
Summary: He does not watch the p-word all day. He doesn't.

"He watches porn. Duh."

Kenny immediately looked up at the 'p' word, and straight into the smirking face of Tyson Granger. From next to him on the porch, Hillary looked nothing short of highly amused at what was clearly an awestruck expression on Kenny's face.

"Are you guys talking about me?" He asked although he really didn't need to. And Tyson elaborated that point with a roll of his eyes.
"No," Hillary cut in, "We're talking about some other guy we know in this room, who's gauged his eyes in just 'browsing' through his computer all day."
"Probably all night too." Tyson added with a chuckle, and when Kenny's eyebrow twitched in annoyance at the tease, he raised his hands up in defense. "It's all cool, man. We're not judging! We all have our…obsessions."

While Tyson and Hillary both chuckled to each other at the latter comment, Kenny tried to defend himself, annoyed, and slightly embarrassed. How dare they think he was watching 'p'-word all day! How dare they accuse him of such lowly squander! He couldn't even say the p-word in his thoughts, let alone out loud, let alone actually watch it! Or read it. Or do it. Or whatever!

"I do not watch—"He hesitated, and Hillary giggled when he ended with a "…it." His voice raised when he continued, "I don't watch it."

"It's called porn." Hillary said, unashamed, "And don't pretend as if you're a sixteen-year-old teenager boy who's never visited a porn site because he utterly lacks the testosterone."

And she looked pointedly at Tyson, who was suddenly red all over. "It was one time! I really have never watched it before! Or afterwards!"

"Yeah right." Hillary scoffed, adding sarcastically, "And I have never thrown a temper tantrum except that one time yesterday."
"You threw one last night. And, one just this morning."

And in the many, many insults being thrown around (typical!) and the stop-being-such-a-pain-in-the-ass and the stop-lying-about-your-midnight-activities and the what-about-the-magazines-I-found-under-your-beds and the your-browser-history-says-otherwise and the grandma-gimme-some-privacy (Gawd!) Kenny found it safe to get up and going. He minimized the tabs (He was not watching the 'p' word!) on the screen, grabbed the laptop and walked (rather made sprint for it) right inside the Dojo and somewhere with a little…privacy.

That night

"I can't believe he fell asleep watching porn." Tyson muttered, carefully maneuvering his way over the pillows that were on the floor so that he make the least sound. The room was dark, lit only by the light that came from Kenny's laptop. "I mean, how boring could it be that he fell asleep," he stretched back the lid of the infamous lappy of his friend, "…with the laptop on?"

Tyson picked up the aforementioned device from Kenny's belly, where it currently rested, and turned to face Hillary, who was standing on the other side of the room, impatient. Her expression turned sarcastic at Tyson's words, "Maybe they weren't good enough for him, you know?" She said, "Maybe they were too tedious. You should have a talk with him. Suggest some good sites. You would know all about that, wouldn't you?"

"Will you just shut up already, nanny Hils?" He muttered back angrily, putting the laptop down at the table between himself and the brunette girl, lowering his voice when he heard the sleeping-teen stir. "And yes, I will have a talk with him. Maybe I'll even lend him some of those magazines of mine! Can I watch what kind of services he's been using now, or do you want me to teach him something too?"

Without waiting for a reply, Tyson slid the trackball over the screen, immediately banishing the e=mc2 screen saver and began to sift through the tabs open.

"Cheapskate." Hillary muttered somewhere in between.
"Snitch." He replied without looking up, still browsing. What was so much text doing on porn sites anyways?

Tyson continued wondering just as Hillary continued in the background.
"Hen pecker." He retorted and before Hillary could throw another (loud-enough-to-wake-Kenny) temper tantrum at Tyson's last word, however, there was something in Tyson's face that made her stop.

"What?" She muttered instead, and watched as Tyson's expression went from confused, to shocked to downright horrified. Ignoring all her promises to herself of not viewing 'the chauvinistic filth that plague the adolescent mind like locusts to herbs', she walked over to the other side of the table and turned to the screen.

All she saw was letters. Another tab? More letters.


"This is worse than I thought." She heard Tyson say, and for once, she completely agreed. Porn was imaginable. Expected. Porn was normal, but this-!

The infamous blue-and-white site was minimized back into the taskbar, and the laptop was put back onto Kenny's stomach, and quietly the two teens walked out of the room at a slow, but surely pace.

It was only when they were safely out, with the door closed behind them, did both of them practically yell one word with what wasn't even half the surprise they were feeling, "Fanfiction!"

They both breathed. A while of staring at each other, and a silent look accompanied by a nod, both of them established that this was an incident never to be spoken of again.

Author's note

Because we all have our...addictions. Lol. Mine's currently stumbleupon :P Man, it's addicting. Like fanfiction! :D Kenny agrees on the latter! :P

Random fact, my kitty cat is awesome. And it's 9:30 AM over here, and I woke up at like, 6 PM yesterday (yes, PM) so obviously I'm in no mood to sleep. So...tadah! I wrote! Dah-Dee-Dum! :P Not my BESTEST work, but, meh, I hope it wasn't too bad.

Anybody got any ideas for Hillary? Max obviously has his mustard, as Gigglesworth pointed out in her review. Thank you for the suggest. I already had Kenny's laptop idea half written when she reviewed but thanks to her anyways for pointing it out. I am flat out on Tyson and Hillary though. I'm open for suggests.

Assiddee from that, well, boring boring vacations. But I'm FINALLY inspired enough to write (I hope I don't jinx it! :X) so, you might see some updates. Or might not. I'm thinking of going for Chromatic Abberation's next chapter right now. Or WTML. But no hard and fast rule there. Anywhere.

Anyways, review everybody and make my day :3 Please?

Signing off.