It's Not Over

Chapter 2

Tails slowly opened his eyes to find himself in an unfamiliar room. The room was nice and clean and well decorated, even though it was dark. Tails sat up and looked around, trying to see if the place looked familiar.

"What happened? Where am I? And why does my head hurt?" Tails asked himself while rubbing his head. "It seems like someone's room, but how did I get here? That's right! I was walking to the movies to me up with Sonic but someone was chasing me. After that I don't remember a thing. I just hope that Sonic is okay." Suddenly, the door to the room slowly opened, as the light from the hallway casted a dark hedgehog shape. The shape closed the door and walked slowly to the bed, Tails squinted his eyes trying to see past the darkness see that the figure was.

"Sonic?" Tails asked. "Is that you?" the figure says nothing but walks closer to the side of the bed where Tails was. As it approached the moonlight, the figure revels itself as Shadow the Hedgehog. Tails heart sank and fear rose within him as he saw that evil smile plastered on his face.

"S-Shadow." Tails said in fear.

"Hello my love. It's been a long time since we last saw each other. But I guess it hasn't been that long for you, especially when you're with the person you love." Shadow said.

"W-what are y-you doing h-here?" Tails stuttered.

"Well love, this is my house. I had to take you somewhere where no one could see us. I know I was a little rough with you, but it'll be all worth it in the end." Shadow purred as he crawled on the bed next to Tails.

"No! Stay away from me!" Tails yelled, backing away from Shadow.

"Come on Tails, we haven't seen each other for a long time. Don't you want to at least give me a little kiss?" Shadow said.

"I said NO!" Tails yelled trying to run away. As he tried to get up, Shadow grabs his arms and pins him down on the bed. Shadow then climbs on top of the struggling fox pinning down his kicking legs.

"NO! LET ME GO! GET OFF OF ME!" Tails screamed as tears formed in his eyes. Shadow simply smiled, he leaned down and licked the fox's neck and nibbled his ear. Tails shivered in disgust as he felt the warm organ touch him.

"You know, you struggling like this is turning me on so much, just like you were the last time. But this time, I will not hold back on you. I am going to take you and you will be mine, even if I have to use force." Shadow whispered in Tails ear. Tails eyes widened in fear. He then started to thrash out even more followed by a line of swearing. You could barely understand what he was saying. A little angry, Shadow raises his hand and slaps Tails so hard, his cheek turns bright red. Tails immediately becomes quiet and tears form in his eyes from the pain.

"Don't ever use that kind of language in my presence. You're too innocent to be swearing like that. You are filthier than I thought you naughty little boy. Well then, in that case I'm just going to have to punish you. Then you will learn how to respect my authority. " Shadow purred. Tails grew more scared of the situation.

'Sonic, please get here soon. I'm begging you…please…' Tails thought as tears slid down his face.

Sonic ran throughout the city to every building that you could possibly go to, but none of them had Tails or Shadow.

"GRRRAHHHH! WHERE THE FUCK ARE THEY!" Sonic yelled as he continued to run. "That fucking asshole is going to pay when I find him, thinking he's so high and mighty with his arrogant ass! Having the nerve to call me basically celebrating that he gets to molest my boyfriend! Who the fuck does that! That sadistic, wise cracking, shit eating, motherFUCKER! Got me all pissed off because of this! And you know, this….this….!

Frustrated, Sonic slowed down his pace until he stopped on the sidewalk. He held his face in his hands and sat down on the cold ground.

"This is hopeless. I looked everywhere and I still can't find them. Who knows what he has done to him. This is all my fault; if I didn't leave him by himself he would still be with me. I'm sorry Tails…. I'm so sorry…" Sonic said to himself forming tears in his eyes.

He heard thunder roll by and felt drops of rain fall on him. It soon started to pour and everyone scattered to get to shelter. But Sonic stayed in his spot and silently cried. He didn't care if he got wet or even sick, he was mad at himself for losing the most important thing to him. He remembered the first time they met each other. He remembered seeing that beautiful smile on Tails face when he agreed to become his friend. He loved seeing him smile and watching those big beautiful eyes sparkle. Sonic instantly fell for him. Through those years, Sonic was drawn more and more to him. Everything that the fox did sent his heart racing, from a simple smile to the most gentle of touches. He wanted him so badly, but he was afraid that Tails didn't feel the same way towards him. If he told him his true feelings, it could ruin their friendship and their bond that they build with each other. But when he found out Tails true feeling for him, he was overwhelmed with joy. He finally caught the love of his life and made sweet love to him. Sonic slowly lifted his head and stared at the ring Tails gave him on the night they caught each other. After staring at it for a while, Sonic finally came to a resolution. He slowly stood up with a serious expression on his face.

"No, I'm not going to give up. I finally caught the love of my life who stole my heart in the beginning, and I'm not letting anyone take him away from me. I'll find you Shadow, and when I do you're going to wish you never met me." Sonic said before dashing off, continuing his search.

Tails screamed in pain as he felt Shadows fingers constantly and roughly stretching him. He was turned on his stomach with his butt high in the air and his arms taped behind his back. Shadow smiled evilly as the small body withered under him as his prey screamed louder as each finger was added.

"My Tails, your ass is a lot hotter than I pictured. It feels so good, and it's just with my fingers. Just imagine how it would feel if my dick was inside you." Shadow said seductively in Tails ear. Tears were falling from Tails eyes knowing that he was doomed. He could do nothing but sit there and hope that Sonic would come soon and save him. But he was afraid that Sonic was never going to find him and he was going to get raped. He was losing hope.

"S-Shadow….w-why….?" Tails whispered. Shadow took notice to this.

"Why what my little fox?" Shadow cooed.

"Why are you doing this? Why are you hurting us just to get me in your arms? There are thousands of people in the world that can love you, and yet….you constantly try to tear me and Sonic apart! Why can't you leave us alone! Why can't you leave me alone! WHY DOES IT HAVE TO BE ME!" Tails said getting louder with each sentence. Shadow froze in shock and stared at Tails as he openly cried. He stood there silent for a while until finally pulling his fingers out and ripping the tape off of Tails wrists. Tails stops crying when he felt the tape get ripped off and turns to Shadow who now has a sad expression on his face. Tails was shocked and confused by Shadow's action and stared at the silent hedgehog.

"You are right Tails. I am sorry." Shadow said quietly. "I honestly didn't want to hurt you or Sonic. When I saw how happy you made people when they were around you, I figured that you could do the same for me. I wanted you in my life so that I could feel that same joy Sonic feels when he's around you. I just thought that if I got you to love me, then…. I wouldn't be alone or sad anymore. I did not mean to hurt you; I wanted to feel that same warmth that you and Sonic felt when you make love to each other. That's why I did all of this and said those things. I never realized I was hurting you. That's the last thing I wanted to do." Shadow said softly.

Tails was far beyond shocked now. He's never seen this side of Shadow before. He always thought that Shadow was evil and sadistic, but he just wanted someone to love him this whole time. He now, somehow, felt bad for Shadow. Even after all the stuff he said and did to him and Sonic, he still wanted him to be happy.

"I should've never brought you here and did all those things to you. You'll apparently be much happier with Sonic. You can leave if you want." Shadow said. Shocked at first, Tails smiles then walks to the door. Before he opens the door he looks back at the sad Shadow and walks back to him.

"Shadow?" Tails said causing the hedgehog to lift his head. Tails suddenly pulls him up on his feet and gives him a soft kiss on the lips. Shadows eyes widen in shock and a light blush appears on his face. Tails lovingly smiles at him and chuckles a little at Shadow blushing.

"Thank you." Tails says before walking out the door. Shadow lightly touches his lips form where Tails kissed him and smiled. Not smirked, not grinned, not in an evil way, but he genially smiled for the first time in a long time. He suddenly felt a warm feeling wash over him completely from head to toe. The feeling he tried to reach for years was easily given to him from a simple kiss.

The rain stopped falling as Sonic now walked through the city searching for Shadow and Tails. His legs were tired of running but he pressed through to find them.

'It's almost midnight and I still haven't found them. Maybe I didn't look everywhere. Oh God this is killing me! I just hope Tails is okay.' Sonic thought. He then stopped when he saw a small shape running towards his direction.

"What's that?" Sonic asked himself. As it got closer, it started to yell:

"Sonic!" Sonic ears perked up. "That…that sounds like Tails!" Sonic took a closer look and his heart filled with joy.

"It is Tails!" Sonic happily yelled. He quickly ran towards him, ignoring the pain in his legs, and hugged his little fox who eagerly hugged back. They passionately kiss each other with fresh tears of joy running down their faces. After a few minutes, they pull away and look in each other's eyes.

"Tails, I'm so glad you're okay. I thought I lost you." Sonic said hugging Tails again. "I'm sorry this had to happen, this is my fault that this happened to you."

"It's not your fault Sonic, neither of us knew this would happen." Tails whispered in Sonic's ear.

"What happened? Did you escape? Did he touch you? Is he chasing you! Because if he is, I'm so going to kill his-"

"Sonic calm down. He is not chasing me, yes he touched me but it's nothing damaging, and no I didn't escape, Shadow let me go." Tails said.

"He did?" Sonic asked in shock. "Why?"

"Apparently he held in a lot more pain than we thought. He just wanted the same love that I give to you. That's why he did all of this." Tails said.

"Are you sure?"

"He told me himself before he let me go." Sonic was shocked. He never would've thought that Shadow would say something like that. He never knew Shadow was like that period. Sonic smiled.

"Well, I'm glad that he decided to let you go. But I still won't forgive him for touching you." Sonic smirked.

"I understand." Tails chuckled.

"Come on, let's go home." With that they walked home hand in hand not bothering to let go. After that thrilling event, they haven't heard from Shadow since then. It turns out he moved away and found someone to spend his life with. Sonic and Tails were happy for him and now that all of the drama is gone, they can finally relax with each other and say: It's Finally Over.


Whew! I'm finally done! I want to thank Rabbit '91 for giving me the idea because I didn't know what to do. Anyways, read and review please!