Disclaimer: I do not, have not and will not ever own any of these fabulous characters *sob


Chapter one

It was summer at Grimmauld Place and Hermione took in her new surroundings. She placed her luggage at the bottom of the stairs as Molly Weasley came bustling in, a big smile on her face and giving Hermione a rib cracking hug.

"Hermione! So glad you could make it. Did you have a nice holiday in France ?Were half way through a meeting at the moment, so I hope you don't mind if I leave you to settle in?"

"No of course not , thank you for letting me stay, yes France was nice though I'm glad to be back".

"Yes, understandable, Ronald!" she shouted up the stairs as loud as her small frame allowed her to. There was no reply. "Ron, Hermione's here". However there was still no reply. "I swear on of these days… sorry Hermione, just go up, Ron's in Sirius's brother's old room, third floor". She flicked her wand and Hermione's trunk and bags rose in the air and led the way. Hermione was quite intrigued as to the strange objects that littered the shelves on the hall ways. Small ornaments in that shape of what Hermione could only describe as bat- like creatures, lined the walls. The walls were dusty, cob webbed and damp, and in desperate need of cleaning. She held on to the rail leading her up the flights of stairs but soon regret it as a thick lining of dirt and dust covered her palms.

She didn't realize she had met her destination until she hit her knees on her now still trunk. In front of her was a door, labeled "Regulus, Arcturus Black". She looked curiously at the inscribing, noting how detailed the decoration seemed to be in a house so old. She turned back to see where her bags had gone and noticed Crookshanks, who had followed her up the stairs, pawing at a small piece of material hanging from curtains. She thought it was strange. There wasn't one window that she had noticed throughout her journey from downstairs, so why would there be curtains. However she soon found out as Crookshanks's paw caught the fabric and pulled it slightly and they flew open.

"Filthy mudblood in my ancestors house. Get it out! My house is being besmirched with tainted blood, how dare you enter this house you filthy beast..." Of course, Hermione jumped out of her skin, expecting to see a nice sunny day outside, but instead getting the portrait of an old withered woman, screaming insults at her in broad daylight. Hermione stood in shock and had no idea what to do. She raised her wand ready for a fight, however at that moment there came a crash and the door she was standing up against flew open and she toppled just catching her self. There stood Ron, in a pair of flannel pjamer bottoms. He had his hands over his ears, same as Hermione and beckoned her in. He reached for his wand that was resting on his bed side table and shouted

"Silencio!", and at once the portrait ceased to bellow. He closed the door and smiled "Bloody hell Hermione you know how to wake a man up". She stood speechless at Ron's form, for he had clearly just gotten out of bed. His hair was sticking up at all ends, and his bare chest was on show for the world to see. However, Hermione was fully aware it was just her and him. "I- er , gimme a minute", he flushed and walked over to the wardrobe and pulled out a weasley jumper, pulling it over his head and then walking over to sit on the bed. "I mean, did my mom not tell you to stay away from it? I must be the unluckiest person on earth my bedroom right outside that bloody portrait". He grinned.

"Well, nice to see you too I suppose", she smiled back, taking a seat.