For the Master this would be between Utopia and the Sound of Drums, for the Doctor Amy and Rory, some time after they got married, but it may vary for each chapter, enjoy :)

Warning: its a bit cracky and 'may' contain curse words later on. Its also going to be pretty random depending on my mood

Disclaimer: I don't own any of these characters or doctor who :(

The Master was bored. Stupid human ape politics. He didn't understand why the Doctor loved them so much. He of all people should hate them. Most of them were lieing through their teeth and everyone with half a brain could see it but they acted like they didn't. That or they were stupider then the Master thought. He sighed, this become-the-prime-minister plan was becoming increasingly dull. He wished the Doctor would show up already and make things interesting.

He sighed again and logged onto his computer and started looking through 'chat rooms'. Lucy told him about them a month ago and he'd spent most of his free time messing with people. A few times the police had tried to track him down but it redirected them to other houses around the world, some of the houses he sent them to didn't even own computers.

He searched 'TARDIS' just to see what would come up. He wasn't exspecting to get any results so when a chat room called 'The TARDIS crew' popped up he was suprised.

"Oh, this is just too perfect!" He mused aloud, practically laughing.

He went into the chat room as 'invisible' so no one knew he was watching the conversation:

Occupants: MrPond, BowTiesAREcool, AmyP

AmyP: all im saying is bow ties r a little...silly

BowTiesAREcool: have you seen my user name, Pond?

BowTiesAREcool: What do you think Rory?

MrPond: ...

MrPond: i think maybe i should stay out of this..

AmyP: Rory thinks so too, right Rory?

MrPond has logged off

BowTiesAREcool: HA!

AmyP: He dnt say they were cool!

BowTiesAREcool: He didn't agree with you so he's on my side

AmyP: im married to him, hes on my side by defult

BowTiesAREcool: Isnt

AmyP: is

BowTiesAREcool: Isnt

BowTiesAREcool: HA! I win!

BowTiesAREcool has logged off


AmyP: Loggin off doesnt make u the winner!

The Master raised his eyebrow and wondered is this 'Amy' women knew that 'logged off' meant they were no longer in the chat.

From what he could make of the conversation, AmyP and MrPond, aka Rory, were married. Probably human if they were friends with the Doctor. BowTiesAREcool was probably the Doctor. Did the Doctor develope some fetish with bow ties? The Master laughed, he couldn't wait to see this new regeneration.

Suddenly the Master had an idea. He changed his username and logged into the chat.

Romana has logged on

AmyP: Hello?

Romana: Hello :) my name is Romana, do u know the doctor?

AmyP: Yh actually im traveling with him. omg r u a past companion?

Romana: No, im his past lover. can u tell him that Romana is in the chat room, saying she survived the Time War (yes, it deserved capitalization) and shes pregnant with his child? Thanks ;)

AmyP: um..brb..

AmyP is AFK

The Master laughed madly, trying to imagine how the conversation would go between the Doctor and his companion.

BowTiesAREcool has logged on

Romana: Hello Doctor! Long time no see!

BowTiesAREcool: Romana? How are you alive?

AmyP has is no longer AFK

AmyP has invited MrPond

MrPond has logged on

BowTiesAREcool: Amelia! This is a private conversation!

AmyP: Whats this about her bieng pregnant with ur child doctor?

BowTiesAREcool: What? o.O

BowTiesAREcool: We can't even have children like that anymore!

MrPond: Then how did u have them? o.O

Romana: Looming

MrPond: Whats looming?

Romana: Nvm that!

BowTiesAREcool: How could you possibly be pregnant? and also, how r u alive?

Romana: pff like that would be enough to get rid of me.

BowTiesAREcool: ...

Romana: ...

BowTiesAREcool: And? the other thing?

Romana: OH yes. well how d'you think?

BowTiesAREcool: But we didn't know..

Romana: that you know of -wink-

Romana: now, back to the point, i need u to take care of little dr jr bc im running away with the Master.

BowTiesAREcool: Wait, what?

Romana: sorry is this regeneration blind or just stupid? I DONT LOVE U, IM RUNNING AWAY WITH THE MASTER AND LEAVING U WITH LITTLE DR JR

AmyP: This is just like a soap opra!

MrPond: ikr


Romana: Actually i'd rather ur pets see this, so they know how u knocked me up and then tried to kill me!

BowTiesAREcool: I didnt knock you up D:

BowTiesAREcool: since when do you call my friends pets?

Romana: ...

BowTiesAREcool: MASTER!

AmyP: Ooo things r getting kinky!

BowTiesAREcool: What?

BowTiesAREcool: No!

BowTiesAREcool: Thats his name!

AmyP: But i thot 'her' name was Romana?

MrPond: Actually i think this 'master' guy was posing as romana

BowTiesAREcool: YES exactly!

Romana: Actually no

BowTiesAREcool: ...really?

Romana: Oh alright, ta-da! its me, your Lord and Master!

Romana has changed their name to TheMaster

AmyP: Ooo its just like in movies when the characters pull their masks off!

TheMaster: haha exactly! :D

BowTiesAREcool: How are you alive? I saw u get sucked into the Time Lock!

TheMaster: u should know better than to think that wou- wait, what? but i wasn't even there when u locked the Time War..

BowTiesAREcool: ...


BowTiesAREcool has logged off

MrPond has logged off

AmyP has logged off

TheMaster has added The TARDIS Crew chatroom to favorites

may or may not continue, i just thought id be fun to do one of these ;) R&R