If Luce had a Temper

She realized they were still locking eyed when Daniel flashed her a smile. A jet of warmth shot through her and she had to grip the bench for support. She felt her lips pull into a smile back at him, but then he raised his hand in the air.

And flipped her off.

Luces eyes widened with surprise, she let out a small gasp before jumping to her feet furious. Daniel had already turned away, but Luce made him look back.

"Hey!" She exclaimed storming in his direction, "what's your problem?"

Daniel crossed his arms, "what do you mean?" He asked nonchalantly.

She scoffed, jabbing a finger in his chest, "what do I mean? You can't just randomly flip people off for no reason whatsoever!"

Daniel only chuckled, crossing his arms, "you need to calm down."

At this point Luce was even more upset, "I'LL CALM DOWN WHEN YOU APOLOGIZE!"

"I see nothing to apologize for," he said in a mock confused tone.

Luce's face contorted with rage, and she swiftly kicked him in the leg.

"OWWW! Now you have to apologize!" He said whimpering and grabbing his bruised shin. "You were never like this," he murmured to himself, a bit surprised.

Luce looked at him in confusion for a moment due to his last comment, then getting caught up into her anger again; she began violently kicking Daniel till he fell to the ground. "APOLOGIZE!"

"Fine, fine," he said breathless, tears swelling up in his eyes, "I'm sorry, I'm SORRY!"

"That's more like it," Luce said crossing her arms, a crowd had swarmed around her and after watching her sudden outburst they backed away slowly, not wanting to upset her.

Arriane smirked walking up next to Luce and placing a hand on her shoulder, "you're one crazy chick Luce, and I like it."

"Don't touch me..." she growled before walking off.