Disclaimer: Own? Own? Own? I think not! Neither Kyo Kara Maoh! Or HOTMAIL! Or Google or Fanfic! OR MICROSOFT!

AN: The Hotmail addresses, screen names and the stories mentioned were made up. Do not attempt to use or find them as their existence probably belongs to someone else. The nature of their naming was purely random and I apologize if it belongs to you in real life.

Murata Ken was bored. Make that extremely bored. So he decided to bring a computer to Shin Makuko. He put a small laptop in a water proof bag and transported himself to Shin Makuko. Normally a laptop wouldn't work in Shin Makuko but he had it powered by Maryuko. He set it up in the shrine.

Before he knew it, he was seated comfortably in front of the laptop. Shinou came up to him. He looked curiously at the laptop. "What is this My Great Sage?"

"This, Shinou, is a laptop. You can check anything with it." Murata replied smiling.

"Ohhh…. Looks like fun." Shinou said smirking.

Murata had most recently installed Internet Browser. He smiled and clicked on the Internet icon.

"Where should we go?" Murata asked of himself, hands poised over the keyboard. Suddenly Ulrike came up to them and asked, "What is this?" Murata found himself explaining about it again.

At last he went to Google search page and typed 'Yuri Shibuya'. Shinou laughed. "Do you really think you are going to find something-"He stopped as a number of items came up.

The first one was very curious, very curious indeed. The site was called something very odd. Fan fiction. They wondered how it could have the 27th Maou's name there. They was about to find out.

A list of hyperlinks flashed across the page, each a number in front of it, each a different rating. The first one had an odd title and according to the bottom of the notable summary it had one hundred reviews. Included in the summary was SLASH though Shinou and Ulrike had no idea what it meant. Murata had a bit of idea but he was not sure.

"What's this My Sage?" Shinou asked confused.

"Hmmm…. It looks like a story." Murata replied.

"Should we read it?" Asked Ulrike.

"Of Course" Shinou boomed.

Curious, they clicked on it and up came Chapter One. The story name was "The Great Sage Fantasy". They began reading. It went like this:

"A certain sage sat in the shrine dreaming about the one he loved. Belar."

Shinou and Ulrike sniggered.

"He was tracing his fingers along the body of his lover. Belar was gasping for breath. 'Ken' he moaned.

And so the chapter went. By the end of the chapter Murata was puking his guts out in the toilet while Shinou was laughing outright and Ulrike was giggling.

"Who wrote this?" he asked in disgust after coming back from the toilet, "No way would I ever do anything like that with him.

"Oh really? I never knew it was your secret fantasy to do that with him." Shinou smirked.

Grossed out, Murata clicked the next one.

This one Murata liked - and read all ten chapters. By the end he was grinning wolfishly while Ulrike sent him death glares and Shinou was smirking,

He said to himself "Maybe I should use this tactics for the shrine maidens."

Casting the thought aside for later, Murata progressed through the stories with more interest than confusion. The romance about Dorcas with Gisela was certainly interesting and not to mention extremely funny, although the Gunter would have killed Dorcas instead of kissing him on the cheek.

Then came one with Shinou and Ulrike as pairing. It was Murata's turn to laugh and Shinou and Ulrike's turn to look grossed out.

"Ohhh…. I never knew these all things were going on behind my back." Murata said smiling evilly.

"For your information, I DO NOT finds Ulrike's hair entrancing. I find it SCARY. For my Sake, it looks like TENTACLES THAT ARE READY TO STRANGLE YOU." Shinou screamed.

"No offence to you Ulrike." He quickly said as Ulrike was giving him the evil eye.

They came upon a Yuuram pairing next. It was a very graphical sexual scene. Murata and Shinou grinned evilly. Ulrike looked at them and asked" What are you both going to do?"

"It wouldn't be good to hide this wonderful story from them would it?"Murata asked.

"So we will show them the story." Shinou completed.

"But how will you find these stories later?" she asked.

A button up the top answered the problem as to finding these stories again.

" Simple" Murata replied. "We register."

Though Shinou and Ulrike didn't know what this meant they didn't ask the sage. He quickly registered and added the Yuuram story to his 'Favorite stories' list.

They read the stories with delight, but Shinou wanted to write one of his own. So he asked Murata.

"How do you write stories?"

"Well…. You just open the Word processor and type a story." Murata explained.

"Why don't WE write a story?" Shinou asked.

Murata thought for a while before replying "Great Idea."

The two pranksters grinned. This was going to be great.

Author Notes: Well did you enjoy it? If you did then please review! Stay tuned for the next chapter.