Dear Diary,
I think God hates me. Well...godS. So this morning I got up, got dressed and headed out to breakfast.
And did Percy get down on one knee and declare his undying love for me? NO!
Did Percy ask me out? NO!
Did I even see Percy this morning? NO! Sigh...I'm kinda Percy-deprived right now which is depressing my already bad mood.
Instead Chiron decided that we should stop slacking off and stop chilling (AKA annoying the crap outta the satyrs) and packed us up to send us to SCHOOL!
Is there no Higher Being in this world? oh yeah...I'm a product of one...forget I asked...
Yes, I usually attend a top-class private school focused on architecture, but you know what? My father willingly signed the forms for me to be sent to an average PUBLIC SCHOOL... I shudder at those words. Apparently he wanted me to be in the company of "normal average mortals", not, you know, half-donkey men or the illegitimate children of myths. I happen to like the illegitimate children if myths...especially a child of Poseidon ;)
What was that Diary? Are you mocking me! YOU THINK I HAVE FEELINGS FOR THE BOY?, okay so maybe that's true...but only just a little! It's just a crush! What was that diary? A crush that's lasted for six years? HOW DARE YOU LAUGH AT ME! Hmph...anyways Chiron thought it was a fabulous idea to send not one, not two, but every freaking teenager to high school!...So basically me, Percy, Drew, Travis, Katie, Connor, Grover (wth? He's like…34…), Nico and some other kids.
…I suspect he's only doing it because of the state mandated Sex-Ed classes. I think he's getting tired of having the younger campers asking what us, older supposed role models do when...erm, our hormones take over. The excuse "Aphrodite got a little drunk" just ain't gonna cut it anymore, especially when the God of Wine happens to the director of camp.
Now Diary (I really must name you), I bet you're wondering why I'm so unlike the Annabeth Chase in those ridiculous 'Percy Jackson' books that Travis and Connor Stoll wrote over the last summer (yes ladies and gentlemen, the Stolls wrote a 5 book series on Percy's adventures making him look AMAZING...while making me look like a stuck-up Athena kid who doesn't know how to have fun. I CAN HAVE FUN! MATH IS FUN! I suspect Travis only did it to get in Katie's good books...heheh see what I did there? Books!...never mind).
And all those kisses? Yeah those never happened either...Connor said he added them in to make the story more interesting. He said it needed more drama. Well sorry, Mr. Stoll, defeating a billion year old Titan rising from the dead wasn't dramatic enough for you?
Needless to say, Percy laughed for five minutes straight while I, being the amazing actress that I am, pretended to laugh it off with him. That's the only thing Book-Annabeth has that I wish I did. Lucky girl, got to kiss Percy. :(
Then again Book-Annabeth kissed Book-Percy, and I, Real-Annabeth do not want to kiss Book-Percy. I want to kiss Real-Percy. Because wanting to kiss a book character is weird and somewhat creepy. Like those girls who are on Team Eddie or Team Jakey? What are ya gonna do? Make out with a book?
Moving along...I'm still being sent to high school along with several other hormone-crazed half gods and the love of my life. Yes I admit it, Alfred (do you like that name? I do believe that you are can be like the gay best friend that every girl supposedly wants! Besides if you were female I might hold back when confiding to you because then you might backstab me by stealing the guy of my dreams! And then I would have to put you through a shredder and burn you and scatter the ashes in an undisclosed place so that no one would ever find you and your malicious actions again!...oh gods did I seriously have a mental breakdown over whether or not my diary would potentially steal my hopefully future boyfriend? Jeez...I need a life... Thankfully Alfred you are male and from here on out, you will be acceptably known as my GBFB. My gay best friend book who, by the way is not allowed to hit on my man) I Annabeth Chase, am hopelessly and totally in love (and occasionally in lust...with Perseus I-dunno-if-he-has-a-middle-name Jackson.
Oh Alfred, unrequited love is the worse. Someday I hope you meet another nice male journal and live to adopt several post it notes to raise...okay that was weird, even for me.
So when exactly did I fall in love with Percy? Hmm let's think...ironically only a few days ago after reading the PJO books. I guess I'd always known it, but I had never come to terms with it. Before it was just 'a little crush' on the boy. When I met him, he was a scrawny twelve-year-old who I was jealous of because he got to go on a quest. He's not so scrawny anymore. Fighting did that boy good. Seeing it all written down, all our adventures together...I wonder if real-Percy thought I was "seriously beautiful".
Right now I'm sitting on a yellow school bus, driven by Apollo, who actually decided to follow the speed limit, claiming he wanted to drop us off to school the "mortal" way. Why couldn't we go on the Magic School Bus? Apollo's pretty much like Male-Ms. Frizzle, with his awful singing and eccentric hair! Does that make Grover, Arnold? Because he'd totally make a good Arnold! And who'd be the lizard?...hmm a question for another time.
My best (female) friend, Rachel E. Dare, sadly was off at some fancy schmancy rich kid school and left me to sit here alone. (Yeah the books made me seem like I was jealous of her but she personally told me that she loved Percy in a completely platonic way. You gotta love the Stolls). Percy was chilling with his "homies" (how the hell is Grover a homie?) and I was forced to sit by some sick twist of fate next to...Drew.
I was sitting close to the window ignoring her and she was sitting close to the aisle gossiping and flirting. Luckily for me, she was completely into Nico and basically ignored Percy. Actually most girls at camp didn't flirt with him out of "curtesy" to me...saving and redesigning Olympus does have its perks. Now I was going to SCHOOL (which can also be read as: Six Crappy Hours Of Our Lives) and all those stupid fake-blondes (my hair's natural, ha!) were going to be all over him trying to touch his to-die-for abs or his silky black hair or...okay Alfred, it's official. I need help. But still Percy! Why must you be so effing attractive! THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!
Gulp. Oh no, we are pulling up to the entrance of Goode High School...the doors are opening...I can hear funeral hymns being sung...good bye Alfred. I hope you find a nice male journal. You're the best GBFB I've ever had.
Love?...Annabeth Chase.
Hurry for OOCness! Review :D