Bonjour my friends
so I saw X-Men: First Class and I LOVED it. My favorite character would be Alex/Havok. So I'm doing a Fan Fiction about it. So I hope you like it. Enjoy! Oh, don't forget to review.
"So you are telling me that you guys have powers like mine?" Aimee Sullivan stared at the two men in front of her. They had walked up to her whilst she was working, saying stuff about mutations and about how there are people out there like her, people who have abilities.
Aimee ran her hand down her face, closed her eyes and breathed out deeply. This was so hard to take in for her. All her life she had been alone, always on her own. When she was younger, he parents died and she was stuck in an orphanage until she was 15. That was when she ran away. Now a year later she had been able to scrounge up enough money to buy a apartment. It might be disgusting, in the bad part of town and she had to write up some illegal documents but she had gotten away with it.
But now these guys walk up to her, saying stuff about how they are like her and she doesn't know what to do.
The man who claimed to be Charles smiled at her. Aimee then noticed that his fingers were pressed onto his temple and he was looking at her. She frowned at the slight nudge in her head. It didn't hurt but it was very irritating. She focused on it before imagining a giant steel wall in between her head and the nudges. She felt the nudge grow stronger, like it was attacking her wall before it finally gave up and left.
Aimee always had an enormous imagination so it helped that she could easily imagine a giant steel wall.
Charles looked mildly surprised and Aimee's mouth turned into a small frown. She really didn't know why he was surprised. Unless.
Aimee jumped up, the chair she was sitting in crashing to the ground. She pointed a finger at Charles. "Stay out of my head" She snarled. "You have no right "Charles put his hands up in surrender.
"Fine But now you know my power. And we would very much like to know yours" Aimee reached down and picked up her chair. It then came into her mind about the other man. He sat a stiff as a board and it seemed like he had one eye concentrated on her whilst the other was focused out the window.
"What can he do" she flicked her chin out, motioning towards him. The man's eyes were now fully focused on Aimee and she shifted around in her seat uncomfortably.
Charles smiled and leaned forward, his elbows on the table. "This is Erik. He is my partner. He is just like me and you and has the ability to manipulate metal"
Aimee narrowed his eyes at Erik and he glared at her in return. He would be very powerful, Aimee thought; even with the tiniest bit of metal he would be able to kill someone with the flick of his hand.
"Show me. I may have a strong imagination but that doesn't stop me from not believing you. So show me" Erik raised his eyebrows before focusing his eyes on the cutlery in front of him. Nothing happened for a while before they started shaking and eventually they lifted off the table. Aimee's eyebrows shot up as she stared at the floating knives and forks.
She leaned back in her chair and closed her eyes. She started mumbling curses under her breath before opening her eyes and staring at the two men.
"And why do you need me? What can I do to help?"
Charles laughed "you have a gift, a mutation, ability. Erik and I are recruiting people to help us and in the process you get to learn how to control your powers"
Aimee sighed and thought about it. She made two lists, Negative and positive. Positive points: Learn to control her powers, meet other people like her and this was probably the only chance for her to fit in and have something. Negative points: this could be a trap and if it wasn't a trap her powers could probably kill someone.
Aimee groaned but looked up at the men.
"This isn't a trap? You aren't people that want to experiment on me?" They both looked amused but shook their heads.
"No we won't hurt you." Aimee nodded then stood up.
She was probably going to regret this and she was probably going to hurt someone with her so called 'Gift'. She would probably make the building collapse or maybe kill someone or do something even more worst.
What's the worst that could happen?
"Lead the way"
She didn't even know the half of it.
So what do you think? Do you like it? I hope so because I liked writing it. So anyway, if you like it review