Remember how I said I wasn't going to write anymore? I meant for here... But I actually wrote this for 100 followers on Tumblr, and I felt bad for leaving you all with absolutely nothing. So, I'm posting the story here too so that you guys can read it too. :) It's not the best, considering I was writing it late at night every time, and it's more than vague, but hey! It's something.

Disclaimer: No. They don't belong to me.

This was positively the worst day of the brunette's life. She pushed past the teasers, the gossipers, the slusheers. Nobody understood her. Not the New Directions, not her teachers, not her parents nobody. It broke her heart. She gave everything she could for them, and all they did was tear her down, throw her to the side.

She was incredibly thankful that it was April. April of her senior year, no less. Once this was all over, she was leaving for New York and never looking back. Ever. She would make it big. She would be the star, her name in shining lights. She would be loved and accepted, appreciated for once. Unlike McKinley, where Mr. Shue dusted off solos that were rightfully hers to the other kids.

And he continued to pair her up with Finn! Now that they were no longer together, it made it difficult to even rein in her singing a bit, so that she didn't overwhelm his voice with her own. Couldn't Mr. Shue see that their chemistry had plummeted, that their supposed 'love songs' were more of Finn making suggestive looks towards Quinn and her singing to cover his obvious failure? Apparently not, since he continued to make sure the two were a pair.

Rachel pushed the auditorium doors open, letting them slam shut behind her as she strode onto the stage, plopping herself down onto the shiny black piano bench. She'd cried so many times in this very auditorium, only to pull herself back together and stride back out in those hallways, head held high. This time, though, she couldn't. Her head rested on her arms, sobbing onto the white piano keys.

Time passed. She sat up, back sore from being hunched over so long. Rachel threw her arms out, stretching and making an odd noise. It echoed eerily throughout the auditorium. The brunette glanced around. Surely one song couldn't hurt…

Her dress shone slightly in the rather dark auditorium. The white dress seemed to glow almost, the blue sash in the middle breaking the shine. Her dark hair was curled and pinned, away from her face. It was almost like a solitary spotlight shone on her and her alone.

She sighed and pulled her iPod and dock out of her bag, slumped against the piano leg. Slamming the iPod unintentionally onto the dock, the music from It Sucks To Be Me started to play throughout the auditorium, bouncing off the walls and echoing.

Rachel hummed along to Brian's part, before taking over Kate's.

"I'm kinda pretty, and pretty damn smart

I like romantic things like music and art!

And as you know I have a gigantic heart!

So why don't I have a boyfriend! FUCK! It sucks to be me!"

She stopped, staring at her feet sadly. She HAD had a boyfriend. Several, to be exact. First Finn. He had dumped her several times over for Quinn. Then Noah, that softie. They both knew they were using each other to make Finn and Quinn jealous. Then Jesse. Jesse St. James, the stunning, wonderful, loving lead of Vocal Adrenaline. She had brushed him off for Finn, believing that she and Finn shared something better. And for a brief time, Sam. Sweet Sam. He had ended up dating some other girl instead, the two parting on good terms.

Jesse had come back though. And Rachel had blown him off, again. Guilt weighed heavily in the brunette diva's heart. If she had told him yes, maybe… Maybe Jesse would still be here. Still be alive. He wouldn't have run out and tried to get her pink tulips, her favorite. He wouldn't have been fatally hit by a drunk driver that blew through a red light. No, he'd be here.

Rachel began to cry again, dropping to her knees and crawling over to her bag. With a loud sob, she pulled something out of the bag. It was one of Jesse's shirts, ironically the same shirt he had been wearing the day he asked to join her junior prom group last year. His parents, though distant, grieved, and told Rachel to take whatever she wanted. She'd never admit it, but she kept most of it in her bag. Her locker was rather bare now. Just a photo of her and Jesse taken by her dads before junior prom.

She stood up, checking her phone for the time. No. Glee. Rachel internally groaned. She loved Glee club, but it was becoming more of a chore than anything. Maybe she could just skip today. The brunette stood shakily, clutching the shirt and rubbing it against her cheek and inhaling Jesse's scent. She picked up her bag, stalking farther back into the auditorium.

She kept her eyes trained on the ground. It was dusty, dirty, gross. She doubted that Mr. Kinney the janitor even came back here. Nobody ever did, except for her.

A whirling noise caught her attention. Her eyes flicked up. Blue. Blue. Her mouth dropped as she took in what she was seeing. A blue police public call box sat in front of her. Rachel shoved the shirt of her deceased love back into her bag and laid a hand on the box.


The brunette whipped around, her hair flying in a curtain of brown. She squinted, then trembled. "Oh! Mr. Smith! I didn't know you were here. Sorry. I'll just be… going… now…" Rachel made to move, but the man shook his head.

"Don't worry, Rachel." He smiled at her. He was a substitute, filling in for Rachel's science teacher while Mr. Lovelle had knee surgery. He glanced up at the blue box. "I see you've found the TARDIS," he said cheerfully.

"The… TARDIS?" Rachel repeated quizzically. Her brows furrowed in confusion. "What's that?"

He grinned in response, walking past her and laying a gentle hand on the police box. "Time and Relative Dimension in Space," he said proudly, patting the box lightly.

"Um, I know I'm taking AP classes, but I have no idea what you just said!" Rachel said, laughing slightly. She felt her phone buzzing in her dress pocket, ignoring it pointedly. She didn't want to talk to anyone right now.

"Basically, a time machine." Mr. Smith grinned at her.

"A time machine." Rachel looked beyond skeptical. "Either you're loony, or this is all just a dream." She sighed. "Although I've wondered if life was a dream after Jesse…" she stopped.

"Well." Mr. Smith beamed at her again. "I've been keeping an eye on you, Rachel. How'd you like to join me in the TARDIS?"

Rachel's mouth dropped. "Okay, you're officially insane! It can't be a time machine. It's a police call box! It's probably a prop from some show we did." She was practical, most of the time.

Mr. Smith shrugged. "Come in if you like." He pulled a key from one of his pockets and unlocked the door, slipping inside, the door left slightly ajar. Rachel could see light spilling onto the auditorium floor, and in the end, her curiosity won. She took tentative, baby steps towards the door, pushing it open and stepping inside.

Her mouth dropped. It was huge! Incredibly huge. Mr. Smith was pushing buttons and pulling levers on what looked like a giant console in the middle of the room. He turned to grin at the stunned brunette. "What do you think, Miss Berry?"

Rachel's mouth was still open in surprise. "It's… bigger… on the inside?" She looked over at her supposed substitute. There was no way he was a regular sub.

"You aren't the first person to say that, you know." He grinned at her, pulling something out of his pocket and making repairs.

"I don't doubt it." She made a loud noise. "The acoustics are a bit off, don't you think?" She frowned slightly.

"Don't insult her. She's a fine old girl, aren't you?" He patted the console before ducking under again, clanking noises emitting from the area.

"You're talking… to a police call box… that's bigger on the inside…." Rachel stood there in confusion. "Am I insane?"

"Nah, you're not insane!" Mr. Smith poked his head out from the console. "Oh, and my name's not Mr. Smith. I'm the Doctor, nice to meet you!"

Rachel tightened her grip on her bag strap. "O…kay…."

The Doctor got up, bouncing over to her, taking her hand and tugging her over to the controls. "We can go just about anywhere in here!"

"Who said I was staying?" Rachel looked at the Doctor quizzically, one eyebrow raised. "I mean, I'd love to, but I don't know…"

"All of time and space. I could show you that, you know." The Doctor smiled excitedly. "Mars, Barcelona, anywhere!"

"You say time and space. I can take a plane to Barcelona, it's in Spain." Rachel grinned despite herself.

"No no no, the planet! They have dogs. With no noses." The Doctor waited for an answer. "So, what do you say, Miss Berry?"

Rachel looked towards the door, hearing voices approaching, Finn's distinctly booming. Back at the Doctor, where he stood by the controls. Then back to the door. She thought about two more months of slushees and teasing and name calling. Two more months of watching Finn try to win Quinn back. Two more months of insanity. She made her decision. "Can I leave a note?"


Rachel pulled a pad of her signature pink paper out of her bag and a blue pen, writing hastily.

Don't go looking for me.

~Rachel Barbra Berry

She stuck a gold star next to her name, ripped the paper off the pad, folded it, and ran outside, leaving it on the piano. She glanced at the Doctor as she shut the door to the TARDIS. "I'm ready." She pulled Jesse's shirt out of her bag, hugging it slightly as she walked back over to the Doctor. "So." She leaned on the control, the shirt in her hands, her bag over her shoulder. "Where are we going first, Doctor?"

"How about New New York?" the Doctor cried out, smiling.

"Sounds wonderful." Rachel inhaled Jesse's scent again. She knew if he were here, he'd be telling her to go, live an amazing, fantastic life. And she was going to.

"Well then, Miss Berry... Allons-y!" Levers were pulled, buttons were pushed, things were spun as the diva and the Doctor disappeared from the Lima auditorium.

Nobody in the New Directions noticed the TARDIS fading from this time, the distinct sound muffled slightly by the distance from the actual group. But they all saw the pink paper.

The pink paper with the gold star.

Their gold star, however, was now traveling among a different type of stars. And she was never going to stop shining.

Yeahyeahyeahyeah. Cheesyyyyyy. And I don't even really give a hint to which Doctor it is until the very end. -_-

Either way, I hope you liked this little fic. :)