Author's note: Hello there!This is my first fanfiction ever. Please support me! Just so you know, I'm not from any English-speaking country. If you find any grammar mistake, please correct me. Thank you.

Another note: The story takes place 5 years after the incident in The Answer. There are some changes in the storyline. Minato and Hamuko are twin, both are Wild Card user but Death resides inside Hamuko. On October 4th, Minato took the bullet for Shinji and died, later, Hamuko became the Great Seal. 5 years later, Shinji worked at restaurant as a chief, Akihiko was a police and got married to Mitsuru (who was currently pregnant at the story time). Junpei and Yukari ended up together. Aigis stayed with Fuuka in her lab and Igor was enjoying his vacation when he made Minato worked his gut out at the Velvet room for him.

Chapter I

"Welcome to the Velvet room"

Shinjiro couldn't believe his eyes. The person sitting in front of him now was his old comrade, his silent cooking buddy and moreover, his life savior. 5 years ago, October the 4th, he scarified himself to save Shinjiro's ass. And he died. Yes, he freaking died 5 years ago. His funeral was held on a small hill behind Gekkokan high school. It took a while for everyone to get over his death. Now back to the point, he's a dead man, how can he sit here, in front of Shinj, of all plac... hey, wait! Where the hell is this place?

Shinji took a look around himself, he was in a room, no, more like an elevator room which was covered in a velvet color. This place looked familiar. Oh yes! It is! This is the place where Aigis and the SEES members were sent to, 5 years ago after Hamuko's... death. But, as he can remember clearly, the one who sat on the sofa last time was a long nosed man, not Minato!

- Hello, senpai. Long time no see! How are you doing? - Minato placed his hands under his chin. He looked no different than the Minato Shinji knew 5 years ago. Blue hair, silver eyes, bored expression ...- You must be very surprise, eh?

- What the hell is happening? Am I dreaming? - Shinjiro grunted, he still couldn't believe the fact that Minato was sitting in front of him.

- Er... I'm not sure about that. You're not dreaming yet you're dreaming. It's kind of complicated. Even I don't really get what's going on in this room sometime. - Minato snorted- Moreover, I have some serious business to discuss with you.

- What is it? What's going on here?

A glass of water was placed gently in front of Shinji. Elizabeth smiled at him:

- Allow me to explain, Shinjiro san.

Minato shrugged and flopped his back on the sofa. He looked sleepy..

- As you can see, master Minato is dead ... physically. But, he's one special case. While his physical body no longer alive, his soul still exists.

- So you mean he's a ghost now? - Shinji raised an eyebrow. It's obvious. When a man dies, he becomes a ghost!.

- A special ghost, I may say. Master Minato processed a power that gained him the ability to go through space and dimension. He becomes a spiritual being, like us, who reside inside the Velvet room. Unfortunately, normal humans can't see him, though.

- Is that what ghosts usually do?

- Ughh...- Elizabeth face palmed- Unfortunately, Aragaki san, it's not.

- What she's trying to say is, after I died, I gained power to go wherever I want, unlike ghosts who can only wander around the place where they pass away. -Minato broke in the hopeless conversation- Back to the main point, after the last battle with Nyx, and ... what happened to my little sister. I've been searching for a way to free her without causing the Fall to happen again with some of my friend in this Velvet room ... -

- ... And you've finally found a solution? - Shinjiro readjusted his sitting posture. Does that mean there's a way to get Hamuko back?

- Unfortunately, no- Minato answered with his monotone voice- But, I found something interesting while I paid a visit to the Great Seal some months ago. Elizabeth- san, would you mind?

Elizabeth answered him with a gentle smile on her face and a silent nod. She then made her way to the corner of the room. A door magically appeared. She touched the knob and opened it.

Shinjiro couldn't believe his eyes.

Slowly stepped out of the door was Hamuko. No, a mini-version of Hamuko. She looked exactly like Hamuko except for the fact that she was a kid and her hair was tied to two pig tails. The girl wore a velvet colored dress and held a Jack Frost doll in her arms. She looked sleepy.

- Come here, Minako- chan! Minato smiled gently as he waved at the kid, telling her to come closer.

The girl slowly made her way to the sofa and climbed up Minato's lap. There, she gave Minato a big glomp, just before she turned her cute tiny head around to look at Shinjiro.

Red orbs stared at him.

- Whos' he? -She blinked her eyes, Arm still around Minato's neck.

- He's your papa.







Shinjiro's jaw dropped.

- My papa? - The girl tilted her head.

- Yeah. Come greet him. - Minato put her down and pushed her back.

Red orbs stared at him.

The girl looked rather confused. She bit her lower lip, hands nervously tugged her dress, eyes still gazed at Shinjiro and feet hesitantly took a small step.

Shinjiro tried his best not to look weird.

The atmosphere inside the room became unbearably heavy.

- W-wait a minute! I'm not ready for this... yet! - Shinjiro nervously broke the silent. He clutched his head. What the hell's going on?

Red orbs stared at him.

- I thought so too. Since this is too sudden ... Minako chan- Minato pulled the little girl to his arms- Papa is a little bit surprised to see you. Now he and uncle Minato need to discuss something important. Will you be a good girl and play with Miss Elizabeth in your room? - Minato had always had a soft spot for kids. Like how he often hung out with a girl in the shrine every Saturday and how he tutored Ken in his study (No, he's not a pedophile)

- Yes- The girl bashfully nodded- Good night, uncle Minato! - She kissed Minato on the cheek.

- Good night- Minato smiled gently.

Minako took Elizabeth hand and headed toward the door.



"Good night, papa"- she whispered.

Shinjiro's heart skipped a beat.