Disclaimer: I don't own anything besides Libby... everyone else belongs to some lucky genius who gets to stare at Gabriel Macht and Patrick J. Adams on a regular basis. (I'd love to be able to do that.) Also, this chapter and the next couple will be following the "Play the Man" episode, I will be taking some of the quotes from that episode as well. I won't do this often in this story, but I feel like that episode was a turning point for the characters and as a Trekkie I love that Harvey is too. So enjoy.

Special shout out to: kibera1: who not only is reading both of my stories, but has given me the best compliment ever by telling me that she usually does not like OCs but that she is really liking mine ... that made my day. Hopefully you keep enjoying them!

Libby woke up the next morning to the sound of someone repeatedly pressing the doorbell button outside Harvey's apartment. She sighed and rolled over in her bed to see that it was four in the afternoon. That's why Harvey hadn't answered the door, he had already left for his baseball game with Louis. She rolled out of her bed and noted that her head felt a little fuzzy, she looked at the clock by her bed for a moment before she shook her head. If she didn't know any better she would be worried that Harvey had slipped her a sleeping pill just to make sure that she got some sleep. She paused on her way out of the room, actually when she thought of it that seemed exactly like something Harvey would do. She sighed, she was going to kill him. She walked down the stairs and to the first floor of the condo. She smiled, whoever was downstairs was still ringing the doorbell. She walked to the door and hit the intercom button, "Hello?" she asked, not sure who would be visiting Harvey on a Sunday afternoon. She secretly hoped that it was an angry ex-flame, that would be fun to deal with, but her hopes were dashed when a man's voice responded to her hesitant greeting.

"Libby?" the voice asked. "It's Mike. Can I come up?"

"Of course," Libby answered before hitting the button that would buzz him into the elevator. She turned toward the kitchen as she waited for the elevator to appear outside of the condo. She had just taken a bite of her cheerios when Mike walked into the apartment. "Good morning," she said cheerfully as she watched Mike's reaction to the apartment. He had been here before, but he had been drunk and had not been allowed out of the elevator. His jaw dropped a bit as he spun around in a tight circle, trying to take everything in at once. "I know," Libby said with a nod as she walked past the man toward the living room so that she could sit on the couch. "The amount of glass in here is overwhelming. But you know what they say, People in glass houses sink ships."

Mike laughed, "The Boondock Saints," he said with an appreciative nod as he followed the younger woman into the living room. He tried to ignore the face that she was wearing short shorts that made her legs look miles long and that the big collared t-shirt she was wearing kept slipping off her slender shoulders, revealing tan shoulders that were only broken up by the thick strap of her bright pink sports bra. "I really liked that movie," he added with a swallow as the girl sat down on the couch and gracefully folded her legs under herself. That one move was probably one of the sexiest things Mike had seen in a while and he wasn't even sure if Libby understood what she was doing to him. He cleared his throat somewhat awkwardly, "Is Harvey here?" he asked, looking around the apartment and almost hoping that Harvey was there, just to keep his thoughts of Libby at bay.

"No," Libby said, shaking her head. "He's at a Yankees game with Louis Lit. But he should be back in a couple of hours if you want to wait." Mike looked torn between running out of the apartment screaming and throwing himself down in a chair to cry. Libby watched him for a few moments, her brown eyes darting over his face, studying him. "Mike?" she asked a minute later. "What are you doing here?" That had come out sounding ruder than she had meant. She sighed and tried to make her next question come out softer. "I mean, you look like something's bothering you," Mike scoffed at her statement, she took that to mean she was right. "Do you want to talk about it?" she asked.

To both of their surprise Mike threw himself down on the couch next to her. Libby had to struggle to keep her bowl steady. Once Mike was sitting down next to her he realized he had no idea what to tell her. He had no idea how much she knew about his situation, or how much Harvey wanted her to know. So instead he shook his head, "I would love to, but I can't. I need to talk to Harvey though."

"Then wait for him here," Libby said with a shrug as she reached for the remote on the table. "We can watch television."

"What do you have in mind?" Mike asked, settling back into the couch as he watched Libby scroll through the t.v. guide. She turned to him with a smile when she stopped scrolling above Discovery Channel. "Shark Week!" they both cheered at the same time. Mike smiled at the girl sitting next to him, liking her even more than he had on the first day he met her.


When Harvey walked into his apartment three hours later he had expected Libby to pounce on him right away and demand to hear how the game had turned out. She would be interested in the score and whether or not Harvey had killed Louis during the game. But she was not waiting for him at elevator, and she did not come running to him after the doors hissed closed behind him. What he did hear was something he had not expected ... laughter coming from his living room. But it was not just Libby's laughter, there was a man in the living room as well. Harvey walked into the living room and surprised at the sight he was met with. Libby and Mike were sitting on the couch ... together. They were laughing ... together. They were watching television ... together. Mike was sitting on one end of the couch with his arm draped casually on the back while Libby was laying down, her head resting lightly on Mike's chest, her brown hair cascading down to his stomach and wavering slightly with their laughter. Harvey swallowed and felt his hands clench into fists, he did not like what he was looking at at all. "What's going on here?" he asked, trying to keep his voice somewhat friendly.

Mike looked up and instantly dropped his arm, trying to gently push Libby away from him, but Libby shook her head, smiling up at her brother. "What's it look like we're doing, Harv?" she asked sarcastically, her eyes shooting toward the television where the image of a Great White Shark attacking a seal was being replayed in slow motion. "We're just sitting here, watching t.v."

"You are not just sitting," Harvey said, shaking his head and nodding his chin toward the couch. "If you were sitting and watching television you would not be laying on top of my associate."

Libby smiled at her brother before she sat up a bit, her hand resting in Mike's lap under the excuse of boosting her up. "Well I was too tired to sit up," she said innocently, "That's what happens when someone slips me a sleeping pill. I don't react to those very well, remember?" Harvey sighed, he could see what Libby was doing. She liked Mike as a person, that much was obvious, but she was also using Harvey's dislike of her being so close to his associate as a way to get back at him for trying to ensure that she would spend the whole day resting. He shook his head, but the look in his eyes clearly told her that she had won that battle.

"Umm," Mike said, drawing both of the Spector's attention back to him. "You guys seem like you've got some problems you need to work on. Should I go?" he turned slightly in his seat, gesturing with his thumb toward the elevator.

"Yes," Harvey snapped at the same time that Libby shook her head, "No Mike, stay," she said with a pleading smile before her eyes darted toward the television. "The Great White attack show comes on in ten minutes! It's a new show, this is what Shark Week is about! Stay!"

Mike turned to look at Harvey, silently asking his mentor if it was okay for him to stay. Harvey sighed, not wanting to upset his sister and nodded, throwing himself in a chair, "No Mike, stay!" he said, mimicking his sister's voice. Libby smiled at her brother, happy that she had won and with that she sat up in her seat and moved away from Mike. She had wanted to make a point, not to make Harvey angry at Mike so now she was going to back off.

"Yay!" she said, clapping her hands together and bouncing in her seat slightly before she turned to Harvey. "Guess what Harvey?" she asked, looking at him with wide, happy eyes. Harvey sighed and raised his eyebrows, silently prompting her to continue with her thought. "Did you know that Great Whites are actually warm blooded, they're the only sharks that are!" Harvey shook his head at his sister's excitement and borderline obsession about sharks. "And out of the three hundred something species of sharks only thirty-five of them are known to attack humans."

"Three hundred thirty," Mike said, clearing his throat when he caught the look Harvey sent his way. Apparently Harvey was fine with hearing facts about sharks when it came from his sister but he didn't have the patience when they came from his associate. Mike glanced at Harvey, surprised to see his boss was wearing a pair of shorts and a Harvard tee-shirt. Harvey's eyes tightened, letting him know that he had caught Mike's gaze and he didn't want to talk about what he was wearing. Mike nodded, "Understood," he said softly, smiling at how weird it looked to see Harvey in anything besides a suit.

Libby smiled at the two men sitting stiffly on either side of her. "You two need to relax," she said softly, "for me?" Harvey and Mike turned to look at her, both of them raising their eyebrows as if to tell her there was no way they were going to relax around each other. Libby sighed, "Come on, Harvey, Mike's one of my only friends in the city." Mike scoffed as if finding it hard to believe that Libby already considered him a friend. "Really," Libby said, turning to look at the young associate. "I don't have many friends. I've got Donna for shopping, and Rachel for when I want to go out to eat, and Harvey for sports and movies, and now I have you for all the nerd things like Shark Week and museums and books!" She turned back to Harvey, her bottom lip sticking out in a pout, "You don't want to scare away one of my only friends do you?" she asked her older brother.

Harvey sighed and for the second time that day silently admitted that he had lost a battle with his younger sister. He wasn't sure what bothered him more, that he had lost twice in one day or that he knew he would continue losing this time of battle as long as Libby was around with her big brown eyes and her pretty little pouts. He glanced over at his associate and bit back a smile as he watched Mike realize that he had also lost a battle that he had not even known he was fighting.

Harvey would give his sister one thing, she would never lose a case if she were a lawyer, he was secretly glad that she had never been interested in going to law school. He would be afraid to go up against his pint-sized diva of a sister in court, he would be forced to settle every time.

Despite the fact that Libby had gotten more than enough sleep the night before she had fallen asleep on the couch within two hours of Harvey coming home. Mike and Harvey had both sat in an awkward silence, pretending to watch the show on Discovery Channel, even though both were simply waiting for Libby to wake up so that things would be less awkward and strained. Finally after Libby had stretched out in her sleep and placed her feet in Mike's laps Harvey decided that it was time to bring her to her own room. During a commercial he gently lifted her into his arms and carried her up the stairs to her room on the second floor of his condo. He had been hoping that Mike would let himself out of the apartment when he was gone, but he was disappointed because when he walked back down the stairs Mike was still sitting on his couch. "What are you still doing here, Ross?" Harvey asked on his way to the kitchen to grab a beer. He stared at the beers on the shelf of the refrigerator for a moment before he sighed and grabbed a beer for Mike as well. Libby wanted him to try to get along with Mike outside of the office so he would try ... for tonight. "Here," he muttered, handing Mike the beer before throwing himself down in his seat. "Now what are you doing here?"

"I need to talk to you," Mike said, taking a swig of his beer. "About Rachel." Harvey leaned back in his seat, fixing Mike with a stare that clearly said, why should I care about her? Mike sighed, "You know her friend, the one I took the LSAT for? Well Rachel knows now, and I know you keep telling me that if I don't give people a reason to wonder about my law degree they won't. But what should I do if someone knows? She's mad, like really mad, what if she decides to tell someone just because she's angry?"

Harvey took a sip of his beer before he leaned forward in his seat. He wrapped both of his hands around the bottle, studying them for a moment before he looked up at Mike. "I can have her fired," he said, "or threaten to have her fired, she'll have to keep quiet to protect her job."

"I don't want you to fire her," Mike said, shaking his head and imagining what Rachel would do if she were fired because she knew his secret. So far she had kept quiet about it, she just hadn't talked to him, but if Harvey had her fired she would definitely go straight to Jessica and tell her that not only had Mike not graduated from Harvard, or any other law school for that matter, but he had broken the law by taking the LSAT for people. He shook his head, that was definitely not a good plan. "And I do not want you to threaten to have her fired either, that will only make her angrier."

"Then what do you want me to do, Mike?" Harvey asked, studying his associate. "You come to me for help and I tell you what my solution would be and you don't like it. You don't want to hurt your little girlfriend, is that it? You need to make a choice, Mike. Lose your job or hurt her. I know what I would do, but I'm not soft like you."

Mike sighed and placed the bottle to his lips, leaning back and draining the rest of his beer in one long pull. "Just give me a week to figure everything out," he said after a minute. "One week, and if I'm still worried about Rachel you can do what you think is best." Harvey nodded in agreement as Mike stood up, preparing to leave the apartment. But he stopped when he reached the elevator and turned around to look at Harvey. "And don't call me soft for not wanting to hurt Rachel when I know that you would feel the same way if the situation was reversed and you were faced with hurting Libby. Because we both know that you wouldn't be able to have her fired just to save your ass."

"Are you sure about that?" Harvey asked, standing up and walking toward his associate, a deadly serious look on his face. "I'm a selfish guy, Kid," he said, making no apology for the fact that his statement was completely true. "And there is nothing I wouldn't do to save my own ass. That's what makes me a good lawyer."

"And you know what will make me a good lawyer?" Mike asked, turning around to hit the button that would call the elevator. "That I care about people ... my friends, my clients, my family. It is possible to care and win at the same time, Harvey. And I know deep down, that you know that."

Harvey scoffed as if he found the idea laughable, but he could not suppress the feeling of relief that he felt once Mike had gotten on the elevator. He had known that Mike and Libby getting to know each other was a bad idea because it let Mike get too close. And one of Harvey's most important rules was to make sure that no one got too close, because when they did, it was only a matter of time before he lost them.


When Harvey arrived at the office the next morning it was clear from the way the associates were running around the office bubbling with an almost tangible nervous excitement that only one thing could be happening. It was time for the annual mock trial. Harvey could understand why Pearson Hardman did the mock trials, but he never took part, or much interest in them, since his own. In his opinion they should be done on the weekends, not during the work week when the associates should have been helping the partners with their cases. Unfortunately, Jessica did not agree with Harvey and he knew that Mike would be practically worthless to him for the next week because of the mock trial. Harvey shook his head at the excited look on Donna's face as he walked past her desk into his office. "The kid better not come to me for any advice," he muttered under his breath, he had a merger to think about.

Harvey would soon feel almost repentant about his growled statement when he found out that Mike would be going up against Kyle Durant in the trial. It was no secret that Kyle was one of the associates who was particularly fond of making fun of and torturing Mike. He had been the one who had tagged Mike with his nickname Speedbump. It was clear from the harried look on Mike's face when he walked into Harvey's office at ten that morning that he was worried about the mock trial. When Mike had walked into his office Harvey had begun to give him a list of things that he needed his associate to do when he realized that Mike wasn't paying any attention to what he was saying. "You should be writing," he muttered, looking at Mike as if he couldn't believe that the younger man had not been writing down every word that he had said.

"This doesn't really seem like an emergency situation," Mike said, shoving his hands in his pant pockets and shrugging. "Jessica said that the associates were off limits to partners during mock trial week except for emergency situations." Harvey bit back a remark about how Mike's suit was an emergency and simply handed over the brown folder to his associate. "Okay," Mike said, cutting himself off. "Listen Harvey, about this mock trial ..."

"I don't give advice," Harvey said, cutting the younger man off before he could even ask the question. He had tried to let Mike in the night before for his sister's sake but he had thought some more about it and decided that it was best to keep Mike at an arm's distance away from him. Getting attached to people just caused trouble in the long run.

"Please, Sansei," Mike said sarcastically, gesturing his defeat with his hands. "I'm out of my league with this thing." Harvey looked at him for a moment before turning away from him, a thoughtful look on his face as he honestly tried to think of something that might help his young associate. He didn't want to help Mike for Mike's sake and he did not want to give Mike a chance to believe that he actually cared about the younger man, but he knew that everyone in the office would be watching Mike's trial in particular, waiting to see how Harvey's man did.

"Listen," he said, finally turning to look at Mike with a serious look on his face. "Don't go to trial." Mike looked at him like he was crazy so Harvey continued with his advice. "Okay, Law's about control, right?" he started, waiting for Mike to nod in agreement before he continued. "You can only control so much with a judge, jury, witnesses, and another lawyer with an ego complex." Mike looked at him for a moment, his eyebrows knitted together before he interrupted Harvey.

"What if the other lawyer doesn't have an ego comp -"

"Every lawyer has an ego complex," Harvey answered, interrupting his associate. He watched Mike raise his eyebrows and he waited, silently daring his associate to argue with him, but when he didn't Harvey nodded and continued. "The firm presented an exercise where there was potential for failure, okay?" he asked, studying Mike to make sure that the young lawyer was paying attention. "All I'm saying is try to create a situation where that is not even a possibility. Kobayashi Maru." He said before turning away.

"Koba what now?" Mike asked, looking confused.

Harvey sighed and glared at his computer. He had considered Mike a bit of a nerd and he had not expected to have to explain the term to him. He heard a giggle from the door of his office and looked up to see Libby leaning against the door frame in a pair of jeans and one of his Harvard tees. He would not have had to explain what Kobayashi Maru meant to her, she already knew. He sighed and turned back to Mike, watching his sister out of the corner of his eye. "Star Trek. Captain Kirk," he said, keeping his answers direct and to the point. "He wins a no-win situation by rewriting the rules."

"You're a Trekkie?" Mike asked, trying not to laugh. He knew that Harvey had a rather eccentric taste in movies and television but he had never expected his boss to be part of the occult following that the Star Trek franchise had gained over the years.

"Hey, Captain Kirk is the man all right? I don't want to hear another word about it," Harvey snapped. He did not need to be judged by a kid who looked like he was twelve years old and had horrible taste in movies. "Now enough with your fake law problem let's deal with my real one."

Mike nodded, biting back a smile. "Aye, aye Captain," he said before turning to leave the office. He walked out, pausing at the door for a moment when he noticed Libby leaning against the frame biting her lip to keep from grinning. "Don't tell me you're a Trekkie too," he whispered as he stopped in front of her.

"Since the day I was born," Libby said with a grin before holding her right hand up in Spock's famous Live Long and Prosper gesture. Mike chuckled, shaking his head before he left the office to deal with both his fake law problem and Harvey's real law problem.

Harvey looked up from his computer as Libby walked to his desk, setting herself daintily on the corner of the desk. "What?" he asked, not liking the sly grin in place on his sister's lips.

"I saw you bite back that smile," she said with a smile. "You like him."

"I like being called Captain," Harvey said, shaking his head. "Not the kid."

"Whatever you say," Libby taunted playfully.

"What are you doing here anyway?" Harvey muttered, quickly changing the subject.

"It's mock trial week," Libby said with a shrug. "You know how much I love this time of year. Remember when I played your witness... I was amazing."

"So you've decided to come help out the associates?" Harvey asked, shaking his head at the young woman. "Any one in particular?"

"I think Mike could use some help," Libby said with a shrug. "Seeing as your advice is going to get him absolutely no where."

And that's all folks!
I hope you liked it. There will be more to come soon, promise.
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