
I've never been extrodinary.

At least that's how I saw myself.

Eveyone saw me as a breakable porcilin doll.

He saw me as me.

Not as the enemy,or a breakable doll that with one touch would break instanly.

Alec loves me Reneseeme Carlie Cullen.

I smilied at him from the passenger seat of the car.

We were on the run,him from the Voltori and I from the pepole I called as my family,yet for them to have a choice in who they loved and I who they tried to take away that choice,in my eyes that did not make them family.

Alec and I were going to Las Vegas 'sin city'.

I rember the day perfectly.

"Reneseeme Carlie Cullen I love you with all my non-beating heart you know that right."Alec said.I smilied and kissed him answering his qustion.

"Then marry me."He said.

I could only gasp at the simple yet beautiful dimond ring.

"Yes."I kissed me and slipped the ring on my left ring finger.

"You know they will never allow us to be together."I said somewhat deflated.

"Then run away with me."Alec said.

I took my hand off of Alec's whom was smiling at me his golden eyes gleming with joy.

In mere moments we were going to be married.

Yes my family and his coven did not understand but I love Alec with every fiber of my being.

"Ren are you sure...I love you but if you want to wait to get married then that is fine with me?"Alec asked.

I kissed his nose.

"We may not have enough time...My family,they just don't understand neither dose your coven."I said sure.

"Your right."Alec said.

We walked in the chaple and did the thing we both were ready to do.

That was the day we got married.