The French Mistake?

What should have happened in the French mistake. Dean/Misha! Obvious hints at Jensen/Misha.

After being thrust into an alternate universe to escape more vengeful angels Dean and Sam found out quickly that everything is not as it seems.

"Dude, in this world or whatever, we're actors. We're playing ourselves for a tv show!" Sam said practically freaking out.

"What we need to do is find Cas. He'll know what to do." Dean told his brother, only slightly calmer.

As the wandered off the set they huddled together and Dean prayed for the angel. "Dear Castiel, who art, may be running his ass away from heaven… We pray that you have your ears on. So…. Breaker breaker…" he looked around and beyond another piece of set Cas stood in the middle of the street looking quizzically at them. "CAS! Thank god. Where the hell are we?" he asked hurrying over to him with Sam right behind him.

The angel gave him a confused look for a moment but changed to his usual straight face and explained they were put in an alternate universe to keep them safe till he could reach them.

"Okay so… how do we get back? I mean why all this tv crap?" Sam asked, and now Cas gave him another confused look and sighed.

"Oh man did they add new lines again?" he asked. Pulling some papers out of his trench coat and started thumbing thru them.

"Sam this isn't Cas." Dean said annoyed grabbing the papers from the man, "These are lines in a script. He's an actor! You're names Misha?" he asked now looking at the guy who was undoing his tie and buttons on his shirt.

"Are you guys ok?" Misha asked them and they promptly turned their backs on him and started walking away. Misha groaned having been 'duped' again. "Aw you guys! I'm totally tweeting this!" he yelled chucking the papers that were shoved back into his hand at them and pulled out his cell phone. 'Hola misha-migos. J2 got me good, I'm really starting to feel like one of the guys…'

Later they had to actually 'act' for the show, which turned into a disaster as Sam was terrible at faking anything. Dean wasn't so great himself but they muddled thru.

"Should we try to figure a way back? I mean their going to want us to leave and we can't just stay here. Our… actor selves must live somewhere." Sam complained hurriedly.

"Alright we'll just…" Dean started but Misha approached them before he could say anymore.

"Jensen do you want to go run lines back in my trailer? You seemed…. Off today." Misha offered, a smirk on his lips, and Dean found it nice to see something besides the stoic straight face, although he was being laughed at.

"Uh, sure… I mean yea Mish, let's go," he said and turned to Sam and shrugged as he followed the other towards the door.

"What do I do now!" Sam yelled.

"Go home you bitch!"


Misha laughed as Dean slammed the door behind him and caught up to his side. "Well you pulled off a perfect Dean right there! What happened today? To much of the 'whiskey' last night?" Misha asked and continued to laugh.

"Yea…" Dean said and ran a hand over his face, "Yea, shouldn't drink the night before shooting, duh."

Misha shook his head, making a tsk sound and jogged up to a trailer. Dean followed and walked in behind the other. The trailer was quite classy. Lots of blues and neutral colors, a tan couch on one wall a large ornate rug in the middle, obviously from a different part of the world. "Nice place," he muttered.

Misha gave him a strange look over his shoulder and shook his head. "You must have really had a rough night babe," he chuckled and brought over two rocks glasses with amber liquor in them. "Here, If you were out with the moose last night you definitely didn't drink the good stuff" Misha said handing him one of the glasses and downed his own.

Dean took the gulp of liquor and scrunched his nose at the flavor. "What the hell, man?" he looked back at the now empty glass and then the bar where Misha had came from.

"Its Disarono Jen, your favorite?" Misha said questioningly.

"Oh…" was all Dean could muster. The liquor was good, just not the usual burn of the whiskey he always drank. Dean figured that he did like it, his 'other self' did apparently. "I mean of course. Sorry Misha its… its been a long day. Sometimes the whole 'getting into character' thing is hard and once you're in it you find it hard to escape." He explained feeling very insightful.

"You're so hot when you talk like that," Misha's voice dropped to the low gravely voice he recognized, and his eyes grew wide as the shorter man pressed their lips together.

He was frozen in place. Castiel, Misha, whatever! Was kissing him. And what was worse he couldn't pull away. Didn't want to pull away. Since he met Cas, the angel had been giving him long stares, been invasive in his personal space, and on some occasions watched him while he slept. And while all these things were irritating and somewhat creepy he had grown a… fondness for the angel. Their 'profound bond' as Cas had once put it, was reaching further levels than even Dean realized till now. Till the guy who looked just like his angel was sneaking his tongue out to lick his bottom lip.

Dean groaned and kissed him back, biting at his plump lower lip. Misha smiled against his mouth, despite the sharp little pain. "There's the Jen I know," Misha husked.

"Maybe not completely what you know…" Dean growled, he took the glasses from their hands and set them down quickly and turned back a smirk on his lips and lifted his eyebrows at the other. "Come er!" he grabbed the other and tossed him on the couch. Misha laughed at his antics. Dean threw off the blue jacket and peeled off the tight black shirt, a smile crept onto his face as Misha's eyes grew bigger as more skin was exposed. He looked down at the other on the couch. Taking in his still disheveled hair, having not bothered to wash the gel out of his hair from the earlier shoot but that was the only familiar aspect about him. He wore a weird grandma like sweater, with a marvin the martian shirt underneath, with jeans with the knees ripped out. He was so… unlike the angel he'd grown to know it was ridiculous. His smile, which was usually non existent, was infectious. His laugh, something unheard of. And even his eyes, not that they were anymore or less ethereally blue, but there was… mirth and mischief in his eyes, and Dean liked it.

Misha narrowed his eyes giving Dean a look of want and he couldn't deny him. He slowly approached him and leaned over his body, placing a knee between the others legs and moved so their lips were barely touching, hovering just inches above him. Misha tried to lean up and close the gap but Dean put a hand on his shoulder, effectively holding him in place. "You know I don't like being teased Jensen," Misha said gruffly and pouted his lip out a little.

"That's too bad then," Dean replied and instead of kissing his lips he shifted slightly and kissed his throat, sucking and nipping as he went. He continued as Misha gave groans of approval, biting down a little harder, leaving a mark. He rubbed Misha's side thru his shirt moving his hands further down to lift it up and only then allowed Misha room to sit up a bit to remove the goofy blue sweater, then his shirt was sailing across the small room moments later. Dean leaned down again, licking and biting the pale expanse of skin, nipping lightly at his adam's apple, and lingering at his collar bone, trailing soft kisses till he reached a pointed nipple, and tongued at it, making Misha moan.

Misha could hardly take much more before Dean had stopped, like he could read his mind and pressed his lips almost harshly against his. Misha moved his mouth against his, fighting with his rendezvous partner for a little bit of purchase, but Dean was having none of it. Dean ground his hips in a painfully slow grind against him and all the fight in him was gone. "Let me do things my way okay?" Dean rasped and it made him shiver.

Dean smiled when Misha nodded; he figured it wouldn't be hard to convince the other to let him do what he wanted. Whether or not he was that 'Jensen' dude in this world, he didn't think his personality would be that much different. He couldn't imagine being any other way, I mean sex god was universally transcendent, right? He continued kissing the, would be angel as his fingers ghosted down Misha's sides finally reaching their destination at the waist of his jeans. Just as he was going to unbutton the pants a loud bang came from the trailer door. "Shit!" Dean yelled and glared at the door. But the person wasn't giving in, another louder bang practically shook the trailer. He turned his gaze back to Misha who looked just as confused if not frightened at the door and then at Dean. "Stay here," he commanded and got up and marched to the door, grabbing the only thing that could be used as a weapon in sight, a lamp. Before he could reach for the door it burst open, Virgil was standing in the doorway glaring menacingly at him. The guy sprang at him and the both toppled over fighting, throwing punches and kicking.

"Isn't he the extra from the shoot earlier today?" Misha yelled over the grunts and angry cries of the two men.

"Not now Misha!" Dean yelled, throwing another punch at the guys face. Misha didn't know what to do as his eyes landed on the lamp that had fallen out of Jensen's grasp as they fell. He quickly got up grabbing the lamp in a death grip and approached from behind. Virgil was to busy trying to beat up Dean thru his confusion about his angel mojo not working when a lamp smashed against his head. He grunted and fell on top of Dean. "Ugh, Misha help me move this douche." Dean grumbled shoving the guy and Misha helped roll him off. They dragged the guy back outside, and Misha called for one of the bodyguards to get rid of him.

He followed Jensen back into his trailer, locking the door more securely this time. "What the hell was that!" he yelled, and Dean swiped a hand over his face looking exasperated.

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you," Dean couldn't help but chuckle at the horrified look on Misha's face. "You're quite attractive when you're upset." He said absently. Misha crossed his arms giving him a stony stare and it sent a shiver down Dean's spine, seeing the familiar look from the man.

"Try me," Misha ground out thru his teeth. "The guy was screaming about a key? And kept calling you a mud monkey! Hell he even called me Castiel and if you weren't fighting him I think he would have killed me!"

Dean took a heavy sigh, seeing two options. Saying that Virgil was an off his rocker extra that took the show too seriously could work, But he had a feeling that Misha would let his guard down again and would in fact wind up dead. Or he could tell him the truth, and then Misha would think he was the one who needed to be put in an institution.

"Sit down Misha, before you fall down." Dean sighed and went back to the couch. Sadly he didn't feel like they were going to get to finish their little sexcapade now. Misha sat carefully beside him, eyeing him. "That guy…" Dean started and sighed again, "You're going to think I'm nuts saying this." He warned and Misha just continued to give him his hard look. "Fine. That guy isn't crazy, although it'd be easier to just say he is. He really is Virgil, and he really is or was… an angel. And I'm not Jensen either by the way." He couldn't help but smile as Misha tilted his head in confusion. "Stop doing that, you look to much like that damn angel as it is." He half heartedly growled.

"What? Like Castiel? What are talking about Jen?" Misha asked but Dean cut him off.

"Misha I'm Dean! I'm not an actor, and this!" Dean motioned all around them, "Isn't my reality! Sam and I, we're from an alternate universe, where monsters and angels and demons are all real. Where this stupid show is real. And… man I wish we weren't, a place like this would be easy to live…" he trailed off sounding sad.

Misha just sat there for a minute, thinking all the shit over that Jensen, or 'Dean' had just told him. "So you're saying, that the episode we were shooting today, is what's actually happening in you're… world?" Misha asked and Dean nodded. "So all the shit up until now… really happened? You really went to hell?" he asked the look of horror on his face speaking volumes.

Dean nodded again pinching the bridge of his nose, "Yea, and trust me they couldn't dream up half the shit that happened down there. So what's your verdict? I mean you have to think I'm crazy right? Hell I think I'm crazy."

"A part of me says you are, but… maybe its just the way I am but I feel inclined to believe you. Misha smiled slightly at him when he looked at him with disbelief. "I'm a pretty good read for liars and Jensen has his tells. Granted you're not 'him' but I'd imagine them being close to about the same."

"Thanks Misha. I-I'm sorry I kinda took advantage of you earlier…" Dean suddenly apologized and Misha gave him another confused look and he couldn't help but smile. "I guess the fangirls in your world were right."

"Oh, you mean the slashers? Yea if they only knew, but I swore to Jen I 'wouldn't tell about us to another living soul.' But Dean, its okay. I mean I guess you were thinking of me as Cas…"

"No actually that's the thing. I… I might have the same feelings for Cas but… you're so damn different from him its scary. I can't help but want Cas to be more like you." He admitted. "But at the same time I don't want him to change at all. Its… complicated. To say the least."

Misha's eyes grew wide at the little confession, his heart fluttering thinking that the 'mighty Dean Winchester' actually had a thing for him. He quickly leaned over and kissed Dean on the lips. "I don't know why they want to write you as a gruff asshole all the time, you're so cute!" Misha practically sang.

Dean rolled his eyes at his 'compliment.' "I'm not freaking cute." He huffed. "We have bigger problems though, if I don't get back to my world, with the locker key and Virgil does then,"

"Then I, or Cas loses the war." Misha said with a note of finality, realization hitting him. "I'll be out of a freggin job again! And damnit I'm not going back to work at the white house! We need to get you back!" he shouted and Dean only nodded, knowing that his time in this semi-pleasant paradise was drawing to a close. Misha pulled him out of his revelry by placing a hand on his shoulder, he looked up into those soulful eyes and Misha smiled softly. "Well we can't do anything right this moment about it… And before our… friend interrupted we were doing things that I'd like to continue…"

A devilish grin stretched across Dean's face at those words, he grabbed Misha's arm that was still resting on his shoulder and pulled him down on top of him. They kissed ferociously and even with Dean being below the other it didn't stop him from winning the tongue battle. He snuck a hand down to Misha's waist again, this time successfully undo-ing his pants and palmed his hardened cock through his boxers, making him groan. He was done teasing, having already been interrupted once and thought this wasn't going to happen he wasn't going to miss his second opportunity. Misha was to busy bucking into the palm that was holding him to notice the smirk on his partners' lips and was flipped over easily, landing on his back with an oomph. Dean hovered over him for a second his eyes dark with lust, and he leaned down to kiss Misha again briefly before moving down his body, trailing kisses as he went. He reached the top of his boxers and kissed him thru the thin material, holding down Misha's hips as he thrust into the touch. He grasped the material and pulled it down slowly, hearing Misha's breath hitch as cool air hit him and he smiled, the others cock hard and erect. He could feel his own jeans grow tighter as he licked lazily up the length and Misha squirmed. "Dean…" The moan reached his ears and he granted him what he wanted, taking him into his mouth completely. Dean wasn't to sure what he was doing, but figured whatever he was doing was right as he drew more moans and mewls from the blue eyed man, his hair being gripped and tugged as he worked his mouth bobbing up and down the length. As the moans became louder and Misha thrust into his mouth more he pulled away, only licking the tip and pulled away completely with an obscene pop. He smirked as Misha gave him an annoyed look, he moved back up and kissed his mouth roughly.

"I can't have you getting there without me," Dean grumbled and the blush that colored Misha's face made him laugh. "Who's cute now?" Dean said receiving a glare.

"Shut up would you; I thought I talked geeze." Misha shoved him in the chest making him sit up and he grabbed for the button of his jeans. Dean let him this time; if anyone could actually shove him they deserved that much. His pants were quickly removed, obviously Misha had done this before, and it sort of made him feel exposed and uncertain. Like Misha knew all his secrets already having been with his other self and he was totally left in the dark. He was pulled from his thoughts as a hand wrapped around his own hardened cock and he inhaled sharply, looking into piercing blue eyes. He frowned a little as Misha started to grin and he grabbed his shoulders, pulling him on top of him again and kissed him angrily, swallowing the laugh. Misha kissed back more and straddled Dean's hips, grinding into him, rubbing against him deliciously. He pulled away briefly and reached over Dean to the small table that the now broken lamp had stood on and pulled a small bottle of lube out of a drawer. Dean's eyes widened briefly, but he supposed he shouldn't have been surprised that Misha had it. What did surprise him was when Misha squeezed a liberal amount onto his fingers and started stroking his dick with it. He groaned, bucking up into the touch, and thankful that it wasn't going to be the other way around. He didn't think he could take being with a man and then being the bottom to said man in one night. The hand slowed the twisting of the wrist more deliberate now until he stopped all together. He opened his eyes slightly thru his pleasure haze and realized that his partner was getting ready to seat himself on him.

"Hey, Mish don't… isn't that going to….ohmigod…" his question being cut off as hot heat surrounded his cock, and Misha smiled at him.

"No, you forget I've done this before," his breathes coming shorter as he moved his hips, and started riding Dean's dick. Misha groaned again as he thrust down hard hitting his prostate and Dean gripped his hips in his hands.

"Slow down man, you're gonna break something" he said chuckling and helped Misha, lifting him up effortlessly and meeting him as he came back down on him.

Minutes later, Misha gasped again, grinding down harder than ever, "Dean…. I'm not gonna last much longer here,"

"That's fine" Dean replied, hardly containing a smirk and took one hand from Misha's hip and started pumping his swollen cock. The guttural noises Misha continued to make had him close to coming as well. He kept their quick pace, and let a few of his own noises join the others.

"Dean!" Misha yelled and came in Dean's hand and on their chests, his whole body clenching and Dean couldn't help but come as well, shouting the others name. Misha leaned forward, resting his forehead against Dean's, and give a winning smile. "That… that was…"

"Awesome" Dean finished for him and they both shared a laugh at Dean's favorite word.

"Couldn't have described it better," the smile turned soft now, as he re-situated them, and now rest half to the side and half on Dean's chest. They lay in silence for a long while, Dean mindlessly stroking Misha's sex hair until he realized he was being looked at with those blue eyes again and he was reminded of all the times Cas had done it, and had gotten him hot and bothered and needing a cold shower after he'd left.

"Why are you looking at me like that? I thought that was just a Cas thing," he tried to play it off, but Misha turned a shade of red at his words and cursed under his breathe. "What?"

"I was trying to count your freckles. I bet that's what Cas is trying to do too, but then you go and break our concentration and we have to start all over again!" Misha said exasperated and Dean couldn't help but laugh, and again Misha joined him. They both fell back into silence again and just as Dean was starting to feel his eyes grow heavy Misha spoke softly, "This is seriously going to blow when you're gone… I mean not that I don't love the… other you, but its just… so different with you."

"Yea, but at least you've still got Jensen. I mean we've got to be similar in some aspects at least, while when I go back, it'll just be me, and more sexual frustration from a backward ass angel."

Misha didn't say anything in response, but nuzzled into his side more, wrapping his arms around him in a comforting embrace. They eventually fell to sleep in each others arms, for now both content with being happy with the other.

Chap 2?

The next day they were expected to do more acting, but fortunately for them it wasn't a whole lot, since Bobby had quite a few long speeches.

Sam had even gotten there late, having claimed to have a long night of researching and ordered the things they'd need to get back to their time on express mailing last night, but Dean knew his little brother had gotten laid. "So what you have a mansion with 4 girlfriends and peacocks in your front yard?" Dean laughed at his own joke, having expected that would have been his life.

"No, better. I'm married here." Sam said and even though his voice was happy sounding his face told a different story.

"So? Why do you look upset? I mean is she a butch or something?"

"NO! She's… amazing. Its Ruby." Sam said bluntly and the look on Dean's face said it all. "No! not actual Ruby, Dean. The actress who played her, her name's Genevieve and god was she amazing." Sam went on.

"Well I'm glad you got laid at least, you obviously needed it. Sorry this can't be our life, but we need to go back and fix this shit." Dean told him patting his back and Sam nodded.

"I'll be fine, how was your night?" he asked and Dean stiffened, he didn't want to tell his little brother that instead of getting shit faced with his co star and picking up hot girls at a bar or something of the like that he fucked with Misha.

"Fine, let's just get thru this shit so we can get back"