Hi strange people reading this. So, um, this story was inspired by the game: Pokemon Ranger, Shadows Of Almia. However, for my plot, this story doesn't follow the game at all-but I might have some event in the game occur in the story. Oh, and, because I love the Non-Player Character Keith, he's my protaginist :)

One more note I should mention; due to the idea of writing this being spontaniously thought of, the plot itself is kinda... Slow moving... because I was just writing as I went-with a general idea of plot-and then POOF! Another idea for plot. Then BAM! Another idea. Then WHAM! Another idea.
Thus this story will probably be long. But I've finally settled on one plot which I'm kinda following!

Shoot, I'm rambling. :P

Disclaimer: I do not own Pokemon!

Chapter One: The Meeting

Flames erupted, swallowing the entire room with that fiery passion humans labeled fire. The building I was in-what did they call it? 'Ranger School' or something? Whatever. It didn't matter. After all, the building was being burned to the ground currently. By me, of course.

Who am I? You ask. I, am none other than the legendary Entei. Yes, I entered this practically deserted rural area searching for someone to claim as my partner. That's right. A human to take back with me when I return to one my homes in the vast volcanoes, spread across the regions.

What did you say? Humans can't withstand the heat of lava? Well under my protection they could!

Ahem, as I was saying, I came to find a human partner-you know, to communicate with the volcano locales, to warn the humans of when danger is arriving, and, yes, I do have certain responsibilities as a guardian. I am, after all, the entity of fire, and, therefore, protect those who live around my fiery habitats.

Am I rambling? My apologizes. Wait, where was I?

Oh, yes. I came to this Ranger School seeking a human with potential-possibly a prodigy- to my disappointment, there was no one qualified enough to meet my standards. No one I tell you! No one!

I rampaged through that useless building, tearing down everything and smashing every last trace into charred ashes. In my anger I unleashed more, and more, fire, slashing out at everything in sight. I raced through that building, the heat cleansing my pelt. Until I stopped short when I turned a corner. A brunette girl with spiky pigtails, no older than fourteen, confronted me. There she stood, poised for action, a green styler in hand and some other-he presumed to be-students behind her. Entei smirked; she was a foolish girl if she thought she could take him on.

"Kate, no, don't!" A boy with surprisingly spiky scarlet hair-appearing to be around the same age-called out to the girl.

Entei quirked a brow and gazed at the frightened boy as he spoke once more to the girl, "Kate, don't even think of trying, that's the legendary Entei! A freaking legendary! We're still in school, it's too dangerous to try and capture a strong Pokémon like that with the styles and skills we have!"

Undeterred, the girl gritted her teeth, "No, Keith, I have to try."

Entei raised a brow once more; he liked the determination the girl had. Perhaps him coming to the Ranger School wasn't a mistake after all. Entei narrowed his eyes. But first he'd have to test her.

The boy with ginger spiked hair, stomped his foot, "Dang it Kate!" He shouted voice strained from the smoke, "Fine! But by the time I come back after getting these people outta here," Suddenly he grinned cockily, "You better not have lost, otherwise I'll have to win for you!"

He whirled around-but not before seeing the faint trace of a smile play out on his friend's lips-and ordered all the bystanders to hurry. Running towards the exit, he paused to pick up a classmate of his. Next, he swiftly commanded a few other students to pick up the people whom had already fainted due to smoke. Then, with one last glance over his shoulder at the girl, he fled with the others.

"Now then..." The girl turned to face the canine but stiffened when she realized it wasn't in front of her anymore, "Wha- Where...?" Kate, hearing the sudden movement of air rushing through her bangs, whirled around and rolled, just in time to dodge the incoming Fire Claw attack from Entei.

She gritted her teeth and raised her school styler, it was all or nothing for her. She had to at least distract the legendary to give her friend enough time to get himself, and the others, a safe distance away from the burning building. With her skills, that was all she could do.

Entei roared and leaped. Kate rolled, swinging her styler in circles. The battle had begun.


Keith, breathing hard as he dashed back down the burning hallways, chuckled darkly. If Kincaid were here seeing him run-even in the blazing smoke filled building-he'd be given a lecture right then and there. With a shake of his head, Keith turned a corner leading to the room he previously was in, before he had left the building with the other students. Spotting the door, he quickened his pace, burst through the door.

And froze.

There, lying on the ground covered in wounds and burns-along with ashes-was his friend Kate. Not too far from her stood Entei, his gaze fierce and unsatisfied as he stared at the girl, and then the recently entered boy.

The shock took a minute to register in his mind before he screamed, "KATE!"

Running up to his old friend, he kneeled down by her side, cringing at her injured form.

He shook her gently, "Kate..." His tone gentle, "Kate, please tell me you're okay... Please, don't die on me Kate..."

A subtle movement and slowly opening eyes caught his attention. He leaned forward, ignoring the flames, and ignoring the growing pain of breathing in smoke.

"I'm... Okay... But barely..."

A flicker of a smile flashed on his lips before he gathered her into his arms. He chuckled darkly, trying to find a way to lighten the mood in the ever-growing sad moment. Thus he whispered softly to his near unconscious friend.

"But Kate... Don't you realize I had to run all the way through the halls to get here in time to save you? What if Mr. Kincaid had seen me running?"

Kate smiled softly, her eyes closing, "Well then I guess you'd come running, and I'd have to hear you complain to me about another thirty minute long lecture, huh..."

Her eyes closed and the boy laughed softly to himself, "Yeah... I'd always come running to you..."

The boy stood slowly, girl in hands, and eyes masked by his bangs. He glowered at the canine that stared smugly at him.

"You hurt Kate, and for that, I'll make sure you regret what you did to her."

"I regret nothing"

The boy blinked, surprised that a pokemon could talk to him, before gritting his teeth. He couldn't stand around scolding a pokemon while his friend was unconscious in a fire! He turned his back to the legendary.

"You're... Not worth my time..."

Entei raised a brow curiously as the boy. With his head still slightly bowed, the teen strolled out of the room, before breaking into a sprint towards the exit.

"Not worth your time, hm?" A smirk began to etch its way onto the legendary canine's features, "We'll see, foolish boy, how much I'm not worth you're time."

The fire legend chuckled and turned, "Soon, my boy, soon, we will meet again." and left the burning building with a wave of its billowing mane.


Keith hurried outside, Kate in his arms. Once outside, he collapsed, panting. His friends: Isaac, Rythmi, and Kellyn-who were waiting frantically for him and Kate-noticed the duo and started to shout, running towards them. All voices and words meant nothing to him, though, as blackness coated his vision and he passed out.


A work in progress! :)