OK, so this story started as dream I had… but the Vampire Diaries weren't exactly the ones I dreamed… So I just adjusted them to this story, and I think they fitted perfectly! :D
st fic, be patient with me please, any types of reviews are accepted ;) Characters can be a little OOC, sorry.

The summary:

Destiny isn't something you can either choose or change.
You can't go back and fix your mistakes.
You can't go back and save people from death.
You can't go back and decide not to make a bad move.
You just can't play with your destiny.

'Wh-what happened to me? Where am I?'
'Damon Salvatore, you're a vampire now and you'll be our new King'

»His daily routine«

Normal. It is the right word to describe the life of Damon, well of course they were also other words like boring, unhappy, confused, all but empty.


There is for me a reason why I wake up every freakin' day at 6 am to go to my tedious work and take orders from the disgustingly rich customers at the "Mystic Falls" restaurant. -He reasoned slightly mad- The more filthy millionaires they are, they don't even leave a decent tip...

But back to MY reason for dealing with my insignificant life –the one that keeps me away from the idea of cutting my veins, hitting my head against the wall multiple times or threw myself of a building- has a name, to be honest the most beautiful name on the world -or at least to me- Elena.
Oh, just to remember her name was making him feel nervous, and even more knowing that tonight they would have a date, the ninth date to be exact.

Pfft! I sound like a love fool!He thought in disgust.

Is a disgrace to have to wait until the last filthy rich client leaves the restaurant to go see her...

So what do you think? I know it was short but I promise they will be longer c;
Oh by the way… I know this story y supposed to be BAMON, but it's gonna start as Delena s:
I know! I hate Delena… but it's just how the story begins.