After a year on the move, a year of trying to find himself, he'd come back to the place he wasn't sure he'd ever wanted to see again. It was pouring hard, but the rain barely registered with him.

N hugged Reshiram tightly around the neck, smiling sadly. It was hard to let go of the only friend he'd had during this difficult period of his life, but a magnificent Pokemon like Reshiram wasn't meant to be kept at the side of a trainer. He'd made this decision months ago; as soon as he found somewhere to settle, even for a while, he'd let Reshiram go.

"Thank you," he whispered. "I'll never forget you...maybe someday I'll see you again."

Reshiram growled softly, nuzzling his neck and slowly pulling away. N stepped back, watching the dragon spread his wings and take flight. He watched until the dragon was no more than a speck of light in the sky, then slowly turned away.

What now? He was alone, soaked by the rain, standing in the very spot where his, Ghetsis, had made his first speech. Accumula Town...where he'd first met that boy and girl. The boy especially stood out in his memory; warm brown eyes and an eager, open smile. The girl, with her determination and spirit. Their first meeting...

And suddenly all the memories came flooding back. Team Plasma, the way Gym Leaders and the Champion and other people looked at him, the Pokemon who'd been hurt by the whole mess...the way Ghetsis had used him all that time, let him believe he was a hero when he was nothing but a pawn. He'd aided Team Plasma and their hypocritical ways. Even if he was no longer their king, his name would be tied to them forever. Even when he died, they'd remember King N of Team Plasma.

His chest tightened and his stomach clenched, he felt sick and afraid and suddenly he wasn't sure coming back here had been a good idea after all. He wasn't sure he could stand the stares of anyone who recognized him, the possibility of arrest...the Pokemon who'd been hurt in all the mess, what if they recognized him? Rain continued to pour, he shivered and hurried under the roof of the Pokemon Center.

I shouldn't have come back here, he thought, hugging himself and sniffling. An unwelcome sensation pricked at his eyes, but he fought it back. Why did I come back? What was I thinking?

Then suddenly the door to the Pokemon center opened and he spied the familiar brown hair and red and white cap. Amidst swirling emotions, he felt a small flutter of hope.

That's why.