Disclaimer: I dont own doctor who or any of the characters :( nor do i own a lazer screwdriver :(( sad face

Occupants: BowTiesAREcool, AmyP, (TheMaster is invisible)

AmyP: who would call themselves the 'master'? y dnt any of u time lords use real names?

AmyP: i mean, having to call u dr all the time is bad enough, now if ppl come onto this chat they'll think its some kinky sex thing .

AmyP: well i guess drs not that bad, but ive been traveling with u for over a year and still dnt kno ur real name..

BowTiesAREcool: the masters always been a little..eccentric..

The Master scoffed at the moniter. Yeah, HE was the eccentric one, not the man who walked around wearing a stick of celery, or an extremely long scarf, and apparently now BOW TIES.

BowTiesAREcool: what ever u do dont talk to him, hes dangerous and hes a bit mad..well alot mad...and hes from the past and as river would say; spoilers!

That got the Master angry, he was not mad! He started furiously hacking the chat room and adding his own features.

AmyP: yh yh -eyeroll-

BowTiesAREcool: why does no one ever listen to me?

TheMaster has logged on with a Lazer Screwdriver

BowTiesAREcool: ...

AmyP: ...

BowTiesAREcool: Since when can u do that on chatrooms?

TheMaster: Since now ;)

TheMaster has shot BowTiesAREcool with a Lazer Screwdriver

BowTiesAREcool cannot send messages for 60 seconds while they Regenerate

TheMaster: -evil laughter-

AmyP: Can u show me how to do that? :O

TheMaster: hmm...

TheMaster is Thinking

TheMaster: No.

AmyP: u dnt need to be rude..

TheMaster: actually i do, it comes with the job, being the villain and all

AmyP: I just wanted to shoot the doctor a few times -pout-

TheMaster: Oh fine

TheMaster has given AmyP access to Extra Features

AmyP: yay :D

AmyP has invited MrPond to chat

MrPond has logged on

AmyP has Smooched MrPond

MrPond cannot send messaged for 60 seconds while they catch their breath

BowTiesAREcool can now chat

TheMaster: Oh Rassilon, mr bow ties back -eyeroll-

BowTiesAREcool: that was completely unnecessary!

TheMaster: its just a chatroom doctor, dont have a heart attack..

TheMaster: actually, go ahead, and make it a double heart attack

BowTiesAREcool: Im not the old man here, ur the oldest.

BowTiesAREcool: ur more likely to have aheart attack than i am

TheMaster: i checked ur profile, ur 909

BowTiesAREcool: and how old r u?

TheMaster: ...

TheMaster: NOW AMY!

AmyP has Stolen BowTiesAREcool's Bow Tie

BowTiesAREcool cannot send messages for 60 seconds while they find their Ridiculous Accessory

MrPond can now chat

MrPond: I dont think its a good idea to mess with the one person who can fly the TARDIS..

TheMaster: Oh please, i can fly a TARDIS better than that idiot

TheMaster: I actually passed my exams

BowTiesAREcool can now chat

BowTiesAREcool: I passed mine!

TheMaster: Oh yh, 5th times the charm eh?

AmyP: 5 times? lmao! Is that y the TARDIS is always so bumpy? im suprised u passed at all!

TheMaster: and when he finally did pass it was only by 1 percent

TheMaster: but i still say Barusa bumped him up a few points so he didnt have to deal w/him

BowTiesAREcool: he did not!

TheMaster: did so, id ask him if it wasnt for u killing all the time lords and all...

BowTiesAREcool: ...

TheMaster: well, cya! -waves-

TheMaster has logged off

MrPond: akward...

AmyP: I like him

BowTiesAREcool: -sigh-

Thanks to those of you who have read and added this story(if you can call it that..) to favorites and story alerts :) and thank you to Rwyf-Yn-y-Blaidd-Drwg for the review :D i'll keep your suggestions in mind for future chapters and such..your comment put me in a really good mood after i read it :D glad you liked it :) i dont think this chapters as funny as the last one but i didnt want to have the master impersinating people two chapters in a row. R&R :D