This is my next idea. I don't know whether to continue or not. Let me know what you think. I'm not so sure what I think. Thanks so much and I hope you enjoy. Review and let me know what you think.
Chapter 1
May 16th, 2012
It was the day so many of them had been waiting for. It was the day of their graduation. Finn, Rachel, Puck, Quinn, Sam, Mercedes, Santana and even Brittany were sitting with their peers as they waited for their names to be called. They were all so ready to be out of high school and move on with what was next for them.
Rachel was not acting like herself. Everyone would have thought that she would have been the most excited of everyone because she had been accepted to Julliard. She was going to study music and try to make it work as a Broadway star.
Finn and Rachel had broken up a month ago. Finn still couldn't keep his eyes off Rachel. She was all her had ever wanted in a woman. He knew they had to end their relationship so Rachel could go on with her dreams.
Puck couldn't get the broken hearted Rachel out of his head. A month ago Rachel had come to him when things had ended with her and Finn. He had been there for her in her time of need, which no one would have ever thought would happen. Puck had held her and let her know that there was something bigger in her future. The two of them had lost themselves in their emotions that night without thinking. Neither of them knew what that night would bring them.
New Directions were walking around telling each other goodbye. They didn't know what they were going to do without each other. They had been all they had for the last three years. Now they were all going in different directions.
Rachel was sitting off by herself. She knew she had to tell Noah. Rachel hadn't felt well for a few days and had gone to the doctor. Much to her horror she found out she was pregnant, with twins. The only possible father was none other than: Noah Puckerman.
Puck came walking over and said, "Berry."
Rachel looked up, "Noah."
"I guess this is it. I wanted to come and tell you goodbye. I mean we are a couple of good looking jews and even if I never said it before, you really weren't that bad."
"Thanks, Noah. What is in your future?"
"I'm getting out of here. I'm going to go to California or Nashville. Somewhere that isn't here. I just can't be here any longer. I can't be here knowing that Beth is not too far away and I can't have anything to do with her."
Rachel started crying. There was no way she could keep Noah from his dreams and make him stay. She still wasn't sure what she was going to do.
Puck sat down next to her and said, "Dang, Berry. What has gotten into you?"
Rachel knew she couldn't tell him. She just couldn't do it, but she had to. She said, "Noah, I'm…"
Puck cut her off and said, "I am going to miss you too, Berry."
Rachel gave him a hug. Then she said, "No. Noah, I'm…"
Mercedes, Kurt and everyone else came over. It was the second time she had been cut off. She just didn't think she could try a third time.
Everyone walked away to find Mr. Shue. Rachel was left with her thoughts. Finn stayed. He asked, "What's the matter, Rach? I know we aren't dating anymore, but that doesn't mean I don't care about you."
Rachel looked up at him and said, "Finn, I'm pregnant."
"But we never…"
"It's Noah's."