Disclaimer: i do not own these precious little angels, ryan murphy does

Rachel Berry is now single

Puck Puckerman finally! Now he can go chase after Tubberz!

Rachel Berry lol preach!

Kurt Hummel I'll kick Finn's ass for you. Can I Tinker bell?

Rachel Berry absolutely Peter Pan! Go all Bruce Lee on his ass!

Mike Chang that's my little midget ninja

(Noah Puckerman and 21 other people like this)

Rachel Berry I am not a midget! I'm just fun sized, bitches!

Finn Hudson you know I can read this right?

Brittany Pierce or can you? I mean you're dumb Finn… and that's coming fr

om me.

(Rachel Berry, Noah Puckerman and 239 other people like this)

Finn Hudson Fun University

Rachel Berry too bad you're not going there :P

Puck Puckerman posted a video

Rachel Berry you ******* suck **** you ******* son of a mother******* ***** and I hope you **** of your ******* *** in **** you ******** ******bag. Kiss my *** cuz ******* it with your **** is so ******* out of the equation so your **** out of luck!

Puck Puckerman …O.o

Santana Lopez …O.o

Finn Hudson …O.o

Quinn Fabray …O.o

Sam Evans …O.o

Mike Chang …O.o

Tina Cohen-Chang …O.o

Mercedes Jones …O.o

Kurt Hummel …O.o

Artie Abrams …O.o

Brittany Pierce …O.o

Rachel Berry what?

Santana Lopez I think you just out badassed Puckerman!

Puck Puckerman it was totally hot though. Same as the video that only Rachel commented about. O.o

Santana Lopez it was hi-larious when she jumped on your back and screamed, DANCE FOR ME PUCKERMAN! DANCE!

Puck Puckerman shuddup satan -.-

Rachel Berry really hates Puck Puckerman's name

Puck Puckerman that's not what you were saying five seconds ago ;)

Rachel Berry im gonna kick your ass…smh

Puck Puckerman AAH! Not in the face! That's my best part!

Santana Lopez im not gonna say ANYTHING!