Disclaimer: I don't own any of the Harry Potter Characters but I do own the plot


This is a little idea I was playing with so I wrote some of it to see where it could go. Enjoy


It was a normal day at my home as I curled up on my favorite pillow as I waited for Rayven to come home from work. She has been working so much lately and she seems to never be here anymore to take care of me and I miss her.

Sighing as I turned over and strech out the kinks in my back before getting up and went to get me a drink from the kitchen when I heard the door open. My ears perked up as I listened to see who it was and a wide grin creeped up my face when I heard her voice.

Quickly bounding into the living room where Rayven was taking off her shoes, I pounced into her lap and rubbed my head against the underside of her chin. "Draco couldn't you wait till I got done my little Kitty." My master chuckled as she scratched behind my ears. Purring loudly I cuddled closer to her and made myself comfortable on her lap and wrapped my tail around her wrist as she continued to scratch behind my ears.

I remember when I didn't have things this good, I came from a poor master that owned my family. Humanoids are a very common pets for anyone but they are ranked by their beauty and rareity and my family are cats. Normal cats, the only thing that makes us stand out is our coloring. White blonde hair and blue grey eyes and fair skin.

But even with our beauty, we aren't really cared for and when the owners of my family could no longer afford their home, the men in black came and took everything away. They killed my parents and I barely got away. I was only a couple years old and I was running for my life when I literally ran into the legs of Rayven. Our eyes made contact and I quickly tried to run away but she was to quick and snatched me up and took me home with here and I've been here ever since.

Rayven wrapped her arms around me and stood up and headed over to the mail drop and began flipping threw it when she came to one that I recongized. It was an offical notice that concerned humaniods from the organization that dealt with them.

Sitting me down on the floor Ravyen opened it up and began reading it as a sneer worked its way onto her lips. Twisting suddenly she walked back over to her shoes on before slamming them on and stalking out the door leaving behind a very confused Draco.

It was near midnight when I heard the door open again, signalling Rayvens return. Waiting quietly on the bed, I listened as she walked around the house before finally coming into the bedroom. Flopping on the bed beside me, she was quiet for a long time. "Draco….do you remember when we talked about you growing up and getting a mate?" I nodded, "Well the the organization has set it up where all pets will go to this place where you will interact with other pets till you have been choosen to be someones mate."

Well that's all of Chapter 1, hope you found it interesting and stick around for the next chapter.