A/N: So… since nobody seems to have figured it out, and I don't remember read other fan fictions about it, here's my take on how Clive knows who Flora is when she tags along to… "Future" London. Takes place during Diabolical Box.

DISCLAIMER: If I owned the Professor Layton series, I wouldn't be posting Fan Fiction about it, would I? All I own is a copy of Diabolical Box and Unwound Future.


It was late in the night. Really late. Probably midnight. Clive had spent a better half of the day interviewing people for the something-th anniversary of Dropstone. He didn't care t remember which anniversary.

In any case, he slowly made his way through town trying to get to the platform in order to catch the next train back to… wherever it was. It said where on his ticket, which he went to fish out of his pocket when suddenly-


Whoever had crashed into Clive and made that noise, then added in a terrified voice, "W-Who's there?"

"Better question, who's out in the middle of the night?" challenged Clive.

"Um… someone that's lost?" answered who seemed to be a girl.

"Are you?" asked Clive, not really caring for the answer, and just trying to finish quickly.

"No…!" responded the girl.

"Good," said Clive, as he started to leave.

"Ah, actually, have you seen um… the professor or Luke?" she blurted, quickly changing her answer.

Something clicked in Clive's mind.



"Wears a top hat?"


"Who are you anyway?" he knew someone like this would likely be with the professor when he lured him into "Future" London.

"My name? Flora,"

"Well, Flora, I didn't see them over here, but maybe the people over there saw him,"

"Okay!" and the girl named Flora left without seeing the boy she spoke to, being an overcast night.

Clive smirked, and continued in the general direction of the platform, equipped with knowledge that would be certain to help him in the "Future".


A year or two later, a girl with the same voice popped up in "Future" London with the professor and Luke.

"Flora?" he asked.


A/N: There you have it! Short story is short. Please leave a review! :D