Honeymoon stroll
Steve and John had only forty-eight hours downtime that they could use as a mini-honeymoon. The first day, once they had awoken they had spent in bed. However, on the second day, Steve had received an apologetic call from the Governor. She explained the dire situation about the high value witness. Julie had been put into protection, as she was the star witness in an important case. Steve sighed in frustration when he heard, which safe house they had used. Kahoka was remote but in an emergency, it was also difficult to reach.
God bless John, he had heard and offered to fly him there. Steve had already pinpointed the area on a map and knew it would be difficult. He was licensed but for him, the safest landing zone was three clicks away. Sometimes, it was a great advantage to have an incredibly skilled chopper pilot for a husband. Steve phoned Danno to let him know he would meet the team at the location.
Steve was glad that they had taken Johns plane because it housed all their military gear. The police officers watched in shock as the Chopper set down on the ground as smooth as they had ever seen. The Chopper barely made a bump on the ground as John set it down. John stayed with the Chopper; this was Steve's jurisdiction. John was there to lend a hand if needed. It turned out; he was probably going to track assassins through the Jungle. It would not be the first time he had done it. If anything, John was spoilt with toys these days, which would make the task a lot easier.
He surveyed the outside critically and internally winced seeing the tracks, "Hey Chin, check the boot."
Chin popped the lid and immediately phoned Steve. Steve came out of the house with Kono and John could see the quiet fury. Chin pointed to the opened boot lid. John watched the flash of anger, cross his husbands face and knew that the men were in trouble.
"You kill a federal Marshall and two officers the only question: Is how you gonna get put down."
Kono was sad, "So she's out there alone…"
"… being hunted by professional assassins." Chin finished his cousins thought.
John surprised them, "So let's find them and get her back to testify."
The officers froze they had no training. John and Steve shared a look, the others would not be able to do it but they could. Hell, it would not be the first time for either one of them.
Chin realised what Steve was about to do, "You goin' huntin'?"
Steve nodded, "It wouldn't be the first time. We'll track the assassins and find the girl."
Danny looked at them incredulously, "You're going to track four highly trained killers?"
Steve shrugged like it wasn't a big deal, "We know what we are doing."
Danny stared at him in disbelief, yet, it was somehow fitting for this couple. The traditional romantic walk would involve breathtaking scenery and sandy beaches. Well that was normal couples; maybe living in Hawaii spoilt it for the pair. Nah, who was he kidding; they were both bat-shit insane and were currently planning to track four highly trained killers. They were so calm; you would think they were going for a walk in a park. Danny really hoped that insanity was not contagious.
Well, a few minutes later after a panicked call from his ex-wife he was no longer worried about insanity. He had a nice well of rage to fend off any insanity. He was ridiculously grateful when Steve told him to take off and look after his own family.
Kono watched as the couple stripped and quickly suited up in Jungle gear. The Cops watched in amazement as the men transformed into the elite soldiers they were; completely focussed on their task. The cops did not doubt that, as soon as, they entered the Jungle canopy the pair would disappear like ghosts.
All hoped that the woman was still alive. If she was, then the two soldiers were her best hope. Steve gave one final brief before he handed things over to Kono with the promise to stay in touch. Chin, however, would follow the two soldiers into the jungle. The plan was simple; if the witness were alive then Chin would get her to the courthouse while Steve and John continued to hunt.
John and Steve were moving quickly over the terrain. John smiled as Steve explained to Chin the skill of tracking. He bit back a snicker at Chin's disbelieving tone, "the rock told you that?"
John saw the leaf and signalled to Steve. They both pulled their weapons out as they approached the hidden enclave. The witness was there, shivering ad bleeding but still strong. John and Steve had admired her guts; she was in the covered cave, clutching the shard of glass. She was ready to use it if faced with danger.
John's newfound fame actually worked in his favour, "General Sheppard?"
John had a friendly smile, "that is me. You're lucky I'm on my honeymoon."
It said a lot about John that he was more the capable of talking the terrorised women down.
The woman deserved the truth, "Your going to follow Detective Kelly. He's going to get you to the courthouse."
Julie frowned, "What will you be doing?"
Steve, once again concentrating on the task, "we're gonna hunt the killers."
Chin could sympathise with the shocked look. He chuckled, "Relax some people are born without a fear gene. In that respect they really are perfect together."
The assassin's did not realise that they were being hunted in turn. Steve and John passed the tree and stopped, it would be a perfect trap for one of the assassins.
The trap had worked perfectly; the log impacted the killer's chest dead centre. John figured that he would have some internal damage from withstanding such an impact.
Steve was whittling a bamboo stick. The killer shrank back in what John could have sworn was fear. Steve would have rolled his eyes; his Sat phone broke the tense silence. He listened in disbelief as his friend ranted about stupid Step-Stan.
John was clearly mellower and just held his hand out for the phone. He doubted he could stop Danny if he was truly mad. The most he could do was delay him. The only reason he was doing it because he did not want to distract Steve from his scary SEAL routine.
John sighed, "Okay I recognise that tone Danno."
"Tone, I'm calm."
"No you're not. Don't do anything stupid." John used a commanding tone in the vague hope that he could calm him down.
Danno could barely see through his anger, the corrupt commissioner had threatened his little girl. John did the only thing he could, "Danno if you wait. I will help you crush him. You don't screw with family."
He listened as Danno let out an audible sigh, "Okay thank you." The red mist had lifted a little, he still intended to visit the asshole, he snorted, "Go back to your honeymoon stroll."
The couple did continue their stroll with the new information they could find out who the three assassins were. More importantly, Steve set Kono off on the task of finding out the identity of the Cleaner.
The couple managed to track the assassins to the garage/shed where Chin and Julie were taking refuge. Steve was grateful that John was a nifty sniper in a pinch. The guy who was about to enter the shed fell forward.
The other assassin hiding behind the truck had to change his plans. He scanned the surroundings trying to ascertain where this new threat was. He never did figure it out before he ended up dead.
Julie looked in shock but Chin had a fierce grin. He saw the two men walking carefully down the hill, John still had his P-90 in his hand.
John looked at the red truck, which was fairly intact. "Well we needed a ride."
Julie smiled shyly as he opened the door. Chin got into drive and Steve and John decided to ride in the back where they could scan the perimeter.
Steve's orders had been followed to the letter but they still did not know the identity of the Cleaner. Kono came through with an answer - it was Brenner's co-council.
By the time, they had reached the scene Kono had sent the cleaner packing. Well, by that the Cleaner was dazed on the floor, Kono standing over her; holding two wooden sticks in attack positions.
Julie and her Council were nervous in the corner but happy to be safe. Steve and Chin were looking at their rook with awe and John was laughing.
He smiled broadly, "Glad to see you made use of my gift."
Kono smirked, "You can't refuse gifts off General's"
John snickered, "Yeah, let's get Julie on the stand. I'm back on top tomorrow and I really want to enjoy the last night of my honeymoon."
Kono innocently asked, "You didn't enjoy your romantic walk?"
John returned her smirk, "Oh I enjoyed it but my SEAL made me hot under the collar and it's about time that he did something about it."
Steve twitched a little but he was not one to deny his husbands wish.
Authors note: Okay I'm so sad but this series is now finished. I will write one more one-shot showing John and Danny dealing with the Commissioner. Oh well, it means I can work on my other WIP's.