Tim took four deep breaths before getting out of his car. He hadn't been to this place in a long time, and he hadn't ever planned on going back. He had pushed his emotions away, but they seemed to be coming back to him as he sat in the prison's parking lot.

After getting out of his car, he once again shoved his emotions away, stood up straight, and headed into the building.

"How can I help you?" A busy officer asked from behind her desk, the top half covered by a thick layer of glass for her protection.

Tim got out his temporary badge and held it up to the glass, "NCIS, I need to talk to one of your prisoners."

The officer paused for just a second to glance at the badge, then got back to filing the hundreds of files on her desk, all while pressing the hold button to the many incoming phone calls on her telephone.

"Who are you here for?"

"Jeremy Harris," Tim replied, trying to hide the disgust overcoming him.

The officer's brows furrowed, "Jeremy? Jeremy Harris?" She clarified.


"He's the only one we've got here who's never had a visitor," She responded as she began looking all around the office, "Let me just grab his file and add it to the log-"

"Would you mind making it quick, this is urgent," Tim said.

She sighed, "This place is a mess. Sorry, the officer who worked here before just got fired and now I have to clean this place up for her. Just go on back, I have no idea where his file would even be. If you have a weapon, place it in a locker that has a key and take the key." She pressed a button that made a buzzing sound as the door beside her opened.

"Thanks," Tim responded as he walked further into the prison.

He put the gun he had stolen from Ziva's desk in the locker and took the key, just as the officer had said, and by the time he was finished, another officer was waiting for him.

"Here for Harris?"

"Yeah, that's me."

"Alright. You want an interrogation room?"

"Yes, please."

The man pointed ahead, "It'll be the third door on your left. I'll go get him for you. Should I tell him who wants him?"

"No," Tim responded as he continued on to the interrogation room.

It wasn't until he got to the door that he remembered. This is where the detective interrogated him. The same exact room. This is the room where the man made up lies about him and told him stories about his life that never happened. Where he said that he wanted to shoot that undercover cop all those years ago. Where the detective told him lies about how he wanted to rape and kill his little sister. He spent ten hours in this room as a prisoner; hearing fake stories that the detective made him sit through and listen to in graphic detail.

Tim closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He couldn't think of this right now. He had to block it out.

After a couple more deep breaths, he opened his eyes and took a seat opposite where he was sitting last time he was in the room.

He waited five minutes before the door opened. There stood Jeremy, an officer beside him guiding him into the room.

Jeremy wouldn't look up as he made his way to the chair. The officer helped him to sit down then left, leaving him handcuffed.

Tim sat there for a few seconds, unable to figure out how to begin. He wanted to beat the man, but he couldn't. He'd have to beat him with his words… If he could figure out how to speak!

"Look at me," Tim said, words finally escaping his mouth. His voice was clear; demanding even. It was the complete opposite from how he felt inside. But, when Jeremy quickly obeyed his command, Tim felt powerful.

"Oh… Oh my God! Wh- Why are you here? What do you want?"

"Very good act. Almost believable. I think you know why I'm here, Jeremy."

"N- No, I don't."

Tim nodded, "Of course you don't. You're not looking so good, Jer," Tim said, a chilling bite in his voice. "I'm guessing this place hasn't treated you too well. Can't say I'm sorry about that."

"What's it to you?" Jeremy replied, his voice tired.

"Where's my team?" Tim asked bluntly. "What are you doing to them? What's the point of all of this?"

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Don't mess with me, Jeremy!" Tim responded, his voice rising.

Jeremy jumped slightly, surprised by Tim's voice. "I'm not! I don't know anything!"

"You put a virus on my computer at NCIS, you hired someone to kidnap my teammates, you brought me here on purpose and I will find out why and how you did it! You've ruined enough! Now, you can tell me everything about your plan, or I can have you moved to an even more eventful prison."

"It wasn't me!" Jeremy yelled, his face showing complete fear.

"Then who!" Tim demanded. "Who would make it so when I broke the code, your file pops up with a picture of your stupid, smiling face on it!"

"I don't know! I- I don't get access to computers or the phone."

"Other prisoners do."

"I don't talk to them! I don't talk to anyone. You can ask anyone here and they'll tell you. They treat me like I'm scum!"

"You are."

"Well so are they."

"Doesn't matter. People who rape and murder kids are the lowest of the low here," Tim replied. His response wasn't just general knowledge anymore. He knew firsthand how the other prisoners were treating Jeremy.

"Listen, I don't know what you're saying I did, but I didn't."

"Then who? Who would get you involved?"

"I don't know."

"That's not a good enough answer."

Jeremy wiped the sweat from his forehead. "I don't- I… My uncle!"

"The one who pretty much knew I was innocent and decided to do nothing about it?"

"Yeah, Uncle Ryan! Maybe it was him."

"Where's your uncle now, Jeremy? And why would he want to do this?"

"In his mind, you ruined his life. He was old, but he didn't want to retire."

Tim's eyebrows furrowed. "Retire?"

Jeremy nodded. "He was forced into early retirement because of what happened. Got like five years of probation too."

"That's it?" Tim asked, not believing what he was hearing. That man deserved prison, not retirement and probation.

"Yeah," Jeremy said, rolling his eyes. "Idiot acted like it was the end of the world."

"How'd you know this if you haven't had contact with anyone."

"Story was on the news one day and the TV was on in the main area. They had an interview with him and everything. Talking about all the good he's done, and how this screwed everything up."

Tim was livid. How could that man think his life was ruined, especially after all he'd done to Tim?

"I gotta go," Tim said quickly. He stood up and headed for the door.

"Wait!" Jeremy replied.

"What?" Tim asked, turning to him.

"Don't I get something? For helping? A few days in a cell alone?"

Tim laughed. "Jeremy, I have absolutely no sympathy for you. You will never get anything from me, you understand?"


Tim left out before Jeremy could get another word in.

After Tim got back to his car, he sat for a minute, just piecing everything together.

He couldn't help but still be a little suspicious of Jeremy. He'd always be suspicious of him, but it didn't add up. Why would Jeremy have his team kidnapped, just for it to end with Tim going to the prison to confront him? That would be too easy. There would be no big finale, which is where this whole thing seemed headed.

Former Judge Fallon did seem like a viable option. Fallon was a vain man, who prided himself in his work. He took his job far too seriously, making sure everyone who came across his path never forgot who he was. He was a man who wanted- needed- to be feared. Now, he was just the joke who lost his job.

Tim quickly found Ryan Fallon's address on his phone. He looked at the clock before he started up the car. Gibbs and Tony would see he was gone soon enough. If he wanted to finish this, he had to be fast.

I had the busiest semester ever this past fall, but I'm going to try and make up for it now. I want to finish this story before I leave (I'm going to be working at Disney World for 4 months!)! So I'm going to be writing as much as possible. You guys have been so patient and kind. Thank you!