Chapter 7

Lazlo, Raj & Clam were still in Lumpus's office and they were about to get punished.

"I've been wantin' to say this for a long time," Lumpus said evilly. "Lazlo, you and Jelly Cabin are expelled from Camp Kidney."

"Expelled?" the Jellybeans asked in despair.

"That's right. Go to your cabin, pack your things and get on the bus. Slinkman's gonna drive you three home," Lumpus told the Jellybeans. They hung their heads and started to cry. "Don't start the waterworks. You did the crime and now, you have to do the time."

"Yes, sir," Lazlo said sadly as he, Raj & Clam started to leave.

Just then, the Eds entered the office.

"Scoutmaster Lumpus? Mr. Slinkman?" Edd asked.

"What is it?" Lumpus complained.

"We have a confession to make. The Jellybeans are not responsible for robbing you of your money. Ed, Eddy and I are," Edd admitted.

The Jellybeans gasped in shock.

"Yeah, right," Lumpus replied, not believing Edd. "You're just sayin' that to get them outta trouble."

"It's true, sir. We even brought back your wallet," Edd explained. He gave Eddy a stern look. "Hand it over, Eddy."

"No," Eddy said adamantly.


Ed grabbed Eddy by the ankle and held him upside-down.

"If you grab me one more time, I'll-" Eddy began.

Before Eddy could finish, Ed shook him until Lumpus's wallet fell out of his pocket.

"My wallet!" Lumpus exclaimed in surprise.

Edd picked up the wallet and handed it back to Lumpus. "I believe this belongs to you," Edd said.

"Is the money still in there?"

"Yes, sir. All of it,"

"What about all the candy I confiscated?"

"We ate it," Ed replied.

"Oh. Well, I guess you were tellin' the truth then," Lumpus realized.

"Does that mean we can stay?" Lazlo asked.

"No! I really wanted to expel you," Lumpus protested.

"Sir, you can't expel them for something they didn't do," Slinkman reminded.

Lumpus groaned. "Fine. You can stay."

The Jellybeans cheered and ran out of the office. Ed and Edd were glad they saved them from expulsion while Eddy was mad about losing the money again.

"You can let Eddy go now, Ed," Edd instructed.

"Okay," Ed obeyed as he released Eddy.

"Ow!" Eddy shouted in pain when he hit the floor.

"It was very honest of you boys to come forward," Slinkman told the Eds.

"Whatever," Eddy grumbled as he stood up.

"Now, would you mind explaining why you broke into our cabin last night and stole Scoutmaster Lumpus's wallet?" Slinkman asked sternly.

The Eds realized they were the ones in trouble now and decided it was best to tell Lumpus and Slinkman about their situation.

"Well, the truth is the three of us are actually from another universe," Edd began.

"Oh, yeah, right!" Lumpus interrupted.

"Actually, sir, he might be telling the truth. They are humans while the rest of us are animals," Slinkman pointed out. "Go on, Double-D."

"Yesterday, we were accidentally transported here by a portal machine I invented. We need to build another one, as it's our only way home, and we've been trying to raise money for it," Edd continued.

"So, that's why you left camp yesterday. We do have a rule against that. Where did you go?"

"We, along with Jelly Cabin, traveled to Prickly Pines and started selling beans,"

"Edward went with us and helped us sell-" Ed began.

Eddy slapped his hand over Ed's mouth. "Ed, don't. We're already in enough trouble," Eddy said, not wanting to tell Lumpus or Slinkman about the cookie-selling business.

"Anyway, when our bean-selling business failed, we tried stacking them instead," Edd explained.

"We broke the bean-stackin' record and made a hundred bucks but then, Lumpus showed up and took our money," Eddy added.

"Sir, you confiscated that money?" Slinkman questioned Lumpus.

"I had to, Slinkman. They broke a camp rule," Lumpus argued.

"Even if they did, you can't do that. The Bean Scout Handbook forbids it. You need to return the money,"

"WHAT? I'm not givin' up a hundred dollars! That's a lotta money!"

"Welcome to my world," Eddy commented.

"Sir, I suggest you give these boys their hard-earned money back or else I'll have to report you to Commander Hoo-Ha," Slinkman said sternly.

"Not Commander Hoo-Ha!" Lumpus shouted in fear.

"Who's he?" Ed asked.

"He's our boss. He's in charge of all the camps in Prickly Pines," Slinkman answered.

Lumpus groaned again. "Fine. Here's the money." He reluctantly took the bean-stacking money out of his wallet and handed it to Eddy, who took the money and placed it back inside his pants pocket. "Stupid Bean Scout Handbook," Lumpus grumbled.

"Okay, Double-D, it all worked out. We saved Lazlo and them from gettin' expelled and we still have the money. Can we get the portal now before we lose the money a third time?" Eddy asked impatiently.

"Not so fast, young man," Lumpus interrupted. "You still can't leave."

"I'm afraid he's right, Eddy," Slinkman agreed. "Camp Kidney lasts all summer and once you sign up, you're stuck here."

"Are we allowed to purchase the portal?" Edd asked.

"Not until summer's over. We have a rule against technology in camp so you'll have to wait until then to buy the portal,"

"Great. We were so close," Eddy groaned, feeling devastated. "Thanks a lot, Sockhead. We'd be home right now if you didn't have to be a Mr. Goody Two-Shoes."

"You know I wouldn't be able to live with the guilt of betraying our new friends, Eddy," Edd pointed out.

"This is your fault too, Monobrow. We wouldn't even be here if you didn't mess with the portal in the first place,"

"I didn't mean to. Sorry, guys," Ed said sadly.

"It's alright, Ed. We all make mistakes," Edd replied. "Slinkman, is there any way we can contact our parents and let them know where we are?"

"Your parents don't know you're here?" Slinkman asked.

"No, sir,"

Slinkman pulled the Bean Scout Handbook out of nowhere and turned to a certain page. "According to the Bean Scout Handbook, parental permission is required in order to join Camp Kidney. We can't let you stay here without your parents' permission so it looks like you boys get to leave early after all."

"What a stroke of luck," Edd said in surprise.

"Yes! We're goin' home," Eddy cheered.

"Good. That means three less campers to deal with," Lumpus said negatively.

Slinkman drove the Eds to the electronics shop in Prickly Pines so they could buy the supplies they needed for the portal. When they returned to Camp Kidney, Edd started building the portal inside Butter Cabin with help from the Jellybeans while Ed and Eddy hung out with Edward, Chip & Skip.

Once the portal was finished, the Eds prepared to leave. They were now inside Butter Cabin with Lazlo, Raj, Clam, Edward & Slinkman.

"Thank you for your help, Slinkman," Edd said. "I apologize for any trouble my friends and I may have caused. We should've informed you of our situation the moment we arrived."

"That's alright. We enjoyed having you here," Slinkman replied. "You can come back next summer if you want. Just be sure to ask your parents first."

"Bye, Slugman," Ed said as he waved at Slinkman. "Tell the moose man we said goodbye too."

"I'll tell him. See you guys later," Slinkman said as he left the cabin.

"We would like to thank you, Raj and Clam for your help too, Lazlo," Edd added.

"I helped too, you know," Edward reminded.

"Thank you for your help as well, Edward. We really appreciate it,"

"No problem," Lazlo replied. "Are you guys gonna come back and visit?"

"Not in this lifetime," Eddy replied. "C'mon, Double-D, start up the portal. I wanna get home."

Edd activated the portal and programmed it to send the Eds back to Peach Creek. The machine started to shake and spark and after a few seconds, a portal appeared.

"Alright, Eddy, it's complete. The portal should transport us back to Peach Creek," Edd informed.

"Good. Let's go," Eddy said before jumping into the portal.

"Goodbye, new friends," Ed said as he bearhugged Lazlo, Raj, Clam & Edward. The four of them gasped for air.

"Can't...breathe..." Clam said.

"Too...tight..." Lazlo said.

"And...too...stinky..." Raj said.

"" Edward ordered.

"Ed, let them go," Edd instructed. Ed released the four Bean Scouts. "Thank you."

Ed and Edd jumped into the portal. Then, the portal disappeared.

"That was fun," Lazlo commented.

"Fun," Clam repeated.

"I hope they come back next summer," Raj commented.

"I actually started to like those guys," Edward commented.

Back in Peach Creek, a portal appeared in the middle of the cul-de-sac. The Eds fell out of the portal and landed on the ground. Then, the portal disappeared. The Eds stood up and explored their surroundings.

"We made it! We're finally home!" Eddy cheered.

"Civilization at long last," Edd said in relief.

"That was fun! Let's go somewhere else," Ed suggested as he started running toward Edd's garage.

"NO!" Edd and Eddy shouted in unison as they grabbed Ed and pulled him back.

"We're not goin' anywhere else," Eddy said sternly.

"Eddy's right, Ed," Edd agreed. "Although Camp Kidney was a fun experience, I don't think we should use my invention again until I've made some improvements on it."

"You got that right. Let's get outta these stupid uniforms and get to work on our next scam,"

Later, back at Camp Kidney, Edward snuck into Butter Cabin. The cabin was almost empty; it had been cleaned out after the Eds left. The only thing that remained inside was the portal machine.

"Now's my chance to finally get outta this camp," Edward said to himself as he walked over to the machine. Before he could activate it, the cabin door slammed open, thus startling him.

"Hold it right there!" a voice shouted.

Edward turned around and saw Lumpus, Slinkman & some movers approaching him. The movers took the supercomputer and the portal and left the cabin.

"You know the rules, platypus. Technology is forbidden," Lumpus reminded. "We're gettin' rid of this contraption so no one else can leave camp."

"Nice try, Edward," Slinkman said as he and Lumpus left the cabin.

Edward groaned and said, "Stupid moose."

"I HEARD THAT!" Lumpus shouted from outside.