A/N: Ciaossu~ c:

And Cooki is back with a new story! Hopefully you guys will like it. o3o;

rated T for language and mentions of mature stuffs. but not much. 8|

Disclaimer: I do not own KHR. If I did own it, there would be magical unicorns in it.

Numbers and letters.

That was what G was currently learning about in the class, which consisted of only him and Giotto. He wanted to kill himself. Not only was he stuck in a classroom with his idiot of a friend, but they also had a freaking mad-man as the teacher. Guess who was the teacher? Cozart.

"G! WERE YOU EVEN LISTENING?" A voice screamed at G from the front of the room, and a chalkboard eraser flew by and hit G directly on the head.

"This shit is useless. When will we ever need to use this stuff?" G grumbled, putting his head back down on the desk.

"Excuse me G! But 59 is an extremely important number! It is your descendant's MAGIC number! In the future, you will see why this number is so important! At the moment, we are currently trying to decipher our own magical numbers. However, we will most likely be letters, because if you take the number of letters, and the number of numbers, an- GIOTTO! Stop doodling clams on your notebook, and take some notes!" Cozart shouted, as he slammed his fist down on his desk in frustration.

Giotto's blonde spiky head immediately shot up, and he smiled sheepishly at Cozart.

"Hehheh. Sorry Cozart, I was-"But Cozart cut him off.

"IT'S MR.COZART TO YOU GIOTTO!" He shouted, and G rolled his eyes at his red headed friend's actions. If this had been a real class, he probably would have killed everyone by now.

Cozart coughed, and turned pointedly away from his two friends.

"Now, for a punishment, we will have our test now, instead of at the end of class like I had said so." He said, as he reached down and picked up the tests on his desk.

G mentally face palmed. Why would they have tests? In fact, why were he and Giotto here in the first place? He never remembered agreeing to this. Cozart probably drugged him. Giotto, being the naïve idiot he is, probably just agreed to come. Or Cozart bribed him with clams or some shit like that.

"Co-I mean, Mr. Cozart? Can we use calcul-"Giotto was about to finish, when Cozart slammed his hand down on the desk in front of Giotto.

"NO. You should not need a calculator for this test. If you had been listening in class, this is not to test your mathematical skills, but your shipping skills." He explained, as he walked back to the front of the room.

Shipping? Was Cozart crazy? G didn't get it, and Giotto didn't seem to either.

"You will have 20 minutes. Begin." Cozart finished, sitting back down on his chair.

G took one look at the test and nearly fainted. There were numbers! Everywhere! There were letters too!

"What is D + 18?" the first question asked.

"This is fucking impossible! Numbers and letters don't do addition! Since when were letters incorporated into math?" G thought, scanning the other problems, which weren't any better.

He decided he was going to have to just BS the test. He didn't care if he failed or not, because this was not a real class. Then again, he didn't care about regular school either, so it didn't make a difference to him.


Meanwhile, Giotto was nearly pulling his hair out in frustration. He didn't get any of this shit!

"Please write out the names of the people, and spell the names right. Warning: Some names are Japanese, so be careful!"

What kind of directions were those? There was nothing about names in this test!

"I bet G understands though. I'll see if I can cheat off of him." Giotto leaned to the direction of G's desk, and to his fascination, G had answered every single question. Giotto smirked. He was going to ace this test now!

He poked G with his pencil.

"Pst. G. What's number 1?" He whispered, but G ignored him. Giotto pouted, and tried poking him more. But G was not answering.

"Hmph. Well I guess I'm on my own then." Giotto thought, looking down at his test paper, and reading the first problem.

"What is D + 18?" Giotto read to himself. That certainly was a weird question.

"…D18?" Giotto thought that was a pretty logical answer, so he wrote that down. He didn't even care about the directions anymore. Screw the names.

"If 59 and 27 got together, and 69 and 96 got married, what is the probability that "X" would fuck "S"?"

Giotto's eyes bulged. Numbers got married? And what? They….what? His face turned red at the last part. Was Cozart out of his mind? Letters did not….you know…do that!

"I'll just think of this as a regular math problem then." Giotto mumbled, as he wrote down his equations.

"59 +27, 69+96."

"Hmm…what about X and S? How do you make an equation for that?" He thought to himself.

"10 MORE MINUTES!" Cozart shouted. Upon hearing that, Giotto freaked. 10 more minutes? Had he really spent 10 minutes on the first problem? He still had 20 questions to go! Giotto hurriedly wrote down the first number that came to his mind, which happened to be 50.

"What is R27? Does R seem like a pedophile to you because of this?"

Giotto choked on his own saliva. R was a letter! How could it be a pedophile?

"You know what, I don't even care anymore." Giotto muttered, as he wrote down his answer. He moved on the next question, which nearly brought him to tears.

"Is it possible for 27 to top? If so, give me an example of when he can."

"None of these questions make any sense!" He screamed in his head.

"NO! 27 CANNOT TOP! IT IS A NUMBER!" Giotto wrote as his answer, and looked down at the next few questions.

*after 5 minutes*

Giotto had finally reached the last question. He sighed in relief. He had 5 more minutes left to solve this problem. He was going to be okay.

He examined the problem, and all his hopes went flying out the window.

"What does CG and 02G stand for? Who are C, G, and 02? Explain who the bottom in each relationship is, and make sure to write in complete sentences."

Giotto was utterly confused now. He stared at the paper in front of him, trying to make his mind think harder. There were no numbers in the problem except of 02, but he could not apply his mathematical skills to this problem because there were no other numbers.

"Hmmm. G appears two times. So maybe…2G?" He thought, as he wrote that down.

"2G = 02 + C?" He thought to himself, scribbling the equation down. But that didn't make any sense! Giotto drew a line through that equation, and thought about it again.

"Think Giotto! G, C, 02." His head was nearly bursting with the amount of thinking he was doing.

Wait a second! Cozart began with a C. and G…well, it was G.

Giotto swelled with pride. C was Cozart, and G was G! He wrote that down happily, happy with himself for figuring that part out. Now he just had to figure out what 02 was, and then he would be d-

"TIME IS UP! HAND IN YOUR PAPERS!" Cozart yelled, standing up from his desk.

Giotto's eyes widened. He wasn't done yet! But it was too late, because Cozart came by and took both his and G's papers away.

"B-B-BUT I HAVE ONE PART LEFT TO DO!" Giotto yelled frantically, as he made a grab for his test. Cozart merely dodged his move, and Giotto fell face flat on the floor. G snickered, and even Cozart reverted from his mad man self to his regular self, and laughed. But that side was quickly gone, and he went back to being a crazy teacher. He took Giotto's notebook and smacked him on the head.

"Well, you should have worked faster Giotto. Now, let's move on to the next lesson, which will talk about the following numbers and letter: C, G, and 02." He explained, walking back to the desk, and placing the papers on the desk.

Giotto's eyes brightened at that. This was his chance to see if he got that last question right! Well, at least part of it. He picked up his notebook from the floor, and quickly flipped to a page.

Cozart smirked at Giotto's enthusiasm.

"Maybe he already knows…?" He thought to himself, but he shook his head at that thought.

"Okay, G! I want you to tell me what you think G stands for." Cozart said, pointing the chalk at G. G grumbled in his seat.

"…Me?" G answered, as he put gum in his mouth. Giotto smiled. He must have gotten it right then! If G had put G, then he obviously would have gotten it correct. G may seem like a delinquent, but he was actually very smart. Turning his body to look at Cozart, he was met with a disappointing sight though. Cozart was frowning and shaking his head at G.

"No, that is incorrect G. I assume you were thinking that because your name is G. But you are wrong." Cozart said, as he looked over at Giotto.

"What do you think Giotto?" He asked the blonde.

Giotto gulped. If it wasn't G, who could it be? It couldn't be Cozart, because he was sure that his letter was C. He gasped then at his realization. Then the only person left was him!

"…M-me?" He answered, ducking his head and waiting for Cozart to throw something at him in anger. But to his surprise, nothing came flying by, and he heard a chuckle. His head shot up, and to his relief, Cozart was nodding.

"You are correct. G does stand for you Giotto." He said, as he wrote Giotto's name next to the letter "G"on the board. "Now I assume that you guys know that 02 and C stand for now yes?" He asked, putting the two on the board.

"Che. C stands for you, and 02 stands for me." G murmured, as he raised his head off the table. Cozart nodded.

"I'm glad you were paying attention in class for once G." Cozart said, writing the names down. Cozart turned toward the tests, and flipped to the last page, and smirked.

"Okay. We're going to be talking about the last question now. Remember, the pairs in there were 02G and CG, and the question was who bottomed." He explained, as he wrote all of that down on the chalkboard. "Now tell me, Giotto, who do you think is the answer?" Cozart said, smirking on the inside.

Giotto tilted his head in confusion. Who was the bottom? In what? There were many situations in which someone could be on the bottom!

"Um. In what situation?" Giotto asked Cozart. Cozart raised an eyebrow at Giotto, and answered.

"I am sure you know what I'm talking about Giotto. Stop acting all innocent and stalling and tell me." Cozart said, glaring at the blonde. Giotto gulped. But there were many situations in which someone could be the bot-oh. Giotto suddenly realized what Cozart was talking about, and he slammed his face down on the desk.

"Oh god…" Giotto thought to himself, as he peered out from behind his bangs and looked over at Cozart, who was tapping his foot impatiently.

"Ummmm. I don't know…"Giotto answered, as a chalk board eraser came flying and hit him on his face.

"G! I am sure you know!" Cozart yelled, ignoring Giotto's yelp of pain when the eraser came in contact with said blonde's face.

G smirked. Of course he knew. Sure, on the test, he had not understood, but now with his understanding of who was what letter and what number, everything made sense to him now.

"…The letter G." He exclaimed, smirking at Cozart. The red head smiled, and nodded.

"Correct. Though G, I would like you to say the actual person's name instead of saying just the letter." Cozart explained.

"Well, this is going to be funny…" G thought to himself.

"G stands for Giotto. So Giotto bottoms in both." He explained, smirking as Giotto immediately came flying up from the floor he had been laying on ever since his face had been attacked by the eraser.

"What? What did I just hear?" Giotto wondered, looking over at G and Cozart's face, who were stifling their laughter.

"Yes that is correct G. Giotto botto-"Before he could finish, they heard a loud 'thump'. G and Cozart both turned to the source of the town, and this time, they didn't even bother to hold in their laughter. Giotto had fallen out of his chair at the answer.

"Giotto! No sleeping in class!" Cozart yelled, but he couldn't help but continue laughing at him along with G.

Giotto grumbled, as his notebook fell from the desk and hit him on his face. This was the worst day ever.

"For homework, I would like you guys to write a paragraph on why this is the case. For extra credit, you may draw pictures." Cozart smirked on the inside when he saw Giotto gape at him.

"Class dismissed. Tomorrow, we will be talking about 59, 27, and 80."

Ah yes. Trololololol. c8

And for those of you guys who didn't know, "02" is G's number. I've seen alot of people saying "GG" for G x Giotto when it's really 02G. 8'D so ya.

Hope you enjoyed reading. Ciao~ ;D