. Giulia's hubcaps shown, and her blue-grey eyes were bright behind her gossamer veil, and her smile grew as she met his gaze. Miguel was at her side, escorting his mother, his usual frown replaced by the smallest of smiles. As they both neared, the Competizione paused before the makeshift altar, rolling back to allow his mother to move forward. He nodded shortly, aqua eyes piercing his father's identical ones. "Take care of her," he murmured succinctly, before driving back to take his place in the first row alongside Lightning and Sally McQueen. And all too soon, Giulia idled beside him, and as they turned to face Tomber, the crowd respectfully lowered on their axles.

The little Reliant Regal cleared his throat dramatically, before flipping to the correct page in his book. "Dearly Beloved, we are gathered here today in the presence of these witnesses, to join Giulia Del Tyre and Finn McMissile in matrimony, which is commended to be honorable among all men; and therefore – is not by any – to be entered into unadvisedly or lightly – but reverently, discreetly, advisedly and solemnly. Into this holy estate these two persons present now come to be joined." Clearly taking his position seriously, Tomber raised his voice, surveying the crowd as he spoke again. "If any person can show just cause why they may not be joined together – let them speak now or forever hold their peace." A beat of silence passed, before the three-wheeled car rose grandly, expression smug. His accent put a definitely different sense to the words, but the unusualness added…something more to the language.

"'Marriage is a commitment to life,
the best that two people can find and bring out in each other.
It offers opportunities for sharing and growth
that no other relationship can equal.
It is a physical and an emotional joining that is promised for a lifetime.

Within the circle of its love,
marriage encompasses all of life's most important relationships.
A wife and a husband are each other's best friend,
confidant, lover, teacher, listener, and critic.
And there may come times when one partner is heartbroken or ailing,
and the love of the other may resemble
the tender caring of a parent or child.

Marriage deepens and enriches every facet of life.
Happiness is fuller, memories are fresher,
commitment is stronger, even anger is felt more strongly,
and passes away more quickly.

Marriage understands and forgives the mistakes life
is unable to avoid. It encourages and nurtures new life,
new experiences, new ways of expressing a love that is deeper than life.

When two people pledge their love and care for each other in marriage,
they create a spirit unique unto themselves which binds them closer
than any spoken or written words.
Marriage is a promise, a potential made in the hearts of two people
who love each other and takes a lifetime to fulfill'."

Finn startled discreetly at the amount of emotion his old friend had put into the poem he and Giulia had chosen. As Tomber turned the page in his book, he blatantly avoided the Aston Martin's gaze. The Alfa Romeo nudged him then, drawing Finn's attention, and she offered him a warm smile, both knowing what was to follow.

Tomber rolled back reverently, front end bowed as he recited, "The bride and groom will now exchange the vows they have chosen for themselves."

The couple turned to look into each other's eyes, and Finn felt his engine turn over at his bride's splendor. Something clenched inside him as he realized how long it had taken them to get to this point. The Aston Martin cleared his throat before declaring warmly, "I love you not only for your beauty, but your intelligence, your kindness...and for the way you always know how to make me feel like I'm not a complete twit." A chuckle arose from the crowd and Giulia, and Finn pressed on with a growing smile, his gaze never leaving that of his love. "So on top of all the other vows that I will make to you on our wedding day, I also vow to always appreciate how lucky I am to have someone who makes me feel the way you do and to continue to try as hard as I can to make you feel as special as you make me feel, until the day my multiple enemies get the better of me."

The Aston Martin was almost positive that he saw his Holley brushing away tears, as well as a few of those in the crowd, but he definitely heard Adele sobbing silently beside his bride. Giulia sent him a watery smile, before clearing her throat to perform her own vows, and just as his had been, hers were also laced with silent promises.

"You have been my best friend, mentor, confidant, and my greatest challenge since the day we met. But most importantly, you are the love of my life and you make me happier than I could ever imagine, and more loved than I ever thought possible... You have made me a better person, as our love for one another is reflected in the way I live my life. So I am truly blessed to be a part of your life, which as of today becomes our life together." By now, several of the gathered cars were silently hiding their tears, and tearing his gaze away from the Alfa Romeo's captivating blue-grey eyes, he swiftly scanned the group with a speed one could only develop from working as he did for the past two decades.

Beside him, Mater was grinning from headlight to headlight, and on Giulia's side, Adele was still weeping, though a smile graced her petite features. Holley was trying to be strong, but tears also glimmered in her eyes. In the last row, Sheriff was sniffling apathetically from beside a bewildered Lizzie and openly sobbing Red, with Flo and Ramone watching with silent grins. In the following row, Mrs. Redline and her three children idled, the eldest of the four observing with a teary smile. Then came Fillmore and Sarge, the latter trying to appear affronted by the goings-on around him, while the Volkswagen Bus chided him. Alongside them was the Italian pair, Luigi and Guido, their eyes large with repressed tears and whimpering pitifully. Dozens more vehicles filled the spaces, ranging from friends he and Giulia had met over the years, to old comrades from C.H.R.O.M.E. He was certain that he had seen Calvin Muffler amongst the gathered, but he couldn't be sure.

Though in the front row, Lightning and Sally were smiling brightly, with Miguel a bit ways away. The silver Competizione, startlingly, appeared to be on the verge of tears, and he locked eyes with his father for an instant. He nodded, and Finn felt his heart swell. His son had given them his official consent.

Tomber coughed, though if it was in order to hide the soft spot he had suddenly obtained or get the crowd's attention was anyone's guess. He nodded to the forklift in the second row, and Guido's tears abruptly vanished before he sped up to the altar, somehow procuring a satin pillow with two polished lug nuts, brandishing his drill. Finn nodded as the little Italian forklift drove over to Giulia's side with one of the lug nuts, and the Aston Martin said, "With this lug nut, I thee wed."

The roaring of the drill piercing the silence for a few seconds before Guido was content with the result, and coasted over to Finn's side with the remaining lug nut. "With this lug nut, I thee wed," Giulia repeated softly.

"Felicitazioni," the forklift chirped after drilling the last nut into place, before zipping back into the crowd. Tomber cleared his throat again, though the little French car couldn't keep the grin from spreading across his front bumper.

"By the power vested in me by the state of Arizona, France, and the website where I got my credentials, and witnessed by your friends and family, I now pronounce you husband and wife." Finn could feel the anticipation bubbling from the crowd, just waiting to release their collective cheers, catcalls, and wolf whistles, but he ignored the feeling. He locked eyes with his love, and felt the unspoken words travel between them.

I love you.

Tomber continued, sending his old friend a knowing smirk and wink as he declared, "You may now kiss the bride."

And so he did.

A/N: And...there! This story is now officially over!

I would like to thank everyone who ever reviewed, favorite-ed, or story alert-ed this fic! It all means so much to me :D

Also, I can't thank Funkywatermelon enough for allowing me to use this plot, and pretty much give me free reign with it. You are awesome!

As for the vows, I found them on numerous wedding websites, which was part of the reason it took me so long to update. The poem Tomber read is called "Marriage Joins Two People In The Circle Of Its Love" by Edmund O'Neill, and I don't own that either.

Thanks again for your response to this fic! All final reviews would be extremely appreciated :D