"Please just five more minutes then we'll leave. " Kurt begged the bus-driver. It was Friday the 12th of December and the Warblers were all going on a field trip to New York to celebrate the upcoming winter vacation. Kurt had been so excited, he'd only been in New York once before and that time everything had gone great. This time though, didn't look equally as bright. Blaine was late and there was no way he'd go to New York without him, but the bus-driver didn't seem to be on the same page, or any page for that matter.

"Okay, but if he's not here then, we're leaving. Got it?" The driver muttered under his breath.

"Yes, yes. That you, thank you." Kurt squealed and made his way into the bus. There was no freaking way that he was waiting for his boyfriend outside. That'd be dangerously stupid considering to the cold weather and slippery ground.

"Stop with the excitement kid, it's depressing" The driver once again muttered under his breath but Kurt heard fully out well but he didn't care.

The minutes went by way too fast but just before the clock was about to show that it had gone five minutes a figure was spotted running towards the bus, carrying two bags and guitar case. Yeah, definitely Blaine.

Kurt ran out of the bus and towards his very late boyfriend but just as he was about to give Blaine a hug the said latter fell, guitar between his legs and nose into the ground. Kurt could hear a moan in pain and that immediately triggered the worrying mother inside of him to come out.

He firmly picked up the smaller boy from the ground and when Kurt saw his face he gasped in horror. It wasn't that bad just bad enough for someone terrified of blood to go insane, like himself. Blaine nose was bleeding terribly and his forehead as well. He slowly mad his way over to the bus with a weeping Blaine in his arms. Kurt swore that he could've heard laughter before he entered the buss but when they actually saw Blaine's face, the previous event didn't seem to amuse the Warblers anymore.

Oh god's and Holy crap's echoed through the bus as Kurt carried Blaine to the very back of the bus, making himself comfortable before placing a now sobbing Blaine in his lap.

"Shh- It's okay Blaine." Kurt said while desperately trying to stop the bleeding from Blaine's nose. "We all fall sometimes and I know it must hurt a lot but we have pain killers an-"

"It doesn't hurt. My face doesn't hurt Kurt why should it?" Blaine sobbed. Kurt just looked confused.

"Your face doesn't-Okay?"

"My heart hurts Kurt." Blaine whispered.

"You're not having a heart attack are you?" Kurt asked, hurriedly.

"NO!" Blaine shouted, causing a few people to turn around. "I think I broke my guitar" and then he lost it, sobbing into Kurt's blazer clad figure until Wes approached with two bags and a guitar case in his hands.

"Blaine-"Wes tried.

"No!" Blaine just answered, burying his face even further into Kurt's neck.

"The guitar's fine" Wes firmly said, causing Blaine's head to pipe up.

"Oh my God it didn't die!" A hand flew to his mouth, accidently touching his once again bleeding nose. "Ahhh" Blaine shouted as the pain bolted through his body.

"Blaine" Kurt said. "Your nose is bleeding again so just hold your hand still okay and Wes just left to get some toilet paper so we don't get blood everywhere." But Blaine jus stared at Kurt in shock.

"Blood-" he slurred. "Oh god."Blaine started, face going white. "I think I'm going to puke. Or faint. Or both." He once brought his hand to his mouth in pure horror.

"Someone get me a gag bad NOW or you're paying for a new uniform."Kurt shouted.