Superboy cursed.

What the hell is he supposed to do? Robin wasn't breathing and his heart had stopped. He was dead. Oh God, Robin was dead.

Superboy pressed himself and Robin closer to the fire and tried to think of something, anything that would bring the Boy Wonder back to life, because Robin couldn't be dead. He may have been mortal but it wasn't possible for him to just die!

There was a noise, dear god; he really hoped it wasn't those damn guards because Superboy didn't think he would be able to hold back.

As they were flying to the cave where Robin and Superboy were Superman focused on the two heartbeats and flying at a speed slow enough for everyone to follow but quick enough for them to get to the two trapped teens. Yet, when he heard one heart beat stop and the other quicken. The Man of Steel had the same reaction; he stopped dead in his tracks then sped towards the teens, ignoring the voices coming from his comm. link, they could track his comm. link to follow him, but he needed to get to the boys now.

When he arrived at the cave covered by a large boulder (which he picked up and hurled away) he sped inside and saw a scarring sight. Superboy was clutching Robin for dear life, fear, guilt, regret, grief were all evident in his usually stoic blue eyes. The Krypotnian knelt down and set his hand on Robin's cold forehead before instantly standing up and after noticing his comm. link had no signal he dashed out of the cave to go direct everyone else. They needed to get here. They needed to save Robin.

Once Superman left Conner felt himself grip Robin tighter and tell him that help was here. The living teen saw everyone's reaction, upon their arrival. Kid Flash was the first to run in and towards the two black haired teens, but as soon as he spotted the youngest (dead) member he froze in his tracks and dropped to his knees in protest and began to beg and sob. The original League members entered next, Batman running and the others hot on his heels. Superboy imagined Batman would snatch away the corpse, as was The Dark Knight's nature, yet he carefully picked up the body and tucked him so close that the Boy Wonder disappeared behind the curtain of Batman's cape. Batman turned on his heels and Martian Manhunter and Superman instantly followed him.

Wonder Woman was kneeling beside Wally and was trying to calm him down. As the three League members were leaving the rest of Young Justice was arriving. All of their eyes watched in disbelief as they noticed the lump behind Batman's cloak, the small unmoving lump then a stunned Superboy and a sobbing Kid Flash.

Miss Martian clutched the side of her head, fiery red strands locked between her fingers as she began to break down and continually chant in a mix of English and some foreign language. Aqualad looked shocked but focused on the collapsing girl next to him. Artemis clinched her fists in anger and screamed in protest. That's how The Flash found them a few minutes later when he ran in to the cave. Wonder Woman moved aside and allowed the speedster to be with his nephew. It wasn't long before the red head began to take notice of his surroundings and the people around him. His head snapped up and he glared at the group of teens behind him, The Flash surprised by how quickly he changed from sorrow to anger, when the boy pushed himself up and stumbled over to his teammates.

"This is all your fault! All of you!" Everyone looked in shock. The Flash followed his nephew and tried to pull him away from his teammates but he continued to struggle against him and shrugged off his uncle's grip before continuing his ranting. "I told you that we should have called The League! If we would have just called them…I told you but did you listen? No, and now look what's happened. Why couldn't you just listened to me for once and called the League instead of trying to prove something. What did you want to prove? That we could handle this mission? That we could find our teammates who were lost in Siberia? Huh?" Everyone was shocked by Kid's words, but it didn't make them any less true. "If you would have just called the League then Robin would still be alive!"

"He could still be-"

"No he's not! Robin's dead!" A choked sob escapes. "I saw him, M'gann knows, you all saw how the League was reacting, you saw Batman, he was so…emotional-you could see it in his face. Batman was showing emotion! And my God, Superboy was holding hos corpse!" The mix of emotions and grief was overwhelming for M'gann.

Wonder Woman walked over to Superboy, who was in a state of shock, and set a gentile hand on his shoulder. "Superboy I know this must be hard for you-"

"No, I…I get it…" The dark haired teen trailed off and the only sounds that could be heard were the sobs of his teammates. That's the only sound in the entire cave for a while, until M'gann let out a shriek.

Batman was the one to see his protégé cold and dead; he was the one to carry his frozen corpse, to feel it pressing to him; he was the one to slave of him, trying to force him to come back to life. He was goddamn Batman, he could save his son.

Twenty one minutes, twenty one minutes of using alien technology, twenty one minutes pas the time that he would have and should have been declared dead, twenty one goddamn minutes later Dick's heart was beating on its own and his teeth were chattering, and after twenty one minutes of finally succeeding in getting Dick to live, Batman almost collapsed in relief.

"R-Robin's alive!" M'gann exclaimed.

Kid Flash's head shot up and his voice was just above a breath. "What?" Tears were streaming down all their faces.

M'gann eagerly nodded, now crying for an entirely new reason. "My Uncle just informed me that he, Batman and Superman have just revived him and they are now taking him to the Watch Tower so he can recover." The alien couldn't keep the glee out of her own voice. Aqualad smiled and wiped away his tears before walking over to Superboy, once he knew M'gann would be fine on her own. "Are you alright, Superboy?"

The clone looked up at eh leader, still in Wonder Woman's hold. "Conner," They all gave him a weird look. "Conner," he repeated. "That's my Earth name." Everyone remained silent. "R-Robing gave it to me, Conner Kent. C-o-n-n-e-r K-e-n-t. He also gave me a Kryptonian name, Kon'El, K-o-n E-l."

Wonder Woman gave a soft smile. "That's great, Conner."

The black haired teen didn't acknowledge her comment. He looked up at her and asked. "Can we go see him?"

The Flash was about to say 'yes' and comm. up to the Watch Tower, when the amazon spoke. "No, we should get you all back to the Mountain so you can rest." She stood up. "Let's all get on my jet and go ."

The Flash helped his nephew up. "Come on, Kid, let's race back." The teen merely nodded and they both lined up before The Flash began counting down, making his voice overly cheerful, and in an instant they were gone.

The jet was silent. The rest of the night was silent. And nobody commented when Superboy turned the temperature up, none of them wanted to feel that cold.

Wonder Woman really shouldn't have been all that surprised when he passed by the infirmary to check on Richard and Bruce and she saw Superboy standing outside of the room.

"Hey," She placed her hand of his shoulder, but the boy's gaze never left the glass panel. "You should be in bet at Mount Justice."

"Is Dick going to be okay?" Wonder Woman looked at him in shock. How could he have known Robin's civilian name? "He told me during one of is delusion, if that's what you would call it, right before he gave me my name."

Wonder Woman smiled. "He'll be fine. Come on, Conner," she ushered him away from the infirmary and back into the Watch Tower break room. She fixed him a hot cup of cocoa and set him down on the couch. "Why don't you tell me everything that happened?"

Conner looked up at the League member and back down at his drink. "I told him to hurry up…"

Everything was so warm, and soft, and so nice. Robin wanted to stay like this for the next hundred years, or at least until he grew taller, whichever came first. This was much better than that cave…

Robin jolted up and instantly regretted it as he clutched his left side. Pain was painful. Thank you Captain Oblivious. Shut up Lieutenant Sarcasm.

"Don't move," The voice instructed as two hands pulled the soft, so soft, so very, very soft and warm blankets back up, but if there's anything Batman's taught him it's don't get too comfortable until you know your surroundings, escapes and have a plan. Robin opened his mask-less eyes, wait mask-less, crap Batman would-"Calm down, your safe." Robin turned towards the voice. Oh, it was only Bruce…Bruce? Wait, what the…?

Robin looked around the room only to see he was in the Watch Tower infirmary, in what Robin felt was his bed, he and Batman had been here plenty of times after one too many rounds with some Gotham villain, or super villain or someone. Hell, Superman had even brought him here one time after Dick had refused to fight some bully (if you could even call him that) and ended up with some superficial cuts and bruises, he's received worse from sparing. But that didn't mean that he didn't understand that he was in here for a reason. Everything had come back in an instant and his head was hurting hand Bruce's presence was really comforting and all but he needed to make sure Superboy-Conner was alright.

"Where's Superboy?" he rasped, literally his voice was scratchy and sore and water sounded really good right now, or even better Alfred's hot chocolate, and now his mouth would be watering if it didn't feel so dry. Bruce was about to hand him the usual cup of ice chips until Dick's nose scrunched up at the thought of something cold.

"I figured you wouldn't want something cold." Bruce gave him a genuine smile and reached down beside his chair and pulled up a thermos. Dick couldn't hold back his smile when he saw Bruce pour two cups of cocoa. "Now, you can have this" he began as he pushed Dick's greedy hands away, and handed him another styrofoam cup "once you drink this." Dick looked down at the cup in his hands, water. He took a hesitant sip; it was lukewarm, not cold, lukewarm. Dick began to chug down the drink because: 1) water sounded fantastic 2) he was thirstier than he though and 3) the sooner he finished the sooner he could have Alfred's hot cocoa (Bruce wouldn't have brought him any other kind). "Slow down," Bruce instructed with a soft chuckle. He did as instructed but as soon as it was gone he reached for the other (better) drink, which he received with a slight smile from his father.

Bruce's presence was so comforting, and the hot chocolate was so good and hot and it soothed his throat, but that didn't stop him from asking once again. "Is Superboy alright?"

Bruce nodded. "He's fine; the only thing was his temperature only dropped a few degrees, unlike you." His look became stern. "Richard, what were you thinking?" Dick looked down at his hot chocolate in his lap. "You decided to send the documents but not a distress signal. Superboy told Diana what happened and she told me."

"I'm sorry; I just wanted to show you that I know the mission comes first and I didn't think this would happen. I know I should have planned for any situation-"

"I don't think you understand, Richard. Do you have any idea how worried I was when Aqualad called me and told me you were missing? And then after a half an hour we finally find you and you were dead!"

They both flinched. "I'm sorry." Dick brokenly whispered.

Bruce sighed and grabbed the cup from his son's hands and set it on the table before bringing his son into an embrace. "I was so worried that I couldn't save you, the mission doesn't come first when your life is in danger-" Dick was about to argue that Batman did that all the time and so did he. "You know what I mean; you're too young to know the importance of a mission vs. your life." Dick nodded and hugged back before they broke off and Bruce sat back down and re-handed Dick his drink. "Just relax for now, Dick, you still need to heal."

Conner took a deep breath, if he didn't go now then he may never get the courage to again, Bruce was asleep and the man hadn't and wouldn't leave his side. Now or never.

Conner took a deep breath and opened the door as silently as possible. He walked over and gently shook Robin awake. There was a soft groan before bright blue eyes looked up at him. Blue eyes and black hair, just like him, they could pass as brothers…maybe.

Robin's eyes focused before he slowly sat up, wincing as he did so, Conner ended up helping him to an upright position. "Thanks," he whispered. Conner nodded and now was not the best time for his voice to stop working. "How are you feeling?" Robin whispered.

Conner nodded and Robin raised an eyebrow. "Good," he whispered back, forcing his voice to do so. Which he was really glad they were whispering because he didn't think he could speak any louder.

"Good, I was worried that something had happened."

Conner stared at him. "Something did happen," Robin looked at him quizzically. "You died."

Robin rolled his eyes. "I'm fine. I'm alive now, aren't I?"

"Robin you died and it was my fault." Superboy's voice became a little louder and they both froze when Batman shifted before going back to sleep.

"It wasn't your fault. If it wasn't for you I doubt I would have lived as long. You saved me, Conner."

The bigger teen froze. "You…you remember…?"

Robin nodded. "Ya, and I guess you know who I am?"

Now it was Conner's turn to nod. "You, said Richard, but I can call you Dick?"

"Yep, but you know you can't tell anyone." Dick said as if that wasn't obvious enough.

"I know,"

Dick smiled and gave his creepy giggle as a plan formulated in his mind. Contrary to popular belief and extremely contrary to Batman, Dick was a hugger, and he was the perfect size, and Conner looked like he could use a hug…

"Hey Conner," Dick took the opportunity of having Conner off guard to pull him into a hug. Conner, after a moment of shock, slowly wrapped his arms around the smaller boy.

Thank you.

HoKay so...

1) I'm so sorry if its kinda bad I just wanted to get it posted for all of you *sob* don't hate me for my awful grammar and spelling!

2) Im all done

3) Do you guys think I wrapped it up well? Was it what you expected? Worse? Better?


5) I own nothing! except for the man who died in the first chapter :D but not Robin just the skeleton

6) Im sorry for the super late posting my brother thought it would be a great idea to wipe our computer's documents clean and start fresh and in doing so our computer broke down -_- and this week I had exams=stuDYING=Death

7) also I made a point on posting it today at 11/11/11 at 1.11

8) Listen to Imogen Heap's 'Fire' and 'The Moment I Said It' while reading/re-reading that's what I did while writing

R E V I E W...I brought Robin back to life

ps thanks for reading


pps I have a poll on my prof for the next YJ story Ill do so pretty please go vote-do it for the team!