Disclaimer: see my profile

A/n hey all... here's the last chapter. Thank you all for you wonderful support and feedback. Many, many thanks to my beta REIDFANATIC for all her help, ideas, and most importantly her friendship. You are the best my friend

Say I Do

"I can't believe how fast you put this together." Garcia said from her place next to Emily in front of the mirror.

She slid a silver comb with a golden butterfly into Emily's hair, which was left down, but pulled back at the sides. It fell in large spiral curls to her bare shoulders. JJ had insisted on doing Emily's hair and had done it beautifully as far as Garcia was concerned.

Garcia stepped back and admired the bride in her simple white cotton dress that left her shoulders bare and fell to just below her knees with lace around the short sleeves and the off the shoulder collar. She picked up a bouquet of white and pink carnations tied up with a pink ribbon that fluttered as Emily moved.

"You look beautiful. You're going to knock Reid's mismatched socks off."

"You, JJ and Violet look great too." Emily said.

"Well, we're trying not to outshine the bride." JJ said.

That the girls had found matching dresses in less than one week, which fit with Emily's dress, was something of a miracle. JJ had told her that Garcia was the one that found the dresses for them, but she wouldn't say where she'd gotten them.

"I don't care if you do." Emily laughed as she turned to the side. "I want you to look beautiful. It's thanks to you, and the guys, that this day is finally here."

She hugged them all taking care not to put wrinkles in the white cotton off the shoulder dresses they wore, with different shades of pink and yellow splashed on them like summertime.

"You look like summer." Emily said.

"Not to bright for a wedding." Penelope asked twirling on her heels.

"Not at all."

"Aren't we forgetting something?" Violet said. "She needs something blue, something old, new and borrowed."

"When did you become such the expert on wedding traditions?" Garcia demanded her hands on her hips.

"I looked it up."

Emily laughed. "I think Spencer and Brian have had a bad influence on her.

Violet stuck out her tongue. "Knowledge is power." She informed them.

"Definitely a bad influence," JJ said as they all laughed.

"I have all the tradition I need," Emily said. "Spencer gave this to me last night before Morgan dragged him off for his bachelor party."

She held out her hand for the girls to get a look at the ring she wore on her right hand. The stone was marquise cut in a sterling silver setting.

Garcia grabbed her hand and held it up for a better look. "Are those diamonds?" She squealed peering down at the small, round stones that surrounded the blue opal.

"No, they're cubic zirconium."

"It's beautiful." JJ breathed. "I didn't know Spence had such good taste."

"Yeah, it's pretty." Violet said.

"The stones together are said to represent the harmony of two souls in concert."

"That sounds like something my sweet cheeks would say. He knows everything."

"Pretty romantic if you ask me."

Emily smirked at JJ. "What can I say? I got one of the good ones."

"So it works for something new and something blue. The comb can be your something borrowed and old."

Emily hugged Garcia again. "Thank you for lending it too me."

"My mother would be proud if she were here."

Someone knocked at the door. Violet opened it to a tall man with hair the same color as Emily's, dressed in light grey suit with a sapphire blue tie and white shirt. He smiled in Emily's direction and held out his hand.

"It's time." Her father said."

Emily took his hand, squeezed it and said. "Here goes nothing."


The small chapel was just large enough for Emily's parents, the team, Reid's father and mother, his friend Ethan and Brian. He glanced anxiously from his place at the altar where the chaplain waited to marry him and Emily. His father smiled at him from the front pew and Morgan elbowed him.

"Relax man. Your mom is completely fine. She's smiling."

Reid reached up for his tie, and then lowered his hand when Morgan gave him a withering stare. "Sorry," he hissed. "You're not the one getting married."

"Come on man. Emily loves you although I don't know why." Reid's head whipped around and Morgan almost laughed. "I got you there."

The organ began to play and Reid looked up to see Henry toddling down the aisle to his father. Hotch, and Will stood up for him, but Rossi had declined claiming he'd had enough of standing at the altar to last him a lifetime. He'd decided to take the job of usher instead. Emily had suggested Henry as a ring bearer. The little boy seemed to take his responsibility seriously because he clutched the white pillow very carefully.

Violet followed Henry down the short aisle. She gave Spencer a saucy wink, but her smile was for the tall young man in the congregation that she'd been dating for a year. Reid frowned. She wasn't even seventeen yet, but there she was, so grown up in a white dress with bright splashes of color, her dark hair in its usual spiky arrangement and her blue eyes happy. When had she grown into such a lovely young woman? He didn't know and he decided he'd worry about it later.

JJ came in next, with the same dress, and a bouquet of white and pink flowers. She grinned at him and joined Violet on the other side of the altar. Garcia followed JJ and he almost laughed at the way Morgan puffed out with pride at her dress, her upswept curls and the flowers she carried.

At last, Emily made her entrance on her father's arm and he forgot everything else. Everything fell into place. Emily was there, Chase was safely in Elizabeth Prentiss's arms and he couldn't think of anything he wanted more than this moment.

Rossi smirked at him from the other side of Reid's dad. The two had hit if off this time around and had made plans to golf before the team had to fly home. He didn't even know that Rossi or his dad golfed.

The music ended and suddenly the chaplain was talking, saying things like "Dearly beloved, and "Speak now or forever hold your peace."

He said, "I do," at the right, time and heard Emily say it in her turn. He placed the ring on her finger and felt the cold metal slip onto his finger and then warm to his skin as though it was meant to be there.

"Spencer and Emily have written their own vows." He inclined his head to Emily.

Reid faced Emily, his hand trembling in her clasp until she smirked at him in just the way that always made him feel like he could do anything.

"Spencer…" She began. "When I came to DC, all I wanted was to protect the life of an innocent boy. I never intended to find a family. I never thought I'd find the kindest, gentlest, perfect man but then I met you. Thank you for loving me in spite of all I put you through. I love you and I promise to dedicate my life proving it to you. "

He lifted a hand and brushed away a tear sliding down her cheek. "Emily… When we met, all I was interested in was doing my job, reading everything I could get my hands on, and going to school. I never thought I'd find you. I never expected to get married or have a family of my own, but now I have a son with the most beautiful, strong willed and loving woman in the world. I promise to love you and to take care of you for the rest of my life."

Now tears were leaking from his eyes as she smiled at him with dark eyes that held mysteries he'd never solve even if he had ten lifetimes with her.

The simple ceremony was over before he knew it and suddenly he was married to the only person on earth that understood him, that loved him for who he was after his parents. His heart was so full it felt like it might burst from his chest.

He looked over at his mother right before he was told he could kiss his bride. She was smiling at him. She didn't look like she was in a medicated haze, she looked like any other mother at any other wedding, he supposed.

"Hey," Emily nudged him. "The man said to kiss your bride."

He pulled her into his arms, where she belonged and melded his lips with hers, in their first embrace as man and wife. He didn't hear the applause, or the whistles. They only thing there was in the universe was the beat of his heart, and the taste of her mouth.


"What do you think of Emily?" William asked Dianna.

"I don't know. I mean, we don't really know anything about her. I'm not sure she's good enough for our son."

William smiled as he took in the setting around them, all of Spencer's friends and his BAU family, and Dianna, who wore a simple summer dress of light pink cotton. Her short blond hair had been fluffed out around her face and she was as beautiful as the day he'd married her. He looked down at the ring he still wore, that he hadn't taken off in more than thirty years and smiled ruefully.

Please God, let Spencer have all the happiness he deserves.

"I think Emily will make him very happy. Look at them together."

"I still want to talk to her." Diana said.

As if they heard her from across the little garden gathering spot at their hotel, Emily and Spencer headed over to where his parents sat talking.

Reid gave his mother Chase to hold and she beamed at the sight of her grandson. "He's so beautiful."

Chase cooed up at her and smiled as if she were his new best friend. He shook his kitten rattle and began to babble.

"He reminds me of you." William said to Spencer. "You used to babble all the time like that. It was so cute."

"I remember that, even though they gave me a shot before the wedding." Diana said irritably, but with a tiny smile.

Emily took the empty chair at the table next to Dianna and faced her new mother-in-law. "I have a gift for you."

She handed over a brightly wrapped box she'd picked up from the table the hotel had set up for them. Diana pulled off the paper and opened the box. She picked up the heavy book inside and opened the cover.

"Spencer told me that Chaucer is a favorite of yours," Emily said.

"It is a favorite. Thank you."

"I just wanted you to know how much I love Spencer and how grateful I am to you for giving him to the world." She said to both William and Diana.

"He's perfect." Diana said as though stating an irrefutable fact.

"Yes…" Emily agreed, squeezing Reid's arm. "He is perfect."


"Face it Spencer, you're always going to be seen as perfect by your mother."

He went pink in the cheeks. "What about you?"

She smacked his arm. "That depends on if you ever decide to do something boneheaded or stupid."

Diana said seriously. "Now I know I like you." She directed at Emily.

William laughed which took ten years off his face. "On that note, I suggest we have a toast."

The team, Ethan, Violet, Brian, and Emily's parents joined them. William stood up. "I hope the best man doesn't mind if I give the first toast."

Morgan nodded. "Go ahead Mr. Reid. I can't wait to hear this." He grinned as Reid glared at him.

Everyone except Emily, Diana, Violet and Brian had champagne in their glasses. They had sparkling cider to drink. William raised his glass. "I always knew that Spencer was special from the moment he was born. He proved it to me many times over the years, even after I left him and his mother. I've been lucky enough to benefit from his goodwill even when I didn't deserve it. However, this day isn't about me. It's about my son and his new wife. May they have all the happiness they deserve. May their son always have his parents to watch over and nurture him into the fine young man he'll become one day. May their lives always intertwine, until their last breath."

The wedding party drank to the toast. Emily reached over and touched Reid's hand, the one that wore the wedding band she'd chosen for him just days ago. "You okay?"

"Yeah… I was just thinking this couldn't be a more perfect day. I have my family and that's all that matters."

"Are you sorry we didn't bring the cats?" She asked laughed.

He couldn't stop the smile that lit up his face. "Can you see them here running around and causing trouble?"

"Actually, I can." She admitted. "They did get us together."

"When are you going to admit that cats aren't matchmakers?" He said seriously.

"You just go on believing that," She said. "I for one think they deserve extra treats when we get home."

"You'll spoil them." He complained.

"Like you've never given into their demands," Emily accused.

"Shh... Morgan is about to embarrass me." He hedged and she laughed.

She kissed him there in the last dying light of the late summer day as the sun threw shadows over the party. It didn't matter what Morgan might say, or that Reid's relationship with his father was tenuous but getting stronger by the day or that Diana Reid was a prisoner of her mind, they had a new life together and she wouldn't change a thing; even if that life included a couple of devious, matchmaking felines. It was odd, but it was hers and for once, she had the normal life she always wanted.