Students flooded the halls as two thirty rolled around on a dreary Monday afternoon. Exiting history last, Freddie stood outside the door eying Sam and Carly at their lockers across the hall. To the unaided eye, the two seemed calm as ever. The keener eye, however, would see Sam hadn't fully shrugged off the events at lunch yet. Carly was equally upset, but better at masking her true feelings.

Freddie decided it was best to avoid the two at the moment, although he hadn't forgotten Missy's request either. Her plan would be a tall order for him to fulfill, and he knew he could only discuss Missy when they were separate. Of the two, Carly would be the easier of the two to sway.

Fortunately for him, Sam stormed away from Carly, leaving her alone at her locker. Pleased with his timing, he seized the chance to talk to Carly in private:

"Hey Carly!" he greeted.

Turning towards him, she gave him a mild frown before responding to his cheerful greeting.

"Hi Freddie" she stated.

Sensing disappointment, Freddie spoke apologetically in hopes of capturing her attention:

"Look, I know I was wrong Carly. I didn't think what I said was that bad, but I'm sorry!" he began. Carly only glared at him as he spoke. Shrugging her shoulders, she lightened up as she replied:

"Shouldn't you be telling this to Sam?" she stated.

"I should, but I feel the time isn't right…" Freddie admitted. "I want her to know I'm sorry – saying it immediately robs my apology of its sincerity"

"Well, if you mean it, I'm sure she'll take it. It doesn't really matter though…"

"What doesn't matter?" Freddie asked.

"Saying you're sorry doesn't take back what you did!" she snapped. She couldn't help but remember dispensing that very same line with Sam.

Freddie remained quiet, just as Sam did when Carly scolded her.

"I guess I should do something?" Freddie abruptly suggested.

"Probably. You really hurt her feelings, you know. I guess it's hard for you guys to know when to call it quits, but saying Missy is actually nicer than Sam is – that's harsh"

"I can explain!" Freddie defended.

"Start explaining then…" Carly muttered. "It's a long walk from here to Bushwell"

"We're walking?"

"Spencer's car is broken, he used the back left tire for his new sculpture, remember?"

"Oh" Freddie replied.

"Yeah…" Carly replied.

Then, there was silence. At this point, Freddie knew well he had to select his words with the utmost care; it was a twenty five minute walk from Ridgeway to their apartment on the West End. Leading Carly outside, he began his lengthy explanation with a sigh. He peered towards the darkening sky as he searched for a sentence to start. Looking back down at Carly, he began to best of his ability:

"I didn't have the chance to say it at lunch, but I had chemistry with Missy today"

Carly continued walking.

"As fate would have it, I wasn't partners with Gibby as usual – someone took my seat because I was late. Mr. Ford, not caring about his students, made me partner with Missy for our lab today"

Carly now listened intently as she walked with Freddie, although she feigned indifference. Inwardly, she felt relieved Freddie had an explanation, but she feared his answers would invariably lead to more questions:

"I figured Missy was going to ruin the class for me, but she didn't. She helped me finish the experiment before everyone"

"She's smart…" Carly muttered, remembering her former best friend's skills.

"Well I didn't know that!" Freddie countered.

"Just continue" Carly muttered.

"Since she's smart, we finished our experiment before everybody. That gave us the chance to talk, although I didn't really have a desire to say anything"

"What did you say?" Carly interrupted.

"Not much, compared to her" Freddie answered. "Missy made me question my relationship with Sam though. She raised some interesting points I never really gave much thought until now"

"Freddie! You were only talking to her for ten minutes! How can your relationship with Sam be shaken in ten minutes?" Carly exclaimed, visibly disappointed in her friend.

"Excuse me Carly!" Freddie snapped. "You can't say you're much better! Of us three, you're the one who's in love with a new guy on a biweekly basis!"

Carly immediately looked down in shame, realizing she was a hypocrite if she accused Freddie of being extraordinarily fickle. She had a tendency to drift from boy to boy, although she knew she was fiercely loyal to her truest friends. Unwilling to argue with Freddie on the matter, she allowed Freddie to continue without further interruption.

"So as I was saying, Missy made me wonder how Sam feels about me. I didn't think much of her words once she left, but they seemed all the more true when Sam humiliated me in front of hundreds of kids today at lunch…"

"What were her words, Freddie?" Carly requested.

"I – I don't remember exactly" Freddie admitted. "She said something along the lines that Sam's pranks and words weren't, aren't, and will never be well intentioned"

Nodding, Carly didn't say a word. She herself wondered why Sam resorted to such cruel ways to capture Freddie's attention. Sam wasn't like most girls though – she was the epitome of an enigma.

"Do you know why Sam teases me so much? Pranks me? Injures me…" he asked in desperation.

"I can't speak for her" Carly said with wonder. "I think it's just ingrained her nature"

"That's all then – there's no other motive?" Freddie asked, seeking conformation.

"I don't know. I wouldn't lie to you"

"You wouldn't?"

"Of course not! You remember our pact about no secrets, don't you?"

"Yeah, I remember…" Freddie grumbled, still uneasy with the concept.

Stopping at the intersection, Carly poked the crosswalk button and froze as she asked Freddie a question that had loomed in her mind for months:

"How was your kiss, Freddie?"

Freddie felt a sharp clench in his gut. Closing his eyes he searched his mind for a respectable response. Carly, still waiting for traffic to clear, put forth another question in the same tone:

"Did you like it?"

Freddie inhaled and bit his upper lip. He was split. He liked it, but honesty had its consequences. Sam would certainly be even angrier at him if Carly knew how he felt about it when she herself did not – as if such a prospect were possible at the moment. Lying meant betraying his best friend's trust – a friend who had seldom lied to him.

Sadly, but surely, integrity lost.

"I don't know. It…felt strange" Freddie mumbled.

"Excuse me?"

"I said I thought it felt strange!" Freddie stammered. He shivered as the lie spilled forth from his mouth; he trembled at the thought of Sam hearing his blatant lie.

Carly, suspicious and silent, stared vacantly at Freddie. She sensed deceit. Yet, she knew Freddie to be a boy of integrity – he wouldn't lie twice. Trusting his word, she struggled for her own as she tried to address him.

"Why didn't you tell me how you felt?"

"I don't know Carly" he admitted. "Sam and I promised to keep it a secret, and I didn't want to betray her trust. I did what I had to do."

Carly smiled. People filed by her and Freddie as they crossed the street to Bushwell. Above, the skies were now awash with gray billowy storm clouds. In a flash, a golden bolt leapt across the horizon, accompanied by a sharp crackle and boom. Small droplets started falling on pedestrians, now scrambling inside to avoid the impending storm.

"Why are you smiling?" Freddie asked.

"You care about Sam. More than you know" Carly chimed. She turned around and crossed with the throng of pedestrians across the street, leaving Freddie alone in the rain.

Clumsily trailing behind, Freddie jogged a few steps forward and clutched Carly's wrist.

"Wait, how would you know better than I do how I feel?"

"Because I'm not you, Freddie" Carly replied cleverly. Relinquishing his grasp, Freddie stayed silent and followed Carly into the lobby. Their discussion had just begun.

Author's Note: Notes moved to bottom as I don't want them to really interfere the story anymore - more professional this way anyhow. This chapter is a bit of filler, or rather, the first part of a longer chapter that has some interesting consequences. Freddie's lie will have repercussions, and how will he discuss the topic of Missy with Carly? Why did Sam storm away from Carly in the beginning anyways? It's just getting started - keep your eyes peeled. Please read and review, as your feedback is always greatly appreciated!

Best regards,
