A/N: So, here it is. The not-so-long awaited and not-so-sought after sequel to Whispers In The Dark. I suppose you thought this would be inspired by a Skillet song, too, or perhaps even the same one. Nope. I drew my inspiration for this one from I Need A Doctor by Dr. Dre, Eminem and Skylar Grey. It's actually my second favorite song. Abby's POV here, and yes, it's slightly McAbby, because I'm a fan. A raving, screaming fan. Enjoy! And please review!


I'm about to lose my mind
You've been gone for so long
I'm running out of time
I need a doctor
Call me a doctor
I need a doctor, doctor
To bring me back to life

He was gone.

She knew the moment she saw him in Autopsy that nothing was going to be the same. It couldn't be.

She wouldn't be the same.

He never said how he felt, but she knew. They had agreed when they broke up that it would be easier to forget. A few times he had come close to saying what they pretended not to know, but he had always stopped himself. He respected her.

Too much, it seemed. She used him, and he let her. She couldn't take it back now.

She couldn't tell him that she hadn't moved on, either.

Tony had been lucky at the funeral. He had left.

She hadn't been able to move.

She hadn't been able to breathe.

She hadn't been able to hear what Sarah had said about him, or see the effort so many had put into making his funeral beautiful. She hadn't smelled the flowers from people who didn't know him like she did.

All she had seen was his cold face, paler than usual. His father, struggling to stay composed.

It hadn't really hit her until the morning of the funeral that he was really gone. She had woken up long before her alarm sounded, lying there in the dark, and then she truly realized that he wasn't coming back. She had never been much of a crier, but she had sobbed into her pillow until someone had entered her apartment.

Normally she would have threatened whoever it was, but right then she didn't care. The figure entered quietly and enveloped her in a hug. After a few minutes of crying into her shoulder, she looked up at Ziva, who helped her up and got her ready.

So now she sat, unmoving, in her apartment, staring at the coffin that she and Tim had "more than slept" in. She should have told him. She should have enjoyed what she had when she had it.

But she couldn't get past the fact that what she'd had, had only been a ghost of what it could have been.

She should have remembered that nothing good ever lasts. In the end, everyone ends up alone.

She hated herself for using him. For hurting him. But she couldn't bring herself to hate him for letting her.

She couldn't hate him for leaving her.

He wasn't hers anymore. Hadn't been hers for years. She knew him well enough to realize, though, to know that, if he had the power to be here, he would be.

But he wasn't.

He was gone.

She watched with disinterest as Ziva exited her kitchen, carrying a plate of food that was set before her. On seeing no intention to eat it, Ziva sighed and put her hands on her hips.

"Do I have to feed it to you as well?"

Abby reluctantly began to eat. After she finished, Ziva laid her hand over Abby's.

"It will be alright, Abby. I know it may not seem like it right now, but everything will work out."

Abby didn't answer, but her eyes spoke volumes. The look Ziva saw there chilled her. She seemed so hopeless.

Abby knew what Ziva must be seeing on her face, but she didn't hide her expression. She would see right through it, anyway.

She was lost without him.

Ziva's phone rang, distracting her. She stepped away from the table and answered it. Abby watched as her form went from strong – a put-on emotion, she knew – to drained. She sagged against the wall, looking defeated. The pain in her eyes multiplied.

Something had happened. That much was obvious.

She returned to the table after flipping her phone shut, taking Abby's hand.

"Abby… I'm afraid something's happened at Tim's apartment."


A/N: Well? Yeah, I know… Not exactly light McAbby there. Did I lay it on too thick? You can tell me when you REVIEW.

P.S. In case you were wondering, my number one favorite song is What I've Done by Linkin Park ;)