Disclaimer: I don't own PJO

AN: If this story is similar to another story I didn't steal it. It is a big fanfiction world. Remember great minds think alike.

Third Person POV: At Camp Half-Blood

Lying on the beach, comfy and feeling safe in each other's arms, Percy and Annabeth watch as the sun sets and the moon shines. They lay there in comfortable silence and stare in each other's eyes. They kiss a couple times and when they are close to falling asleep, Percy says, "You know I love you right."

She stares at him in shock for saying it out loud, but finally says, "I know, I love you too." Then they fall asleep on the beach.

In the morning, Annabeth wakes up very cold and looks around, remembering last night's events. Then she noticed that Percy is no where in sight. Annabeth looks around carefully trying to see if Percy is playing with her, but couldn't find him. She ran everywhere around camp looking for Percy, but couldn't find him anywhere. She decides to go ask Thalia if she had seen Percy anywhere this morning.

Annabeth runs to Zeus's cabin and knocks on the door three times, signaling it was her before going inside. "Thalia, wake up!" Annabeth yelled.

"Aaahhh! What is going on! Annabeth! " Thalia yelled after falling off her bed."

"Sorry," Annabeth said sheepishly, "I was just coming to ask if you had seen Percy because I can't find him anywhere in camp."

"Did you check the beach, if you didn't I am no longer going to call you a daughter of Athena," Thalia responded.

"He can't be on the beach because we kind of…sort of… fell asleep on the beach," Annabeth said rubbing her arm and avoiding Thalia's eyes.

"Really! The harpies didn't eat you! How is that possible!" Thalia yelled.

"Thalia quiet down! Is that all you can think about when Percy is MISSING!" I yelled back.

"I'll go to the Hades cabin and talk to Nico. Maybe he knows something." She said calmly while stroking my back.

"Okay, let's go." We walked over to the Hades cabin and went inside to find it empty. "Where do you think he is, Thalia."

"He is probably just eating breakfast. Nico always was an early riser." Thalia responded. Annabeth and Thalia walked to the Mess Hall, with Nico nowhere in sight. Also they found that Will Solace, Jake Mason, Pollux, Conner and Travis Stoll were all missing.

After telling Chiron and having the whole camp looking everywhere for the boys, everyone concluded that they were not in the camp. Chiron told us that he would contact the gods the next morning, while we all went to our respected cabins for much needed sleep.

I hope you like it. I have this great idea for this story. Also the second chapter is almost ready so review if you want me to upload it.

-Moonlight out.