A Thousand Miles
Part 2 of 2


3 months later.

"What are you thinking about?" Addison asked quietly as he lay face to face in bed with Alex, their bodies close, their legs linked together, she brought her hand to his face and stroked his cheek softly.

"You" he smiled "What are you thinking about?"

"The ring" Addison said quietly.

"As in, the ring?" Alex said slowly.

"Yeah" Addison said biting her lip a little "I just, did you keep it?"

"Of course" Alex said quietly.

"I'm, I'm still not ready to, be engaged" Addison said with a slight whisper "Don't get me wrong, I do want that one day, I just, I think we should wait a little longer, but, maybe, maybe I could wear the ring, on a necklace" she said quietly "And when I'm, ready, I'll move it" she said softly "I mean, if you still, want me to have the ring, eventually"

"Of course I want you to have the ring" Alex said kissing her "Have you, got a necklace you could put it on?"

"Yeah" Addison said with a small smile, Alex kissed her again before reaching out of the bed and picking up his boxers, he slipped them on and moved into the closet, Addison put his t-shirt on and moved to her dresser, she picked a silver chain out of her jewelry box, when she turned around Alex was stood there, he took the chain and slipped the ring onto it before fastening the necklace around her neck.

"Perfect" he whispered.

"Perfect" Addison smiled kissing him softly "You have been, very patient, and I know this must be frustrating, me being so, insecure but, but all you need to know is that, I'm in love with you, and that isn't going to change"

"I know baby" Alex said kissing her forehead and pulling her into his arms "I love you so much, and, if we never get married that's, that's ok" he said softly "The most important thing is that we're together, that's all that matters to me, and you have no reason to be insecure, because I'm not going anywhere"

"Honestly, I used to doubt you when you said that, but now, I, I believe you" she said softly.

"I love you" Alex said kissing her.

"I love you too" Addison smiled.


3 months later.

"Are we celebrating our anniversary?" Addison asked as she sat opposite Alex in their bathtub.

"What?" Alex asked with a slight yawn.

"Well it's just, it's our anniversary in 2 days, it's supposed to be but, we split up, for a week, we weren't together and, so, are we celebrating our anniversary?"

"Of course we are" Alex said stroking her legs under the water "It was just one week Addie, and I thought we said we were going to pretend that week didn't exist"

"No, I know it's just, I wanted to, confirm things I guess" she sighed.

"Addie, what's on your mind babe?" Alex asked softly "You seem distracted"

"I'm fine" Addison said with a small smile "It's just been a long week that's all"

"Ok" Alex said squeezing her leg a little "So, what are we gonna do for our anniversary? Dinner or something?"

"I was thinking, a walk on the beach, chinese food and, no clothes, in that order" she said with a slight laugh.

"Sounds perfect" Alex smiled.


"Addison babe, seriously, what's on your mind?" Alex asked on the evening of their anniversary as they walked along the sea front, Addison's arm looped around his "I know you said it's been a long week but, you just seem…."

"I'm pregnant" Addison said simply.

"Wha...what?" Alex stuttered, stopping them on the spot "Say that again"

"I'm pregnant" she whispered, she moved into his body and wrapped her arms around him, her face burying in his chest, light sobs escaping her.

"Hey" Alex said pulling her back a little "Hey don't cry, it's ok, this is ok Addie"

"I just, what if I lose it, again" she choked out.

"Oh Addison" he whispered, pressing his lips against her forehead "You don't know that's going to happen, you don't know that, I know you're scared but, we can do this" he said softly "We can, we, we're just going to have to take each day as it comes and, I really think this time it'll stick, I really do, we're having a baby Addie" he said pressing his hand against her stomach "Ok?"

"Ok" Addison sniffled "I, I've known for, a couple of days it's just, I really didn't know how to, tell you because, I'm so so scared" she said shakily "I'm so scared"

"I know" Alex said softly "It's ok" he said kissing her softly "I love you" he smiled.

"I love you too" Addison said quietly "I, I think I'm about 8 weeks, going on my last period, but, we'll need to do a scan and, I think after the baby's born we should probably change condom brand because that's twice that you've knocked me up now" she said with a slight laugh.

"Ok" Alex laughed "Wanna go back home and throw them all out?" he asked with a grin.

"Absolutely" Addison smiled "And, I want to do this" she reached behind her neck and took off her necklace, she slipped the ring off and handed it to him "Ask me" she said quietly.

"Are, are you sure?"

"I'm sure" Addison smiled, Alex got down onto one knee and took one of her hands in his.

"Addison Montgomery, you are the love of my life, will you marry me?"

"Yes" Addison smiled "Yeah, I'll marry you"

Alex grinned and slipped the ring onto her finger as he stood up, their lips coming back together "I love you" he whispered softly.

"I love you too" Addison smiled "We love you too" she said bringing his hands to her stomach, Alex simply kissed her again.


3 months later.

"Mmm, good morning" Addison yawned as she felt Alex reach out and shut off their alarm.

"Morning" Alex smiled kissing her softly, his hand instantly coming to her bump "You ready for today?"

"Yeah" Addison said with a small smile, bringing her hand to his "It's time, and, I'm really struggling not to slip up now" she laughed "Especially with Naomi, I think she knows something's going on, she's probably going to kill me for not telling her"

"She'll understand why you didn't though" he said softly.

"I know" Addison smiled "I feel good today" she breathed "I feel, really good" she said leaning into his body, her fingers brushing against his side, her lips coming to his neck.

"I love the second trimester" Alex chuckled as she straddled his body.

"Shut up" Addison said before pressing their lips together.


"Guys can, can I say something?" Addison stuttered as the routine morning meeting came to an end.

"Always" Naomi smiled "What's up?"

"I, I've been meaning to tell you all this for, a while now but, I just, I wanted to make sure everything was ok before I said anything and everything is, great so, I'm ready to tell you and, the thing is, I'm 5 months pregnant" she said quickly.

"What?" everyone exclaimed loudly.

"Yeah" Addison breathed "I just, I was going to say something when I was 3 months but I backed out and said I'd tell you when I was 4 but I backed out then too but now the bump's getting harder to hide and I'll need to go on maternity leave in a couple of months and, I'm sorry" she sighed.

"Oh god Addison don't be sorry" Violet said with a slight laugh "We're just, surprised that's all, congratulations"

"Thanks" Addison smiled "It's kind of getting hard to hide this now" she said pulling her flowing shirt tight over her bump.

"I'm mad at you but, congratulations" Naomi said hugging her tightly.

"I just, after before I, I wanted to be sure everything was ok" Addison whispered.

"I know" Naomi whispered back "Now, let me look at you" she said standing back "I knew something was different" she said with a laugh.

"I look fat don't I" Addison groaned.

"Of course you don't" Naomi laughed "You're glowing"

"And fat, and tired, and horny like, all the time"

"Whoa that is too much information" Sam shuddered "Congratulations" he smiled hugging her.

"Yeah, we'll leave you to your, girl talk" Pete said kissing her cheek.

"Tell Alex we're taking him out for a drink" Cooper said hugging her.

"Looks like we've got a new baby for the wall" Dell smiled squeezing her hand, he kissed her cheek before all the men left the room.

"So, horny?" Violet laughed, moving into the chair on the other side of Addison.

"All the time" Addison laughed "Pretty much as soon as I hit the second trimester I attacked him, I really wanted to tell you guys it's just, after the miscarriage and everything…."

"The what?" Violet frowned.

"Oh uh, when I first got here, when Alex turned up and I freaked out, we were at my place and we were yelling and then there was pain, so we went to the hospital and I'd had a miscarriage, didn't know I was pregnant, but it felt, awful, so when I got pregnant this time, I didn't tell Alex for a couple of days, but he knew something was wrong and I ended up telling him on our anniversary, and I just didn't want to, curse it or anything, but everything is, great, it's amazing, we're finding out the sex tomorrow"

"I'm sorry Addie" Violet said squeezing her hand "But, I'm glad everything's ok, what do you think it is?"

"I think it's a boy" Addison smiled "I don't mind either way but, I think it's a boy, and I know Alex would love a little boy"

"How does he feel about everything? He freaked out yet?" Naomi smirked.

"He's surprisingly calm" Addison laughed "It's me who's freaking out every 5 minutes, I keep finding him looking at nursery furniture and baby clothes on the internet, it's cute really"

"Who's doing your ultrasound?" Naomi asked "We made a promise when Maya was born that I'd be your OB if you ever got pregnant, it might have been 15 years ago but, I still want to do it, if you want me too"

"Of course I do" Addison said softly "I've been doing it myself, with Alex's help, but tomorrow, if you'd do my ultrasound here, that'd be great"

"Just let me know when and I'll be ready" Naomi smiled "Congratulations Addie"

"Thank you" Addison smiled "Now, I need to go and raid the pickle jar I hid in my office" she laughed as she stood up "Wanna join me?"

"I think we'll pass" Violet laughed.


"I have to say, that is one perfect little fetus" Naomi said with a slight laugh as she performed the ultrasound on Addison the next day "You want to know the sex right?"

"Yeah" Alex smiled, kissing Addison's hand softly.

"Well as you can see…" Naomi said adjusting the wand a little "You are very clearly having a little boy, congratulations"

"I knew it" Addison smiled.

"We're having a son" Alex breathed "We're having a son Addie" he said kissing her softly.

"He looks really healthy" Naomi smiled "And as you can hear, he has a strong heartbeat" she said turning on the sound.

"It sounds more amazing every time I hear it" Addison said squeezing Alex's hand a little "This is, this is really happening isn't it"

"It's really happening" Naomi said softly "Addie everything looks perfect, I promise you"

"I know this is pretty much a given already but, will you be godmother?" Addison asked quietly.

"I'd be honored" Naomi said with a smile "I'm so happy for you guys, really, but I swear to god Alex Karev if you hurt them I'll hunt you down and kick your pretty little ass, you got that?"

"Loud and clear" Alex laughed.


"Yeah I know...Mer I…I know, I'm sorry…Izzie I know I just, Izzie I, Mer tell her to, look guys I have to go…ok…I will….bye" Alex said hanging up his cell, he put it on the bedside table and dropped himself onto the bed next to Addison with a sigh.

"They mad?" she asked warily, stroking his hair a little.

"A little" he sighed "Izzie more than Meredith but then I told Mer about before so, it's understandable, I'm emailing them the scan and I have a feeling we're going to get a ton of presents in the mail, I think I heard Izzie shout something about knitting"

"Right" Addison laughed "Feel" she said taking his hand and putting it on her bump "There hasn't been any proper kicks yet but he's definitely in there" she smiled.

"It feels amazing" Alex said softly, he shuffled down on the bed a little and kissed her bump softly "I love you baby" he whispered against her skin.

"He loves you too" Addison said softly "We both love you, so much" she said tearfully.

"Hey" Alex said with a slight laugh "Babe don't cry" he said moving to her level and wiping her tears.

"Stupid hormones" Addison mumbled.

"How about I run you a bath, lots of bubbles and candles, we could put some of your favourite music on, anything you want"

"I'd like that" Addison said quietly "Thank you"

"I'll go start the water" Alex said kissing her softly before climbing off the bed.

"Alex?" Addison said as he reached the bathroom.

"Yeah?" he said looking back to her.

"After the baby's born, I want to start planning the wedding, if, if you want too"

"I'd love too" Alex smiled before moving into the bathroom.


4 months later.

"Alex" Addison whispered, shaking his arm as they slept "Alex wake up"

"What?" he yawned "What's wrong?"

"My water broke" she said simply.

"What?" he yawned again.

"See this big wet patch on our bed" she said grabbing his hand and placing it on the sheet "That is amniotic fluid, that was inside me, and now it isn't, so will you please get your ass out of bed and get me to the practice before I kill you" she hissed as a contraction ripped through her, she panted through it and gripped onto his hand.

"The baby's coming" Alex said moving onto his knees and facing her "The baby's coming" he smiled.

"Yeah" Addison said tearfully "He's coming, I'm gonna go to the bathroom, the contractions aren't too close together so, just, just call Naomi and tell her to meet us at the practice"

"Ok" Alex nodded "Addie, I love you"

"I love you too" she sniffled "I'm sorry in advance if I'm mean to you"

"Ok" he said with a slight laugh, he leaned over to her and kissed her softly.

"Oh god I need some drugs" she groaned.

"You go to the bathroom, I'll call Naomi"

"Ok" she smiled, she slowly stood and walked into the bathroom "Alex?" she said briefly stepping back into the bedroom "I can't wait to have your baby" Alex smiled at her in reply.


"Oh god get this thing out of me" Addison growled as she stood in the birthing suite at the practice, her hands flat on the bed as a contraction ripped through her.

"You've just got 2 centimeters left baby" Alex said stroking her back.

"You've just got 2 centimeters left baby" Addison mimicked "You're not the one having these stupid fucking contractions you stupid asshole"

"Addie, breathe" Naomi said passing her the gas and air, Addison put it into her mouth and took in a deep breath and stretched out a little.

"I'm sorry" Addison whimpered to Alex "You're not an asshole"

"Sshh it's ok" Alex said rubbing her back again "You can do this Addison, just breathe"

"Ok" she panted "I need to lie down now"

"Ok" Alex said helping her up onto the bed, he adjusted the pillows behind her and stroked her hair back "You look beautiful" he said softly.

"I look like crap" Addison said with a slight laugh.

"Never" he said pecking her lips.

"I just want him here now" she whispered.

"I know, me too" Alex said stroking her cheek "Soon, he'll be here soon"

"Soon" Addison smiled.


"He's so perfect" Addison said quietly as she cradled her newborn in her arms.

"He is" Alex smiled "Jacob, Jacob fits best, don't you think?"

"Yeah" Addison said softly "Hi Jacob" she cooed "You look so much like your Daddy baby"

"I think he's gonna have your eyes though" Alex smiled.

"Me too" Addison smiled back "He's definitely got the Karev smirk"

"Pretty sure that's just gas babe" Alex chuckled.

"Shut up" Addison smirked "Do you want to hold him? I feel like I'm hogging him"

"Sure" Alex smiled, he kissed her forehead gently before taking Jacob from her "Hey little man" he whispered "You are so much more perfect than I ever could've imagined, and I can't wait to watch you grow up, and teach you how to ride a bike and, how to throw a football, and, pick up girls"

"Alex" Addison laughed.

"And how to work out when your Mommy is mad and when she's really mad" he smirked "I'm always gonna be here son, I promise" he said bringing him up to rest on his shoulder, holding him closely and breathing in his scent, Addison couldn't help but let a tear fall at the sight of the man she loved and their child together. Finally.

The End.