A/N: I have no idea where I'm going with this, guys. One shot, yep. Reasoning? No. Short fluff.

Sam opened his locker and a note fell out. He picked it up and read it.

You're perfect to me.

Don't ever change.

- Guess who it is.

Sam smiled down at the letter. "I wonder who it's from," Sam wondered out loud.

"What what's from?" Ruby asked, walking up to him. She was like a sister to Sam, and he could really trust her.

"This letter." Ruby took the letter and read over it.

"So sweet. Whoever this is, they're right."

Sam nodded.


"What are you so happy about?" Dean asked Sam.

"Nothing. Is it illegal to smile once in a while?"

"No, just curious."

"Curiosity killed the cat," Sam said.

"We never had a cat."

"Just, shut up." Sam walked out of Dean's room. Dean smiled to himself.


The next day at school, Sam found another note.

Some things that are perfect about you: Your eyes, your smile, your laugh, your dimples, and your hair.

Just everything, Sam Winchester. Everything is perfect.

-You have to guess.

"I should be flattered, but I'm actually pretty creeped out."

Who would send me a love letter? Well, two... Gabriel, probably.

Sam walked down to Gabriel's locker. "Gabriel," he said.

"Sam, finally coming around?" Gabriel winked at Sam.

"Uh, no. I need to ask you something."

"Of course I'll be your boyfriend. I told you, I'll wait. I will wait for you, Sam Winchester."

"No, dude. Did you write this?"

Gabriel snatched the letter and read over it. "A love letter to my Sam? I didn't write it, but I'll kill whoever did."

Sam took the note back." Yeah, okay... I'm just gonna..." Sam walked back down the hall.

"I am serious, Sam! You will be mine!"


"Dean, you should read these." Sam handed Dean the two notes.

Dean read over them and smirked. "Sounds like you have a secret admirer."

"People still have those?"

"Yeah, dude. Look, if these get too creepy, tell me."



The love letters were an everyday thing now, and each one was getting more personal. Almost as if the secret admirer knew everything about Sam.

Don't get spooked, I'm not a stalker or anything. I just really, really love you. More than you can imagine.

Your favorite flavor of gum, fruity. Your favorite Fleetwood Mac song, The Chain. (Your favorite band)

If you think hard enough, you'll know who I am.

Love you.

Sam sighed and folded the note. He needed to get to the bottom of this.


"Dean! Dean, are you listening?"

"Uh, yeah." Dean looked over at Sam. "I know who this is."

"Well, can you tell me?"

"You really are clueless."


"Think about it, Sam. Who's the only person who knows what your favorite flavor gum is, your favorite Fleetwood Mac song, and all the other stuff?"

"Dean, the only person I told was..." Sam looked over to Dean who just smiled. "You? You've been writing me these?"

"I'm not a stalker, I just really love you... more than you can imagine."

"Oh, my... Dean! I can't believe you... wait. How did you get in my school?"

"I go way back with Mr. Novak."

Sam smiled. "Wow."

"You're not creeped out?"

"Not really."

Dean leaned over and kissed Sam. "Wow."

"Isn't this like, statutory rape?"

"Sam, you're 18 now, so no."

"But I'm still in..."

"Sam, just enjoy the moment. You're the only person who gets to see me like this."

Sam hugged Dean. "I love you, Dean."

"I love you too, Sammy."

A/N: END. I CAN write fluff, even though romance isn't really my thing. So, I hope you enjoyed, and I would love to hear what you think in the review section. I was listening to Fleetwood Mac's "The Chain" while writing this.