Lex Luthor had declared War against The Man of Steel when he orchestrated the destruction of the Metropolis Bay District, killing over ten thousand people. While trying to escape, Lex beat Kara to near death; leaving her for Superman to find. Lex retreated to his lab and tried to engage an experiment of his; when Superman intervened however, the experiment backfired and ended up throwing the two across universes.
The two ended up in the Marvel Universe. Superman; who was captured by the Avengers, became panicked when he learned that he was no longer on his own Earth, and made a mistake that would be the key Luthor needed to turn the Avengers against Superman.
After a confrontation between Superman and The Avengers, who were led by Lex Luthor himself; Lex was shown for his true colours and The Avengers suspended their agreement with him. Now Superman is fully recovered from his battle, but remains lost in the Marvel Universe. Soon after his recovery, Superman was approached by a strange figure who had been searching for him on behalf of the Monitors of the DC Multiverse. The strange figure informed Superman that he would have to wait for three days until his companions would find him. This is the story of those days...
(For the full story on HOW Superman came to be in the Marvel Universe in the first place, you might want to check out my other story "The Marvelous Adventure of Superman." If you don't want to and just want to read about Spidey and The New Avengers, then that's cool. Hope you enjoy)
(Also wouldd like to add that"The Marvelous Adventue of Superman." has been edited into a final draft, except for the Epilogue. )
- "Home is behind, the world ahead,
and there are many paths to tread,
Through Shadows to the edge of night,
Until the stars are all alight.
Then world behind and home ahead,
We'll wander back to home and bed."-
From:"The Travelling Song" By J.R.R Tolkien
Day 1 / Part: 1: 10:20 AM
"CK! You gotta check this out!" Peter Parker shouted as he charged up the hallway of Avengers Mansion; wearing a pair of jeans and a sweater, with a newspaper in his hand; running up to Supermann; who wore his full uniform except for his cape.
"What is it Peter?" Clark said as Peter handed him the paper.
"It's you! Well I mean it's a story about you! Just check it out!" Clark opened the Daily Bugle to see a picture of himself in full costume floating above the group of people he had saved from the bank. The article was entitled: Step Aside Masked Vigilantes. There's a 'Superman' In Manhattan. "I think you may have made J.J. Jameson your biggest fan." Peter said with a smile.
Clark looked over to Peter with a confused look on his face as he opened up the paper and began to read the article about him. "Someone you know I take it?" Peter let out a low chuckle as he pondered on how much better life was when he didn't know J.J...and how much less fun he had as Spidey.
"He's my boss at the Daily Bugle." Peter said as Clark closed up the newspaper and handed it back to Peter.
"You work at a newspaper?" Clark said with surprise.
"Yah. No. Well I'm a free-lance photographer, so...hey, aren't you going to read it?" Peter said half insulted as he took back the paper.
"I already did." Clark said with a smile; to which Peter looked at him with a disbelieving look before he started to laugh slightly.
"That...you...you're serious aren't you?" Peter said, his eye's widening as a smile perched over Clarks face.
A look of reverence fell over Peters face. "Wow...when I think of the hours I've spent reading over books trying to find out every last detail...and you can just bzzzt!" Peter made a strange buzzing noise as he zipped his hand around in the air. "So CK...what exactly did you say gives you your powers?" Peter said as he leaned in close, expecting Clark to whisper some great secret into his ear. Clark laughed.
"Sorry Peter; I was born on a planet far away from Earth...I'm not actually human." Peters eyes widened even more.
"You..." Peter took a step back, shock evident on his face. Clark looked to Peter with a worried face, was it possible Peter was afraid of him now that he knew the truth? "You..." Peter continued. "...you're from outer space? No way! Can you take me? I mean I'd have to get a space suit; but if I get one can we go to space?" Peter said as he became more and more excited by the idea.
"Haha, maybe later. If you don't mind I'd like to go out on patrol. According to the Bugle there's still a mess from my fight with Hulk that needs to be cleaned up. I don't want to risk that someone might have been buried beneath the rubble like HawkEye and Black Widow were." Clark said as a serious look came over his face. The look of cherful glee left Peters face and was replaced by one of worry.
"That's a good idea. I'll come with. You know, because New York is a big place and all...the Big Apple it's called in our universe." Peter continued to speak as he and Clark walked down the hallway of Avengers mansion and back towards the briefing room. "Checking in with Fury?" Peter asked as Clark approached the door to the briefing room, Clark nodded back to Peter before he entered.
"I don't want him to think that I can just do anything I want. For the time I'm here I'll do what I can to help you...all of you." Clark walked through the door as a confused look came over Peters face.
"For the time he's here?" Peter said quietly as the door shut behind Superman.
"I don't need to remind you that this group is government sanctioned." Steve Rogers said as he sat in a chair at the table, Nick Fury standing behind him with a folder in his hands.
Nick Fury cast Steve Rogers an irritated look, "And I don't need to remind you that the sanction is only valid while you are on the team. What you're sugesting here is a new team; with new leadership. How do you think that idea will sit with the people in charge?" Steve Rogers and Nick Fury both looked up as Superman entered the room.
"Mr. Kent;" Nick Fury began, closing the folder in his hand and holding it by his side. "Is there something I can help you with?" Fury said as Superman approached the table.
"I just wanted to let you know that I'm going to the battle site to help with the clean up." Fury began eyeballing Clark; trying his best to figure out if there was some hidden agenda.
"I don't have a problem with that. Though I'd feel better if you had an escort." Fury said as smile covered Clarks face.
"Spierman has already agreed to show me around." Steve Rogers began to smile brightly and looked up to Nick Fury; who rolled his eye.
"Fine. Tell Spiderman I want him to check in once every six hours." Clark nodded his head.
"Will do."
As Superman turned and began to exit the room he heard Nick Fury say to Steve Rogers; "Wipe that smile off your face Captain. Just because he's escorting this guy around doesn't mean anything." Clark heard a heavy sigh escape Captain America as Clark shut the door behind him and saw Peter Parker sitting on bench making adjustments to his webshooter.
"You don't give him enough credit General. You may be surprised at just how well he could do if you gave him the chance." Clark heard Steve Rogers say as he approached Peter Parker.
"I'm ready when you are." Clark said with a smile.
Superman lifted a large boulder over his head to reveal a small cat sitting in a small hole between several rocks. The cat craddled an injured paw to its chest as it looked up at Superman with sad eyes. Superman used his free hand to reach down and scoop the cat up gently, it released an annoyed meow as Superman held the animal close and placed the rock back on the ground. A small girl and her parents who were nearby cleaning through the debris of their appartment heard the cat meow and came running over.
The small girl smiled brightly at the sight of her cat in Supermans arms. "Mr. Whiskers; your paw!" The little girl said with horror at the sight of the blood on the cats paw.
"Mr. Whiskers is a tough kitty; its only a small cut, and it doesn't look infected. He'll be fine, I promise." Superman said as he handed the cat to the girls father, who looked at Superman with a look of shock and enlightenment. The mans wife came up and grabbed her husband by the arm, and taking her daughter by the hand before looking Superman in the face with a look of mistrust.
"Thank you." The woman said dryly as she turned with her family and began to walk away.
As they continued to clean up, Superman heard the husband ask, "Why did you do that?"
"Don't forget that this is his mess in the first place Frank. How many more Mutant attacks like this are we going to have to deal with?"
Superman turned to see Spiderman sitting on a bench talking on his communicator device that Captain America had given. Superman began to approach him. "Umm, oh! He lifted a car out of the ground which wasn't even that badly damaged. The owner was able to drive off in it. It was a nice car too; the guy was so grateful that he offered the BigGuy money!" Spiderman said through his communicator as Captain America retorted.
"Spidey... I'm going to pretend that the last fifteen minutes haven't been filled with your voice and ask you once more: Why are you calling when it's not the six hour check in period?"
There were several moments of silence as Spiderman looked at his communicator; he then lowered his head in shame. "I'm bored, okay. No body wants me to help them because Jameson has half the island turned against me." A short sigh was heard through the communicator.
"What did Hank say to you the first time you met?" Captain America said as Spiderman let out a long sigh.
" 'Letting Jameson label you a menace was your biggest mistake, but not your fist'. Ya, I know, laying in the bed I've made, or whatever old-oldschool word of wisdom you had lined up." Spidey said as Captain America laughed.
"You got it Spidey. So do me a favor and don't call again for three hours. It makes people worry when you call in before the assigned time; don't want us getting into a lax mood when there's a serious issue you need help with."
"Fair enough. Talk to ya later Cap." Spidey said as he turned off his communicator and turned to Superman, who stood with a smile on his face. "Is it all done?" Spiderman asked as he began to look around, seeing only the bank security guards unloading bags of money into an armored truck.
"I think I've done all I can." Superman said as he began to float in the air.
"Okay. Well I don't know about you Big Blue, but I am famished! What do you say we go get some of the best tomato soup on the planet!" Spiderman said with excitment as he jumped up the side of a building and landed on its roof; Superman gliding up to meet him.
"That does sounds good. I'm afraid I don't have my wallet on me though...no pockets. Maybe I should reconsider the cape." Superman said as he gripped the fabric which hung from his back.
"What! No way. The cape makes it! I've always wanted a cape, but all that swinging around...well lets just say its bad news to be in free fall and be blind as a bat." Spiderman said as a grin formed along Clarks face.
"I've seen a Bat pull out of a free fall."
"Ah, but was he wearing a cape?" Spiderman asked with a victorious tone; to which Clark replied in a joking voice.
"Actually, he was. He was wearing a cape long before I was." Clark said with a smile as Spiderman looked at him slightly confused.
"We're not talking about an actual bat, are we?" Clark smiled as he began to hover in the air.
"I'll tell you all about it over soup."
"Oh yah; soup! Don't worry about money. Our money is no good where we're going." Spiderman said with a grin as he leapt from the building and began to websling away, Superman following close behind him. As Spiderman turned the corner Clark could hear a high pitched laugh coming from several blocks away.
"They're leaving! Get everyone ready to move in." The voice said as the laugh calmed, and Clark flew around the corner to catch up with Spiderman.
"Spidey, I think we should double back for a minute." Clark said as he flew up next to Spiderman as he shot out another webline.
"What? No." Spiderman said groaningly as he launched himself towards a nearby wall; sticking to its surface. "Soup! Hungry! Remember?" Spidey said as he rubbed his stomach, Superman floating up to meet him.
"Trust me Spidey. We forgot something back there." A confused look came over Peters face.
"We did? I don't remember," Superman quickly cut in.
"Trust me. We forgot something important. Come on, follow me. We'll be eating before you know it." Superman smiled as he began to fly slowly down the road and floated at the other end of the street. Spiderman sighed heavily as he began to swing down to meet Superman.
"I've heard that before. That's what Reed said last time I went to visit. He just had to finish his new device." Spiderman thought out loud to himself as he shot another webline and swung around the corner to double back to where they had left from. "It was cool, sure; but it ended up throwing us into some pocket universe with dragons and wizards...again, cool; but I don't like fighting hordes of monsters on an empty stomach." As Spiderman spoke he could hear Clark laughing lightly ahead of him. As Superman turned the next street corner Spiderman could hear his laughing stop. Spiderman swung around the corner to the sight of Hobgoblin hovering abover the ground on his glider, holding one of the banks guards by the throat; the other three guards were scattered about as several masked men piled into the armored truck and began to speed away. Hobgoblin dropped the man along with a pumpkin bomb and began to fly away laughing. In a blur of red and blue Superman tossed himself onto the bomb as it exploded upon his chest. Superman rose from the ground, his chest still smoking from the blast. "C, er; Superman, are you okay?" Spiderman said as several of the guards began to approach.
"I'm fine. How are all of you?" Superman asked the group of guards as they all limped over.
"We're fine, Hobgoblin got the drop on us. We tried to hold him off but there were too many of them." The guard said as Superman reached out and placed a friendly hand on the mans shoulder.
"You were very brave; he could have killed you. You can leave the rest to us." Superman said as he turned to Spiderman; who was standing several feet away, with his arms crossed and staring off into the distance after Hobgoblin.
"It figures; and the Parker luck strikes again! Now I get to choose between going after a heavily armored bank truck, or dealing with pumpkin-bombs...I hate the Goblins!" Spidey said lightly as he clenched his fists. "You know what," Spidey said as he took a deep breath and pointed to Superman; "You take the twenty-seven ton speeding vehichle, I'll take the idiot with the bombs." Superman smiled.
"Sounds fair enough. See you in a flash." Superman said as he took off into the sky and began to soar down the road in the direction of the bus. Spiderman launched himself from his spot and began to websling as fast as he could to catch up with Hobgoblin.
"Did you see the look on that dumb guards face when I smacked him with my pistol? He was all like 'Don't hurt me!' Haha, pathetic." One of the goons said as he removed his mask, the man sat in the passengers seat with another goon at the wheel; and three men in the back counting the money. Several of the men laughed at their friends comment. As the truck sped down the street on of the goons in the back leaned into the front of the truck through a small window, "So what was our cut outta this again?" The man asked.
"Five percent each; and considering the haul; I'd say we're laughing." The man in the passenger seat said with a laugh as he leaned back in his seat, the other goon went back to counting money.
The truck shook for a moment and the three men in the back fell over. "What the hell! Watch your driving up there numb-skull!" One of the men in the back called out.
"I didn't hit nothin' there! Don't know what the hell that was." The driver said as he began to shift the steering wheel slightly from left to right, noticing that the truck was no longer responding. "What the hell, I don't think I'm driving this thing anymore." The man said as he let go of the wheel; but then there was a sudden tilt in the trucks trajectory as it began to soar into the skyline.
"What's going on? Did we die in that robbery?" The man in the passengers seat asked as he looked out the window. The man adjusted the driver side window so that he could see under the car, and when he did he was shocked to see Superman holding the car over his head.
"Huh...you guys don't happen to watch the news do you?" The man asked as he looked to the driver, and then to the three in the back. They all shook their heads. "I didn't think so." The man said, looking back to Superman as the truck was flown over the roof of a building and Superman began to double back to the site where they had stolen the truck from. "Okay, here's the plan. You three get ready to burst out the back. Once you've got their attention we'll pop out the doors and give you guys cover fire." The man said as he pulled out a pistol and cocked it back. Suddenly the man felt his gun become too hot to touch; he screamed in pain as the gun fell to the floor. Suddenly the same thing happened to the rest of the goons as their guns all fell to the floor.
The men looked from one another in disbelief; the driver began to pound at his steering wheel and try desperatly to change the direction of the car; but it was useless. Soon the men could see the ground getting closer to them; several police officers had arrived on the scene and were waiting for the truck to took hold of the front of the van as his feet his the ground, and he began to set the van down on the street. As the trucks wheels of the truck hit the floor; the three men in back opened the door and exited with their hands behind their heads. The two men in the front of the van followed shortly after.
The police officers quickly pounced on the robbers; putting their hands behind their backs and handcufing all of them. Superman began to float into the air. "Thanks for the help Superman." One of the police officers said as he waved to Superman. Superman returned the smile.
"That was an excellent response time gentlemen; I'm impressed." Superman said as the police began to put the goons into the back seats of several squad cars.
"Thank you sir. Glad to have you on our side." As the officer spoke, Superman heard an explosion in the distance, and the sound of Peter shouting"; he turned to the officers and said,
"Excuse me, I think I'm needed somewhere." And with that Superman took off from his spot in a blur of red and blue.
"Damn you, wall-crawler! How did you know we were there?" Hobgolin shouted as he tossed several pumpkin bombs towards Spiderman as leapt around in the air; using concentrated webblasts to explode the pumpkin bombs before they could hit him or do any damage to the surrounding area.
"Oh you know me Hobby-Gobby; I've got a knack for telling when there's trouble afoot." Spiderman taunted his opponent as he landed a webline onto Hobgoblins glider. The glider swerved in the air from the extra weight as Hobgoblin tried to shake Spiderman off of him.
Spiderman sent a second webline which connected to the glider as well. Hobgoblin began to fly over a building and crash Spiderman into a power generator; but Spiderman reacted by leaping over the generator with effortless ease. As Spiderman felt his feet plant on the ground, he began to think out loud to himself, "Sticky feet, sticky feet!" And soon Spidermans feet stuck in place, jerking Hobgoblin off of his glider. Hobgoglin reached up and grabbed hold of the edge of his glider and began to pull a pumpkin bomb from his pouch as his glider hovered in the air.
"You'll regret this Spiderman!" Hobgoblin shouted as he threw the pumpkin bomb towards Spiderman with all of his might.
As the bomb left Hobgodlins hand, Spiderman gave a powerful tug on his weblines, causing the glider to jerk with such force that Hobgoblin lost his hold and began to fall. As the pumpkin bomb neared Spiderman he leapt back onto the power generator and snagged the pumpkin bomb with a well placed webline and swung the bomb back around and tossed it towards the glider. The glider exploded and crashed into the building Spiderman stood on in a heap of flaming wreckage. Spiderman moved quickly to extinguish the flame by smothering it with his webbing.
Spiderman reached down to his stomach with one hand, and up to his head with the other before saying, "Phew, all that gliding around on an empty stomach made me kinda queasy." Spiderman said as he began to approach the ledge where Hobgoblin had fallen. "Can't believe I lost the badguy! That's what happens when I do this on a low fuel guage..." Spiderman said to himself as he looked over the edge to see Hobgoblin struggling against Superman as he held him by his orange hood.
Hobgoblin shouted out, "I'll teach you to man-handle the Hobgoblin!" He began to reach into his pouch for another pumpkin bomb, but before he could lift up the clasp, Superman smacked his palm against Hobgoblins head lightly, leaving him unconscious; dangling from his hoob as Superman held a firm grasp on it.
"That was fun. Almost getting exploded was what we forgot; wasn't it?" Spiderman asked in a bland tone as he crossed his arms, Superman floating up to meet him ontop of the roof with a light smile across his face.
" 'Almost' being the key word, " Superman said. Spiderman sighed slightly before Superman continued; "besides, it's not like we got attacked by any hordes of monsters." Spiderman uncrossed his arms.
"Yah...though that would have been cool." Spiderman said before his stomach let out a vicious growl. "Uh-oh. That didn't sound good." Spiderman said as he looked up to Superman. "Hey CK. Think you could do that 'swoosh' thing you do, and get Hobby to the police station?" Spiderman asked as Clark tucked Hobgoblin under his arm and disappeared in a blur of red and blue.
Spiderman raised his hand in front of his face and formed a fist. He lifted up one finger...then a second one; and then two more. As he went to extend his thumb for the fifth second there was another blur of red and blue and Superman stood before him. "Done." Clark said as Spidermans stomach growled again; this time louder, and more aggressive than the last time.
"Oh no; so hungry...and food, so far away...I'll never make it." Spiderman said as he gripped at his stomach. Superman floated up into the air and called back to Spiderman.
"Hey Spidey, launch a webline this way." Spiderman looked up to him confused; then Spiderman thought he knew what was about to happen, and quickly launched a webline up to Superman.
Superman took hold of the webline and wrapped it around his left arm several times; he then turned back to Spiderman and shouted, "Hang on tight!"
Spiderman took a firm grip on his webline as Superman took off into the air; Spiderman follwing behind him, literally dangling from a thread. Yet Spiderman was not worried; and instead of the expected terrified sceam; the people in the streets below could only hear Spiderman shout out in excitement, "YAHOO!"
Day 1 / End of Part: 1: 2:56 PM
{Hope you enjoyed the first chapter in Superman's 'vacation' in the Marvel Universe. Not so much of what the Title promises, I know; but as you might have picked up Steve Rogers wants Spiderman leading a new team...wonder how that will turn out? :p. Expect to see Superman teaming up with some familiar faces, and being pitted against brand new enemies (well...for Superman at least, bringing out some of the Marvel U's heaviest and deadliest) the likes of which The Man of Steel has never encountered before.}
(If you like what you've read then tap that review button and leave some feedback. You never know, something you say might spark a creative influence of some kind? I do enjoy reading them as well. :p)