Warning: Bad words, grammar error (always), OOCness, including OC if giving name to nameless characters considered as OC...
Disclaimer: Is this important? How many of you don't know that One Piece belongs to Mister Oda?
One week passed after Heart Pirates left Calm Belt, from their short but dangerous trip to Amazon Lily. That made apparently two weeks after the Great War between Marine and pirates at Marineford. The sea wasn't too good lately, as the aftermath for Whitebeard's death. And hell, those Marines were still trailing their ass for saving Straw Hat Luffy from the battleground!
Long story short, they needed to restock badly. At this rate, they even couldn't continue their journey back to Sabaody, before finally entering New World later. Thus, they was lucky to find an island without the help of Log Pose. At the time their yellow submarine finally emerged, they was greeted by massive downpour.
"Seriously... Can't we postpone our shopping thing later? I highly doubt this storm will stop anytime soon..." their captain, Trafalgar Law, grunted. Even in his yellow trench coat (with Heart Pirates jolly roger on back), he was practically drenched from top to toes when he walked to the deck. His crews stood behind him, clothed in the same trench coat but colored in grey.
"No, can't do, senchou! Our food supply was gone by this morning", Ban, the ship cook, replied.
"And we're fuckin running out of supplies for ship reparation, thanks to your order to sail across Calm Belt without those Kuja monsters protection! We're lucky those freakin monsters didn't destroy our submarine!" Kanjiki, the shipwright, added frustratedly. He seemed to be the most crew whose badly traumatized with that incident happened several days ago... which is normal, remembering the extremely over-sized Sea Kings compared to their tiny submarine.
"And don't forget that we need more anesthetics, aspirins, bandages..."
The young captain grumbled. "Alright... Alright... We're docking at that gulf!"
Shortly, after they secured their submarine, they decided the grouping. Eleven Heart Pirates crew surrounded the dining table. Ban and Karasu took care of food supplies. Law and Bepo with medical stuffs. Wase and Kanjiki with ship repair supplies. Wakame, Gaviotte and Jean Bart observed the island. Meanwhile, Penguin and Shachi stayed to guard the submarine. The two latter groups was decided by lottery and no one protest —or so...
"No way...! I wanna see this island's beauties t—"
"—Itte..." Shachi, the green capped man with weird nose shape, whimpered. Apparently, Law slapped him hard on the head by using his nodachi, effectively silenced his protest just now.
"So, anyone disagree with the grouping?" Law smiled sweetly, in contrary with the murderous aura surrounded him. His crews shook their head in unison.
With that, one by one the Heart Pirates member went off to the town near by the port, leaving Shachi whose still mumbled his unvoiced protest. Tears running down his cheek. Penguin leaned on the wall at his side —smiled slightly at his nakama's childish complaint.
~Two hours laters~
At the town
"Marines! There are Marines here!"
It was Jean Bart's voice.
The rests of Heart Pirates crewmember was already at their rendezvous point, ready to went back to the ship with their luggages —until they heard the warn. Six heads turned to one direction when three familiar figures approached them. Law unsheathed his nodachi to engage whoever dare enough to pursue his crews. His crews followed with their weapons too —minus Bepo who readied his battle stance. But then, they saw a really huge shadow pursued Wakame, Gaviotte, and Jean Bart.
It was a giant.
Moreover, it was Vice Admiral Lacroix from Marine's Giant Squad. He was accompanied with bunches of lower-rank Marines.
"Holy fuck!" Law cursed as he sheathed back his nodachi. He knew resisting won't give any good for his crews —he knew their strength. Running to a giant would be suicidal. Besides, he wouldn't be surprised if the Vice Admiral brought a fleet of Marines battleships with him.
"Captain, Penguin and Shachi are—"
"—I know, Bepo. We're splitting!" the pirate captain yelled his order at the top of his lungs. His voice was nearly swept by the drenching rain. First thing first. "Our priority now is to go back to sub safely and leave this island! Now run!"
"It's Trafalgar Law, rookie from North Blue with 200 million Beli bounty head!" one Marine troop yelled.
The pirates did what their captain ordered. They split into three groups. Law with Ban and Kanjiki, Bepo with Wakame and Karasu, Jean Bart with Gaviotte and Wase. Their luggages brought them hindrance, but they didn't drop them as they ran at full speed.
The battle was inevitable.
"Room!" the captain's voice was engulfed by the gunfires. Limbs scattered everywhere in Law's desperate attempt to protect his crews. But he didn't fast enough. Soon he got three bullet wounds. Blood spilled on his trench coat, crimson on yellow.
"Do not falter! Use seastone bullet!" the Vice Admiral ordered. "Capture them! Show them our Justice!"
"Senchou, run!"
"No! Ban, don't stop!"
"Don't stop! Fire! Fire!"
"Fuck, Law-senchou, run already! You're defenseless as shit with those damned bullets stuck in your stomach!"
"Don't run you filthy pirates!"
The town turned into battleground. Gun fired. Sword clashed. Innocent civilian and Marine's dead bodies laid soulless on the ground. However, the battle didn't last long and the result was clear: Trafalgar Law was captured, alongside with 8 of his crewmembers.
A/N: New fic. This time about Heart Pirates! Yay! I always wanted to write about them. I hope you enjoy it XD
Soooo... this takes place few weeks after Marineford War. Law and his crews left Amazon Lily and sailed to a random island before entering New World. I give some times for Vice Admiral Lacroix to heal his wounds from war soooo... well, it's kinda a desperate situation.
See you next time and don't forget to review! My heart is ready owo)/