Challenge #4: Shuffle your iPod and have your character sing the chosen song.

Song: Eminem - Space Bound

AU: This is in the "Well, Damn" universe. You don't need to read the fic to understand this OneShot. E

Disclaimer: I do not claim ownership over Naruto or Eminem's music.

Sakura pushed her bangs out of her eyes as she watched those so called "ninja" try to kill each other with all their flashy magic that they called "jutsu". It was intense.

And boring.

She didn't know why she wasn't gaping at them like she was attempting to catch flies; she was just so disinterested. Sitting on a low branch under the shade, she huffed and tossed hair away from her face—it was sticking to her face and she was getting annoyed.

A few trees away from her, the female ninjas lay under the shade. The blonde with the ridiculously long hair was fanning herself and talking loudly about one of the guy's butts. The girl with the two buns on the sides of her head said something which caused the blonde to pout. The shy one with the weird eyes politely muffled a giggle behind her hand and Sakura felt extremely out of place.

Stupid woman…making them watch me as if I were a toddler, Sakura thought angrily before pulling her iPod out of her pocket.

Smiling, she hit shuffle and an upbeat song started playing. Wrinkling her nose, she pressed "Next" and a song's intro started playing and she gasped when she realized the song,

"Space Bound!" she exclaimed loudly which caused the ninja to look at her. She ignored them and rapped along to the song,

"We touch, I feel a rush.

We clutch, it isn't much.

But it's enough to make me wonder what's in store for us.

It's lust, it's torturous.

You must be a sorcerous

'cause you just did the impossible:

Gained my trust."

One by one the Rookie 9 stopped to look at the strange woman they were watching over. Her soft passionate words reached their ears in a way they had never heard before: It wasn't singing, but it wasn't speaking either. With their acute hearing, they heard soft music coming from the white buds in her ears. Her eyes were closed as she spat out words and tapped her hand on her lap.

"Don't play games, it'll be dangerous if you fuck me over.

'Cause if I get burnt, I'ma show you what it's like to hurt

'cause I've been treated like dirt before ya'.

And love is "evol",

Spell it backwards, I'll show ya'"

Kakashi chuckled at the clever play on words and listened as she continued to "sing".

"Nobody knows me, I'm cold.

Walk down this road all alone.

It's no one's fault but my own, it's the path I've chosen to go.

Frozen as snow, I show no emotion whatsoever, so

Don't ask me why I have no love for these mo'fuckin' hoes"

Sakura was so wrapped up in Eminem's mastery of lyrics—in her opinion—she failed to notice everyone watching her with rapt attention.

"Blood suckin' succubus, what the fuck is up with this?

I've tried in this department, but I ain't had no luck with this.

It sucks,

but it's exactly what I thought it would be like trying to start over."

Ino shuffled closer to her and Naruto nodded his head along with the beat her hands were playing against her lap.

"I've got a hole in my heart for some kind of emotional roller coaster.

Somethin' I won't go on, so you toy with my emotions, oh, it's over,"

Sakura's lips pulled back in a sneer as Takeshi's cheating face flashed in her mind before pulling down into a frown,

"It's like an explosion every time I hold ya, I wasn't jokin' when I told ya

You take my breath away, you're a supernova.

And I'm a,"

Lee grinned as she started singing the—what they assumed—chorus. She wasn't half bad, a few off-key notes, but not altogether unpleasant.

"I'm a space bound rocket ship and your heart's the moon

And I'm aimin' right at you, right at you.

250,000 miles on a clear night in June

And I'm aimin' right at you, right at you, right at you…"

They watched as her face went from serene and pleasant to one of desperation,

"I'll do whatever it takes,

when I'm with you I get the shakes.

My body aches when I ain't.

With you I have zero strength.

There's no limit on how far I would go, no boundaries, no lengths.

Why do we say that until we get that person that we think's

Gonna be that one and then once we get 'em, it's never the same?"

She breathed in deeply and her tone turned bitter as she thought of her ex-fiancé,

"You want 'em when they don't want you.

Soon as they do, feelings change.

It's not a contest and I ain't on no conquest for no mate.

I wasn't lookin' when I stumbled onto you, must of been fate.

But so much is at stake, what the fuck does it take?

Let's cut to the chase

'Fore the door shuts in your face, promise me if I cave in and break

And leave myself open that I won't be makin' a mistake.

'Cause I'm a…"

She drifted off and hummed the chorus. Ino, who had memorized the chorus the first time she heard it, sang it softly under her breath,

"I'm a space bound rocket ship and your heart's the moon,

And I'm aimin' right at you, right at you.

250,000 miles on a clear night in June

And I'm aimin' right at you, right at you, right at you…"

Because Sakura's ear phones were plugged so far into her ears and the volume was so high, she didn't hear her. As the next verse began playing, her face twisted into one of despair and she clutched at her chest,

"So after a year and 6 months, it's no longer me that you want.

But I love you so much, it hurts, never mistreated you once!

I'll pour my heart out to you, let down my guard, swear to God!

I'll blow my brains in your lap, lay here and die in your arms…

Drop to my knees and I'm pleadin', I'm tryin' to stop you from leavin'…"

Sakura's lips curled into a sneer once more and she clutched at her iPod tighter in her hand,

"You won't even listen so fuck it, I'm tryin' to stop you from breathin'.

I put both hands on your throat, I sit on top of you, squeezin'

Til' I snap your neck like a Popsicle stick,"

The stick in Lee's hand snapped in two as he stared at her with a horrified expression.

"Ain't a possible reason I can think of

To let you walk up out this house and let you live…

Tears stream down both of my cheeks, then I let you go and just give.

And before I put that gun to my temple, I told you this…"

Her voice became softer and she breathed out,

"And I would've done anything for you,

to show you how much I adored you.

But it's over now, it's too late to save our love.

Just promise me you'll think of me

Every time you look up in the sky and see a star 'cause

I'm a space bound rocket ship and your heart's the moon

And I'm aimin' right at you, right at you.

250,000 miles on a clear night in June…"

Sakura's voice gradually grew softer until she whispered the last line of the song with a sad smile,

"And I'm so lost without you, without you."

The song ended and she sighed sadly. She sort of missed her ex-fiance, if she was honest with herself. A new song played and she pulled a bud out of her ear. That was when she noticed how quiet it was and she slowly lifted her head to stare at the gazes of her guardians.

Feeling slightly mortified, she slowly said, "Hey…"

Then the one with the bushy eyebrows bounced up to her and grasped her hands in his.

"My beautiful cherry blossom!" he exclaimed and Sakura's eyes widened in horror, "is that the type of music you listen to where you are from?"

She nodded slowly and he pulled away with a, "Yosh! Such lyrical genius!"

Sakura instantly brightened and laughed, "Hell yeah! Eminem is amazing!"

They looked at her with puzzled expressions on their faces and she chuckled, "Right, you guys don't know who that is…"

They stared at her blankly before she unplugged her earphones from her iPod and picked "Space Bound" once more.

"Here, listen to him sing. It sounds way better than my own horrible singing!"

And with that, Eminem's passionate voice started blasting through the built in speaker of her iPod.

As she watched them listen to her songs, and when she caught some of them tap along to the beat, she smiled and decided it wasn't so boring anymore.

One more to go! This is really fun. I wanted to make her sing some Lykke Li though :( But Eminem's cool too :P Review!