"You said he did what now?" The masked pawn in front of him lowered his head, as if he insulted his leader. He hated the thought of displeasing the leader, as any displeasure he felt was shared to him and his fellow pawns without a care for their life.

"He channeled some of the Kyuubi's chakra into a Juha: Shou in order to take down one of your Annts, Soldier class. While it looked as if he did it unconsciously, he managed to channel enough of it to nearly kill the Pokegirl." An awkward silence filled the room, forcing the pawn to consider if he was going to live or not past this meeting. He wasn't like the soldiers under their leader's command, for they were the ones that had duties outside of Konoha, with the very exception of his elite, which were kept in to be trained or guard him.

"...And how did he fare against the Annts before he used the Kyuubi's chakra?"

"It depends sir." A small breath of air was taken, making the pawn consider if it was his leader's action or his own. Leader never liked those who brought different opinions under his leadership, as it made others question his power over them. Those that did try were usually never heard from again, like most enemies.


"From a Pokegirl trainer's point of view, I can't offer you a fair point of evaluation on him and his skills. He only had one Pokegirl with him, a Bunnygirl who had the ability to summon weapons, though this may have been due to seals tattooed upon her body, unconfirmed though. They worked as a pair to try and defeat the Soldier class Annt, but nothing really worked until Naruto tapped into the Kyuubi's chakra."

"So...you're saying that he is a decent trainer?"

"Yes, at least with the Bunnygirl due to how they worked at long distance while he used the Kage Bunshin repeatedly to distract the Soldier class Annt, which brings me to the next part of my evaluation. His skills as a shinobi of Konoha are decent if you go by Taijutsu and stealth, though his verbal ticks are still there, and he is quick to anger at moments. His talent in Genjutsu isn't there, but he is the Ninjutsu expert on his team thanks to the Kyuubi's chakra doubling his already large reserves. He knows how to use his clones to the best of their ability, has them doing all his chakra-based training while he does physical or learn seals, and he isn't afraid to take a life in the name of Konoha."

"This...pleases me." The pawn held back a smile, knowing that his leader was pleased with the results of his evaluation. "Akamon Manabu, how would you like a promotion?" For the first time in his life since he first met the man years ago, he looked up when he wasn't supposed to with confusion upon his face.


-Chapter 13-

Team Seven stood in front of the Hokage and Nara Shikaku, each Genin looking at the map that was before them. It was the most recent map of Konoha, but had specific unique markings that only the Hokage's map was allowed to have, such as marks to where the Barrier-nin are stationed, the underground bunkers, and the hidden armories in case of an attack from other villages. Naruto, for his part, didn't understand some of the marks on top of some of the clan houses, but he did accept the sad, unfortunate fact that the red circle around his neighborhood, the run down part of town, meant that it was a free area to be destroyed at a moment's notice during an invasion.

"Naruto," Sarutobi broke him from his thoughts, "thanks to you describing these 'mounds', we've been able to find them all outside of the main district of Konoha." Naruto watched the old man put several brown pins in a circle, each being a few inches from the other, while a few were even inside the city itself, though how that was possible he didn't know.

"Excuse me, Hokage-sama." Sakura asked as the Hokage continued to place brown pins on the map.


"Um, if the brown pins mean that those are Annt holes, then do the ones within Konoha sectors mean that there are some within our neighborhoods?"

"Unfortunately that is the case Haruno-san." The last pin was the most unusual, as it was about a house away from Naruto's apartment. Did this mean that the Annts were populating underground and were prepared to swarm the village for people to tame with in the future? A sigh escaped Sarutobi's lips, one that was met by Shikaku.

"From what we can gather, only about twenty percent of these mounds are traps to capture anyone who either fall into them or get too curious about the sight and either die or are taken to be tamed. Most of the ones that are located in the village have actually been located by sewer patrols, though rather than finding mounds, they've found holes in various walls, meaning that they all, at one point in time, run through the sewer to get to different parts of the village."

"Is it possible to smoke them out?" Sasuke suggested, pointing to a few of the blacksmiths and his own clan home. "My family has a rather large kiln that, rather than force the smoke out, channels it through the ground into the hot springs we used on the clan grounds. If I can remember correctly, we have about seven of them, considering how many Uchiha families lived in the compound alone, not to mention the two old hot springs that were owned outside of the clan." Shikaku nodded, placing red pins at Sasuke's clan housing, but the odd pin was the black one.

"While it sounds good, you also have to consider that we would have to change the duct work to force the smoke to the sewers, which could take days depending on how many kilns we have to focus on. There is also the problem of convincing the civilians to keep calm and stay indoors so we could even smoke them out, in case the Annts start going crazy and dig out of the ground from everywhere except their mounds and attack."

"There is also to consider our enemies having spies in the village." Sarutobi's words made Naruto widen his eyes. There were spies in the village, and the old man ALLOWED them to stay in it? "If we were to keep everyone in their homes until the Annt purge was complete, our enemies may find out that we are vulnerable and will act on it. They may not attack the main village, but they will go after any of the teams that I have out doing missions at the moment to cripple us, which would be the start of a war between the nations."

"Maa, Hokage-sama." Kakashi spoke for the first time in a while. Did he have something to add? "While I do enjoy the sight of seeing my students contribute to a future mission, I believe I came here to directly oversee what my students had to inform you of, and after that take them on a mission." Sarutobi nodded, looking at Naruto for a moment longer before he turned around and pulled a stack of scrolls bound by a string from the table behind him.

"These," the Hokage started off as he placed them on the corner of the map in order to not remove any of the pins, "are the latest C-Rank mission scrolls for both Pokegirl squads and for regular ninja. Before I pick one out, do you want for your team to perform a Ninja Project mission or a regular one?" Naruto and his teammates looked up at their sensei, the one in control of their destiny for missions, and waited for his righteous judgment.

"I think we should do a non-Pokegirl mission." Kakashi pushed the second pile away, revealing a much smaller pile for their sensei to work with. The larger, obviously Pokegirl-related mission scrolls were calling out to Naruto, as if he should take care of the problems in the village as a way to repent for all the trouble he caused for everyone. He was even tempted to just run up and grab one of the mission scrolls for himself to do, seeing as his Kage Bunshins could act as temporary team members, but a stern look from Sarutobi forced him in his place. "Is this one okay Hokage-sama?"

'Which one is it?' In his hassle for thinking of missions, he completely forgot to keep an eye out on sensei to see which mission they would have. Sarutobi unrolled the scroll, took a glance at its contents faster than he could currently throw any kunai, and nodded. Sensei turned around to them and smiled behind his mask.

"Our mission is to guard a bridge builder towards his village, as well as protect him and his crew from any attacks as they finish the bridge they're constructing. While I am going to meet with the client about this mission to get further details, you three will go home and pack for a two week mission."

"Two...Two weeks!" Sakura's reply, though loud, was unknowingly accurate with her teammates's thoughts on the information. "Where are we going to that will take us two weeks away from our village?" If possible, Kakashi's smile grew even larger behind his mask.

"Why, to Wave Country of course!"

"So we're going into Mizu territory?"

"Not exactly Sasuke." Kakashi replied, turning to face the Uchiha. "While Mizu is close to Wave, Mizu is actually an island that owns the surrounding island and about half of the ocean around its territory. Most of the islands are artificially made by their own ninja in order to claim more of the sea without actually waging war on us or Kumo, though their most recent attempt was crushed rather easily by Kumo."

"Haha. Something about the island they were hoping to create was destroyed by a giant turtle, and the Mizukage was trying to blame one of our ninja, Might Guy, due to him having a summoning contract with the Turtles. The Mizukage hasn't made a good joke of a move like that in years."

"Might Guy. Is he a foreigner, and what is this about summoning contracts?"

"Might Guy, or Maito Gai as most of us prefer to call him, is a Taijutsu master in Konoha who teaches the Gouken Ryuu, or Strong Fist Style, to those who wish to learn it. It relies mostly on physical power crushing the bones of the enemy, finishing them off either with a single strong hit to their head or heart cavity, or to slowly break them with multiple bone shattering hits, allowing for out T&I department to gather information from them. Most ninja don't go further than the basics, but the reason for that is classified unless you decide to learn from Gai." A cough from the Hokage caught Kakashi's attention, causing Naruto to notice a glowing seal on the Hokage's desk, and pondered what it could be. Seals were still a very new subject to him, so he wondered as to what that particular seal could be. "Now, you three are dismissed for the day. Go home, pack, and take the remainder of the day to tame any of your Pokegirls. Just don't do anything I wouldn't now."

'Knowing you sensei, that isn't much.' Naruto walked out with his teammates, looking at each other in silence before the door to the private room closed. As soon as the door closed, it seemed as if the three were able to find their vocal cords and used them.

"So, Sasuke, Naruto. I was wondering if you'd like to come over to my house and discuss how we're going to operate without our Pokegirls to use in battle." Sakura looked at them evenly, something that Naruto wasn't exactly use to seeing due to how much she loved Sasuke for the littlest of things. It was nice to see her acting like a normal person, or should he be seeing her as a rational member of their team, seeing as how intelligent she was, as well as how great of a strategist she could be. Unfortunately, Sasuke shook his head.

"I have to go home and pay my respects. I think my parents would want to hear the news of our first serious mission outside of Konoha's walls." They nodded, understanding that Sasuke, unlike Sakura, had no one to return home to. Naruto was worse off, everyone knew that, but the thing that separated them was that Naruto never knew his parents, so he never had that love or care that Sasuke had. In some ways, Naruto considered himself to be the more mature one between the two, seeing as any verbal remark about the Uchiha clan or the boy's parents got his teammate to react in blind rage like a civilian.

"Oh. I'll see you tomorrow then Sasuke." Their third member of the team nodded before walking away, leaving the two in awkward silence before she turned away as well. "I'll see you tomorrow as well Naruto..."

"Wait! I can still go with you!" Sakura turned to him with widened eyes. Did she honestly not expect him to try and spend time with his teammate? "Other than packing my bag, I don't have anything to do other than to tame my Pokegirls, so we could still talk about our Pokegirls, and we can Sasuke our tactics tomorrow."

"You...Sure I won't be bothering you at all Naruto?" Was the team training exercises Kakashi-sensei had them do getting her to act more respectful to him, or was she being shy?

"Sakura, you'll never be a bother to me. If anything, we could talk at my place so we won't disturb your parents." Realization shined in her eyes, for what reason he didn't know, but she nodded and wore a smile on her place. Just what flashed in her mind, he wondered.

"If you don't mind, I'd like to go to your place Naruto." He nodded and grabbed her by her wrist, pulling her close to him. "Hey! What are you-" It was at that point that he used the Shunshin no Jutsu, sending them to the inside of his apartment. His living room, to be exact. He was glad to have cleaned up before he went out to train earlier today, seeing as one could have called his kitchen table a living pyramid of ramen cups, calling out to him with its horrid odor to add another cup to assimilate into its body if they went to visit him earlier. "What was that?"

"That," Naruto replied, "was the Shunshin no Jutsu. Kakashi, as well as most of the Jounin we know, use this to easily transport themselves to other parts of the village that they've seen before. It is a great jutsu to travel around so little energy is wasted in walking through busy streets." Naruto let go of Sakura a moment later, noticing how warm she felt, and went by how red Hinata would get from time to time by being around him that she might have gotten sick or embarrassed by how close they were. He really needed to take some time to read a book or two on how to act properly around women, or girls in general.

"Naruto..." He stopped, his hand only an inch or so away from her wrist, and wondered what she was going to say. He winced a bit when she stepped on his shoe, and the warm feeling he felt from her when their skin met came twofold when her wrist touched his hand. "I'm sorry! Raiton: Hiraishin!" A powerful jolt of electricity coursed through his body, bringing about pain that Naruto never expected, especially from Sakura of all people. He couldn't stop himself from falling to the ground, flat on his face as he faintly felt his belt being messed with. His hands were suddenly pulled to his back, something similar to a glove, but heavy like a brick was suddenly on his hands, preventing him from performing any hand signs, and his arms were quickly bound.

"Please...Forgive me." He was rolled on his back, allowing him to see Sakura again, who was wiping some tears from her face. He tried to speak, he wanted answers from her as to why she was doing this, but all he got were groans and pointless sounds. She bent down to him, cupping his face so he would look at her. "My parents, despite being proud Jounin of Konoha, dislike me being a part of the Pokegirl program, and have constantly been asking me when I was going to set my sights back on a guy. When was I going to go back to being 'straight', and I couldn't stand doing anything Pokegirl related, like taming, at my own house. I wish I didn't have my parents in my life, kinda like you Naruto, despite how wrong it is to say such a thing. So..."

'What is she doing?' Sakura moved her right hand to his pants, forcing herself to lower her head downwards as well, yet kept the eye contact with him. It took a few tries, but she unzipped his pants, slowly rubbing his numb, soft manhood with her smooth fingers.

"So this is what a penis feels like." Sakura mumbled, a bright red blush forming on her face as she continued to rub his manhood. Her eyes, which were glancing down to her hand, were now looking right at him once again. "I want to make a deal with you. In exchange of letting me tame my Pokegirls here, as well as help me find out if I am truly 'straight' or not, I'll please you as best as I can, and I'll even allow you to fuck one of my Pokegirls if you wanted to. Does that sound good?" She moved away from his head, allowing her to use her hand to pull out his man, no. His penis, a term that he was preferring to say than what he heard from Sarutobi as a kid, was freed from his boxers, allowing its limp state to be seen to his teammate.

"Sa..Saku..." He tried to say her name, to try and get her to talk things through rather than to do anything physical, but his tongue failed him. Sakura, on the other hand, was looking at his penis as if it was a new toy, but unsure if she wanted to open its box to play with the thing.

"This is what separates me from being 'straight' to a 'lesbian' huh?" She pressed her cheek against it, rubbing it against her face as her nose was an inch over its head, sniffing it. Though the sight itself was odd, the fact that he was feeling her skin seemed to make his member twitch with a bit of movement from the action. "So different from the vagina I've seen, yet much more friendly looking..." She pushed her hand through his pants to bring out his balls, taking a moment to disect them with her eyes before she rubbed them with her fingers.

While she rubbed his balls, she went back to focusing on his penis, using her free hand to slowly stroke it, looking at his foreskin and how far back it peeled to reveal the head of his penis. She sniffed it again, pulling the foreskin back once again as if to extract more scents from it, only for it to bounce up and touch her lips. She froze, using her middle finger to keep the limp penis up to her lips, and slowly, ever so slowly opened her mouth to slip the tip in. Naruto couldn't help but to moan at the feeling of her mouth over the head of his penis, something that he hadn't thought of was happening before his very eyes. Sure, he had guilty thoughts of kissing her while his crush for her was at its strongest, but this?

"Mmmm." Sakura tried to speak around his penis, he assumed, but pulled away, revealing the saliva that coated the tip to him. It tastes good. Better than the juices a vagina produces when stimulated, but why aren't you erect." She stroked it faster, taking a break from rubbing his balls and placed the newly freed hand on her chin, as if to think of an answer for a question. She looked at him, the blush on her face lessened, but she still looked as if she wanted to say something to him, as if to fill the one-sided conversation with imput from him, but didn't make a move to reverse the effects of whatever Lightning jutsu she used on him.

"I think I know what to do so I can see it erect." She pointed his penis up at her, moving her hand away, yet left two fingers to keep it standing, and did something he didn't expect.

She swallowed it.

Well, 'swallowed it' may not have been the best of words to describe it, but she took the entire length of his limp cock into her mouth, down her throat, and began bobbing her head fast to the point where it looked as if he didn't have a penis in the first place. It looked as if he had Sakura always between his legs, constantly milking him of his cum, and moaned loudly at the image that popped into his mind. She choked on his member, widening her eyes and closed them faster than how quickly she bobbed her head on his penis, and stopped moving. While this would be unexpected if she was near the tip, she stopped moving while her lips were pressed to the base, keeping his entire member lodged in her throat.

Then, as if to make him cum right at that moment, she pushed out her tongue, licking at his balls while "swallowing" the tip, making her throat muscles rub against his head, as well as move her tongue to lick more than just his balls in the process. The final nail to his coffin was her eyes. Those bright, jade green eyes that looked up at him with a misty glaze clouded by lust that were calling out to him, hypnotizing him to fill her stomach to the brim with his cum, giving her the first taste of a male's cum.

And he did just that, after she pulled her head back a bit and slammed him down into her throat.

"Sakura-chan!" She, much to his blissful surprise, kept her head on his body, allowing him to drain his cum directly down her throat as she rubbed his balls with her right hand. It took a minute for the jolt of pleasure from his climax to stop, but Sakura pulled her head back when the flow of cum finally stopped, taking a slow, snail pace measure to suck the tip of his penis, using her tongue to excite him, as well as her left hand to stroke him of more cum. By the time that she finally released his penis from her control, not only was he clean of any cum and erect, but sensitive to the point of even a feather touching his tip would make him thrust to get away. She sat on his waist, leaning down to his face, unknowingly pressing his penis to her butt under her dress at the same time, and smiled.

"So, Naruto... Have you considered my offer?" Naruto couldn't keep his eyes off Sakura. The way she was acting, what he went through, and the way she looked at him... It was all so surreal! So, in the end, he did the only thing he could do, literally, thanks to her binding him.

He kissed her, unknowingly changing her fate as a character in the story known as his life.

-Author Note-

Hello readers, reviewers, and followers from all around. As usual, I don't own Naruto, Pokegirls, or any other sort of references that enter this story. With that out of the way, I hope no one is angry at me for taking so long to update this story. One of my main reasons of taking so long was to consider the 'relationships' Naruto could enter in, may it be sooner or later in the story, and each thought started off with the same character.


So, at the moment, consider this a Naruto/Sakura story; HOWEVER, I feel as if this story may grow in terms of pairing, so expect the possibility of another kunoichi or two to possibly be included. I am still thinking whether I want him to have a harem situation or not, seeing as Pokegirls are one thing, but human girls and their customs are completely another situation. I may also write up an interlude chapter, either after the next chapter of after a few, and most of its contents will be to "check up" on everyone else, seeing as several reviewers enjoyed the fact that I have regular non-clan Genin being given development.

Sadly, this chapter didn't include much in terms of Pokegirl action, and I apologize for that, but I wanted this chapter to mostly be for Naruto and Sakura, especially since I read several bits of information about Road to Ninja to get my mind whirling with new ideas. I'll be sure to include more Pokegirl scenes in the next chapter, as well as in the interlude to make up for this chapter, though you guys got a lime out of it. Now then, on to the reviews!

Lazruth: I'm honestly happy to hear that you enjoyed me using an underused Pokegirl. Anko had her fun with the two little Genin, though many would complain that they couldn't even stand to be around her for twenty seconds, let along a full minute.

Luckylee the Ruckyree: Possibly those tho are trained, I can agree to, but wild Pokegirls do have the possibility of being beaten by Genin. Chuunin could handle them in two-man squads, but that bit is just a random thought, not to mention when I think of two-man squads I think of the time-skipped Rookie 12, so I can't really say much to you. Thank you for reading the story though.

Anime Rules5: Darn, I knew I forgot to mention the Annts in terms of if he will be given the opportunity to keep them or not in this chapter! Thank you for reminding me AR5, and you've given me a bit of an idea I will have to tinker with.

Nasha Rei-Kun: Weapon-only Naruko is currently the character I am working with, seeing as Vicky is more of a defensive elemental manipulator in terms of magic. Her learning from TenTen is an interesting idea, so if I do actually do it, I know who to thank in my head! As for your pairing suggestions, I will take them to heart and think more about them, even the harem possibility and Hinata, even if it has been beaten a bit.

Datu824: Everyone needs a decent hit to the head or three so they can get an idea of what to do next. I know I had to at times!

Firelordeg: I do hope you've enjoyed this latest update, and I do hope you'll also enjoy the next few chapters. I'll most likely be updating this sooner than later.

Observer01: Thank you for your vote of approval.

Kitsune of Darkfire: True, having a hands-on healer would be good, but the Pokegirls he did catch during that fight, unfortunately, still have to go through the Taming Cycles, as well as some T&I in order to be controllable, so the healing would have to wait. Thank you for your review by the way!

Trickster King Chaos: Thank you for your kind, and very helpful review. I will be keeping a sticky note on hand to contact you when writer's block hits me, and I do hope you've enjoyed this chapter.

Tamult: I am honored that this was the first Pokegirl story you read, though this isn't that great in my opinion. To be honest, I consider my best Naruto/Pokegirl story to be Start of a Unique Journey, but that isn't complete, and it is in need of a revision at one point. Still, thank you for your review.

Sandcrawlr: Thank you for your vote of approval.

Musubi Kazesaru: Thank you for your review, and I do enjoy "The Start of a Unique Journey" more myself, seeing as it is much more "unique" in terms of plot and what the overall story is. Still, I won't abandon this one, and it is a bit harder than I openly thought to combine the Naruto-verse (Konoha) with Pokegirl technology where neither of the two overly take over the other's customs. It is a challenge, but one that I am happy to try, and I am still thankful that you took the time to read this story.

Forestscout: I am unsure of him having a Tigress, mostly due to him having a Pokegirl like her wouldn't allow him to try and become more serious as both a ninja and a tamer. Sure, anything that can fight has the possibility of having a personality of a serious person, but since I started Naruto off with his childish side, there would (in my mind at least) be more of a clash and Naruto wanting to exchange her for another Pokegirl. Thank you for your review by the way!

Bilingualkyuubi: Wow, quite an wonderfully creative review to read, and I thank you for voicing your thoughts to me. I don't really like the Fox Pokegirl cliche, except the Foxglove from a few chapters ago, but that is due to many Naruto/Pokegirl crossovers having him with some form of Fox-like Pokegirl, either making her overpowered or special to the point of Mary Sue, and makes her most likely the only girl he would ever need. As for the issue with the Pokegirl Attacks/Ninja Response point you made, the main response I can give you is that Pokegirls, despite having a few years to study them, are still a foreign concept to the ninja of Konoha.

Yes, their barrier team is now equip to detect the rifts in time that the Pokegirls come out from, and some of the ninja have Pokegirls to aid them, but all this planning will usually fall flat against a new enemy, such as a powerhouse like the Whorizard, who can fly, spew fire, and lets not forget that she is a dual elemental Pokegirl, giving her a more difficult set of attacks and enhancements to be used against the ninja. So, while I can agree that the responses of ninja can be "weak" that is mostly due to them being uninformed about the Pokegirls that come through time.

All Forms of Fluff: Thank you for your review, and the main answer I can tell you about the fights are "Genjutsu" to wipe the minds of everyone that witnessed the fighting, though before that point most of the area where a fight happens is evacuated as quickly as possible. Gotta love ANBU, am I right? As for your other question, you'll have to keep on reading to find out.

Luke Dragneel: Major thanks and props to you for reading and reviewing every chapter! You found out that it may have been ROOT to watch Naruto and his fight against the Soldier Annt, but if it was truly Akamon Manabu, who is an actual Naruto character in the series, you'll have to see.

Yes, I do enjoy using underused characters. So much to work with!

BBWulf: I do hope that this chapter is up to your liking, as well as any future updates.

To all of my readers and followers: Thank you for reading this chapter, and I hope you'll continue reading this. So, until next time, stay golden everyone! Now, if you'll excuse me, I have stories to write, and a door to fortify so my 21st birthday tomorrow isn't filled with beer.