I realize that i have not written in forever... or so it seems, but i have had so much trouble writing this story and that would explain why it stinks. I feelIi need to say this but I know I have spelling and grammatical errors so point them out but what good it will do you i have no clue. Enjoy what i call a story.

P.s. I didn't edit this story at all.

Lucy smiled as she slipped into her pyjamas and tied her hair into a messy bun. She sighed as she contently headed towards her room, she turned off the lights and couldn't help but remember pushing Natsu into the lake and watch as an unsuspecting women fished him out. Fighting back another fit of laughter, she drew back the covers and climbed into bed. She smiled closing her eyes knowing her dreams would be filled with ways to drive Natsu insane. After a while she opened her eyes feeling as if something was going happen though she didn't know what. She shook her head it was eleven o'clock at night and nothing could possibly happen she told herself as she closed her eyes. She groaned as the doorbell rang, great I just jinxed it she thought climbing out of bed to go and get the door. She opened the door to see Natsu standing their crossing his arms. She chuckled at the absolutely ridiculously looking dragon slayer. She glanced at him and shot him a questioning glance "Why did you use the door, I mean don't get me wrong I love that you didn't come through my window, but coming through the door seems out of character for you." Natsu laughed "I thought that I had more of a chance getting in through the door…" Lucy smiled cutting Natsu off in the middle of his sentence "Well you didn't." she said closing the door in his face. Lucy smiled and headed back to her room knowing that it would be natsu free. Slipping into her bed she sighed contently until the bed shook under the weight of another body. She turned round knowing that natsu would be right there, he smiled as he saw her glare at him. "I didn't finish my sentence as I was saying; if I didn't get through the door I would have just gone through the window. You would've known that if you had listened to me." Lucy sighed as she continued to glare at natsu "I'm not going to get you to leave, am I?" she asked "Nope." He answered "What do you want Natsu?" Lucy asked in an exasperated tone. "I can't fall asleep and I figured that you'd help me since you owe me for that stunt you pulled on the dock. " Lucy smiled as she recalled the events that happened earlier that day. She smiled. "Fine you can sleep on my couch." Natsu laughed and shook his head "No way, I'm sleeping on the bed." Lucy growled as he lied down next to her. She got up and pressed her back into the wall attempting and failing to kick him out of his bed. She sighed and lied down deciding to ignore the dragon slayer. She closed her eyes and was halfway asleep when a loud voice woke her up. "Lucy I can't sleep." "Count sheep." She muttered pulling the covers around closer.

"Can you send out Aries so that I can count how many times she can jump over the bed?" Lucy sighed "No!'' Natsu pouted and turned his back to Lucy pulling the covers off of her completely. She sighed and pulled the blanket out from under him making him roll off of the bed and onto the floor. He groaned as he got off of the floor and hoisted himself up onto the bed. "That hurt you know." Lucy smirked "That's for hogging the bed." "I pity the fool who marries you" said Natsu under his breath "Lucy shrugged "At least someone would want to marry me." The room fell into an awkward silence and for the longest time Lucy thought he had fallen asleep. Until he started talking again "Lucy sing me a song." Lucy sighed if I do will you fall asleep. Natsu nodded she groaned. "Rock a bye baby on the treetop when the wind blows the cradle will rock; when the bell breaks the cradle will fall…" Natsu screamed causing Lucy to jump out of the bed in fright. '"What's wrong?" Natsu frowned "I'm going to fall." It was her to scream she decided as she dragged herself back to the bed and lied down afraid of what was coming next. "Can you read me a story Luce?" Lucy opened her eyes and turned to look at the dragon slayer who managed to look hopeful. She smiled "Once upon a time there was a really strong princess." "What was her name?" Natsu interrupted "I was getting to that" she replied has she continue her story "Princess Emilia was the nicest girl ever. But one day when she was kidnaped by a big bad wolf by the name of Bob." "So she had challenged Bob to a duel. She said to Bob, 'I bet I can run farther than you.' Bob laughed 'A little girl like you; try me.' Emilia smiled and counted to three as soon as she said go Bob ran as fast as he could AND SHE RAN THE OTHER WAY! Then Emilia went back to her castle and lived happily ever after with her books." Natsu looked at her "That was a story?" Lucy shrugged "You never said it had to be good, besides if you think you can do better be my guest." Natsu cleared his throat "The tale I'm about to tell is one that will horrify you, it will creep into your mind and take over every thought. It all happened one dark and stormy night. It had begun as a fairly normal night. The main character Atsun had fallen asleep to the sound of Gneeli as he bounded another preposterous tale about a dragon named Metalicana. Metalicana was a rude dragon, who was raising an equally rude dragon slayer by the name of Ajeelg, but that wasn't the scariest part the scariest part was when Gneeli had said he had to leave Atsun behind to help Metalicana find the meanest dragon alive. The dark dragon, but Atsun thought he was joking. He woke up the next day but Gneeli was gone so he went to the town and joining the guild called Tail Fairy's, he promised to find Gneeli but in the meantime he made some new friends one was called Ucyl, the other called Rzae and his number one rival Rayg. He spent most days fighting and beating Rayg, getting hurt by Rzae and annoying Ucyl. He almost had it all and then one day he did, he had found Gneeli. Atsun, Gneeli, Ucyl, Rzae and all of Tail Fairy lived happily ever after and Rayg continued to be Rayg.

Lucy sighed as she turned to stare at Natsu who had just fallen asleep.

"Really Natsu, Atsun was the best you could think of."

Rolling her eyes she turned around and closed her eyes. She was halfway asleep when the snoring began. She groaned and covered Natsu's mouth trying to get the snoring to stop. She sighed as the snoring only continued to get louder. She grabbed her iPod and put on music successfully drowning out the snoring, but it only got louder. She continued to higher her music until she couldn't anymore. She groaned praying the snoring would stop. She smiled as the snoring stopped all together. She took off her music and pulled the covers closer as she tried to yet again fall asleep.

"Stop it." Lucy turned to stare at Natsu who was still fast asleep; she must be hearing thing she thought as she lied down.

"STOP IT." His voice said with more force this time, Lucy gasped he was not sleep talking.

"I SAID STOP IT!" He said this time causing the neighbours lights to turn on. She sighed and climbed over him grabbing his keys. This was going to be a long night.

Natsu smirked as Lucy headed out of her house; it was true Lucy's bed was the best.
"Serves you right for throwing me into the water," He said talking to himself.

If you did not get Natsu's story I am disappointed in you, and if you did I am so proud.

For those of you who didn't get it (if there are any)

Atsun = Natsu

Gneeli = Igneel

Ucyl = Lucy

Rzae = Erza

Rayg = Gray

Unfortunatly I didn't get to add Gray or Mira into this chapter but, I'll make up for that later. Maybe... Hopefully... Don't hold your breath.