Hi guys, so this is going to be another supernatural fic, i've gotten a lot of reviews saying that this type of stuff is what i do best!

So please read and review, i know these first few chapters are a bit boring but i'm trying to set the scene for you guys.

The main characters are Santana, Quinn, Mercedes, Tina, Mike and Sam.


'How great is it that, not only are we all at the same university, but that they have us all in the same dorm?' Tina questioned as she pulled her suitcase out of her mums car.

'I know right, but it's not the entire glee club.' Mike agreed, running over to help her before she dropped it. 'I got it.' He grinned.

'Thanks. And I know we wont be with everyone, but all of the guys who applied for this Uni got in. It's still pretty cool.' Tina closed the trunk and then went over to her mother. Mike had said his goodbyes back in Lima, Tina's mother offering to take them both seeing as they were going to the same place.

'Okay,' Mrs Cohen-Chang began. 'I want you to be careful, don't drink too much, get into strange cars..'

'Take candy from strangers.' Tina cut in, her mother rolling her eyes as Mike stifled a laugh. 'I know mum.'

'Right well, make sure you have fun and learn things.' She kissed her daughter and pulled her into a hug. 'And Mike, I expect you to look out for her, understand me.'

'Of course, why else do you think I applied for the same school.' He winked at Tina as her mother went back to the drivers side of the vehicle.

'I'll see you soon then kinds, behave!'

'Yeah, yeah, go already! I'll call you at the weekend. I love you.'

'Love you to.' Mrs Cohen-Chang waved out of her window as she sped off, leaving the two kids on the sidewalk as they watched her go.

'Now what?' Mike asked after a few minutes.

'Now, we go and find everyone else.' She grinned, popping out the handle on her suitcase and wheeling it off in the direction of their building.

'You do realise we're about an hour early?' Mike said as they walked along the cobblestone path.

'Right then, we'll wait for everyone else.' Mike laughed, taking his girlfriends hand as they slowed their pace.

Santana sat next to her mother in the front of their car, composing herself for the final goodbye. 'You don't have to do this you know.' Mrs Lopez finally broke the silence. Santana looked over at her accusingly and then shook her head.

'I know, but I want to.' She smiled. 'I think it will be good for me to get away.'

'Alright.' Her mother conceded, pulling her into a hug. 'I know it wont be the same without Brittany, but…'

'Mum please, she got accepted into Julliard without question. That's all I ever wanted for her.' Santana grinned wider at the thought of the blonde, twirling and flying across the Julliard stage. She couldn't wait to fly out and see her first performance. Santana's eyes lingered out the window, watching the smiling faces and packed suitcases of all the new kids. Chatting and bursting with hope for the new school year.

'But still, Santana. I want you to call me, or come home if you need to.'

'I will mum, I promise.' She looked at her mother sincerely. It had been one year since her father killed himself.

'Your father would be so proud of you.' Mrs Lopez smiled, brushing some hair behind Santana's ear as the girl smiled.

'Dad was crazy, remember.' Mrs Lopez sighed.

'Oh honey, you know that your father's illness did change how he felt about you, or your sister. He never wanted anything more than you two girls.'

'Right, that's why Maya left three weeks after he died and I haven't heard from her since.' Santana sighed.

'Okay, enough of this sadness.' Mrs Lopez cut the conversation off. 'Go and find your dorm, I bet some of your friends are already in there, and have some fun.' She smiled.

'Okay. But I have orientation first, in like half an hour, so I'll probably see them there.' Santana pulled her into one last hug before reaching for the door handle.

'And Santana, if you..'

'I know, if I want to come home I'll shout.'

'Good. And for the record, I'm proud of you too sweetie.'

'Thanks mum, I'll see you soon okay.' Santana said finally, closing the door and going around to the boot, lifting her suitcase out. She said one last goodbye to her mother and watched her drive away before standing to face the building she would be calling home for the next year.

Quinn, Sam and Mercedes were the last to arrive. Mercedes father had offered to drive all of them seeing as Sam's parents were still finding work and Quinn's family still wasn't back to normal after the birth of baby Beth. Sam was just relieved that he managed to snatch up a scholarship for football, otherwise University was out of the question. The bulky Land Rover belonging to Mr Jones pulled up onto the curb, gravel crackling under the tires as it stopped gently. 'Okay guys, we're here.' Mercedes was watching contently as they arrived, taking in every small detail. Her boyfriend Sam was sitting behind her and would occasionally point something out for her to look at, whilst Quinn was crashed out on the seat beside him. She was supposed to ride up with Santana, but the blonde had taken so long to get ready. Basically she texted around and jumped in the latest ride she could, glad it wasn't with Tina and Mike because their cuteness as a couple was almost unbearable.

'Quinn wake up.' Sam shook her shoulders. 'We're here.'

'Yeah, rise and shine sleeping beauty!' Mercedes lent back and slapped her on the knee, waking her with a less that friendly expression on her face.

'What?' She mumbled, rubbing her eyes.

'We're here, time to move.' Sam grinned, flinging open his door and jumping out, Quinn groaning at his enthusiasm again as she stretched.

'Come on girl, move that skinny white butt of yours!' Mercedes giggled, following Sam's lead and getting out. They walked around the back of the car where Mr Jones had already started unloading their bags. Finally Quinn emerged, squinting into the sun as she rested her head on Mercedes shoulder.

'Alright guys, all done.' He said, slamming the boot and looking at them all. 'Now I know your mothers have done the whole, be safe and responsible talk, so all I'm gonna say is have fun. And we're only a phone call away if you need anything.'

'Thanks Mr Jones.' Sam and Quinn said in unison as Mercedes hugged her father.

'Thanks dad, tell mum I'll call her okay?'

'Sure sweetie.' He kissed her on the cheek before returning to his car.

'Bye guys.' He called back before speeding off towards the highway.

'Come on then!' Mercedes grinned, as Sam picked up her bag and then his own. Quinn pulled out the handle to hers so that she could drag it behind her.

'Mercedes you are too excited. It's just another school in a fancy building.' Quinn pointed out.

'More like twenty fancy buildings.' She said as she scanned their surroundings, and Quinn couldn't help laugh at her, Sam grinning as he spoke up.

'So, lets move. Because of Ms Fabray over there I'm sure we'll be the last ones at orientation.'

'Whatever trouty,' she looked at her watch. 'We still have…'

'We're late aren't we.' Sam sighed.

'Yeah, we are. Lets go.' She grinned, pulling her case towards the furthest building.