Hi All! So I started a new story. Thanks for all the encouragement so far, it really is a confindence booster! So enjoy the next one. Don't really know where its all heading just yet. ..


Chapter 1

All four members of the elite Five-0 task force were running through the amusement park late on this particular Saturday evening. They were in search of a group of children that were being used for slave labour by one of the most notorious mob bosses around. The villains had brought the children to the amusement park to hide them from the authorities. Luckily, with some great Intel and persuasive field work, the team were able to track the kids and were closing the case on the mob boss. They ran in different directions all over the park. "I think I've got them." Danny blasted over the radio. The rest of the team ran in Danny's direction. They were all getting ready to enter the building which seemed to be a maintenance building. Danny and Steve stood on either side of the door. Steve gave the nod and Danny kicked the door in. With their weapons drawn each of the team entered into the building, slowly moving through each room before they came upon a small room, it looked like a janitors closet, where they heard some shuffling about. Kono reached the door first. Danny leaned in and opened the door handle to allow Kono to move in first. She was shocked at what was revealed as she scanned the small room. She lowered her weapon. Five innocent faces stared back at her. The children looked thin and ragged. They had obviously been kept locked up for a while. She gestured for one of the children to follow her. As she coaxed the first child out of the small room Steve Danny and Chin all lowered their weapons and looked on as the small children walked out of the room, obviously tired and scared. Kono managed to get all five children to hold onto her as she led them out of the building. Chin had called for an ambulance and child welfare to take care of the children. As Danny and Steve watched Kono walk the children out of the building they stood and stared for a while before speaking.

"Makes me sick, you know?" Danny was especially fed up. He thought of his own daughter and what he would do to anybody that would harm her in that way.

"Yeah, know what you mean. But we've got them now. They'll be safe for now." Steve ran his hand over his face. Relieved that the day was finally over.

The ambulance came and checked on the kids. Most of them were suffering from malnutrition. None of them wanted to leave Kono as she tried to hand them over to the welfare representative.

"Its ok. " She gathered them all around her and was talking to them while on her haunches. " this nice lady over here is going to take you to a nice house with lots of food . Then we are going to try and find where you came from so that you can go home." She smiled sweetly at the children, trying to reassure them. They eventually went, with some reluctance, with the social worker.

"Being the girl kinda sucks sometimes." She expressed her frustration to her teammates.

"Just think Kono, one day you'll have like 10 of your own kids and then you won't have to give them away." Danny was just being mean.

Kono raised an eyebrow at him. "um, how about NO!" They all laughed together.

"Time to head back to the palace." Steve gestured to his team mates.

Back at the office they all freshened up and had a beer or two while chatting about the day's bust. They were so glad it was over. They had not been able to implicate the mob boss's son, but at least they had the big guy. After watching some re-runs of an old football game they decided to call it a night. Each went their own separate way.

Chin got on his motorcycle and headed home. He was enjoying the relaxing feeling of the wind in his hair as he rode home. It had been a long day and he couldn't wait to go to sleep. He had not been paying much attention to his surroundings, if he had, he would have noticed the dark SUV that was following him closely. As he neared his house he started to make a turn, when all of a sudden the SUV sped up. Before he could do anything to avoid the vehicle, it had smashed into the side of him, knocking him and his motorbike sliding across the almost empty road. Chin felt the hard concrete ground as he crashed into it. When he had finally stopped sliding he found that he was too injured to stand. He lifted his head to try and identify the vehicle that had driven into him, but only caught a glimpse of it speeding away. He lay his head back onto the road and closed his eyes.

Danny said goodnight to Grace before she had gone to sleep. He had swung by Rachel's to have the opportunity to see his daughter as once again he was pulled in on a Saturday and had to give up his day with her. He and Rachel were talking outside when they heard a scream coming from Grace's room. Danny ran up the stairs with lightening speed, hoping she had just seen a mouse or something similar. As he entered the room he saw two men in dark clothing that were attempting to pull Grace out of her bed. Grace was hanging onto her bedpost with all her might. "Daddy! Daddy!" Danny grabbed one of the men and tussled him to the ground. The second man, seeing Danny gain control over his partner, ran to the window and escaped the building. Danny kept the captured man on the floor. Rachel ran into the room and grabbed Grace, while Danny cuffed the perpetrator to the bedpost. He took out his cellphone, and while breathing heavily he walked to Grace and gave her a hug and kissed her head. "HPD Dispatch? Yeah, this is Detective Danny Williams. Somebody just tried to Kidnap my daughter. I have one of the men with me. Send a unit."

He bent down to the man he had cuffed. "Who sent you? Why are you trying to take my girl?" The anger was clearly visible in Danny's face.

The assailant raised his eyebrows and smiled at Danny and said one word which sent shivers down Danny's whole body.


Kono had decided to stop by the gym before she went home. She had done a half hour session before she decided she was tired and would head home. She got into her car and proceeded to drive. She parked her car in the street and was running up the stairs to her apartment building. She lived on the 3rd floor of the building. As she was climbing the steps, a nosey neighbour popped her head out of her door. "Dearie" Kono stopped climbing the stairs and turned back to her neighbour.

"Oh, hi Aunty."

"Are you having electrical problems in your apartment?"

"No, why would you ask that?" She was starting to feel the need to be cautious in the building.

"There were some electrical people in your unit today. They said there was a fault with your lighting."

Kono could sense the danger. "Thanks Aunty. You go back inside now and lock your door, okay?"

The neighbour nodded and quickly locked herself in her flat. Kono started up the stairs, drawing her weapon and checking any corners she came to. She was walking down the corridor of her flat when she noticed her door was slightly ajar. She cautioned slowly towards the door. She was about 2 doors away from hers when she heard a sound that made her heart beat faster and her eyes shoot wide open. She knew that sound. She ducked against the corridor wall. Beep beep beep. A huge explosion rocked the whole building. Bits of wall and dust were flying everywhere.

Steve walked into his house and threw his stuff down onto the couch. He walked to the fridge and grabbed a beer, all the while contemplating if he should go for a swim before getting dinner. As he was walking to the back porch he heard a sound from outside. He quickly grabbed his gun which he had put onto the couch and pulled it out it's holster. He slowly etched his way to the porch and noticed a dark figure lurking in the backyard. All of his Navy training kicked in. He went to one of the bedrooms and left the lights off as he peered through the windows to check for any more dark figures. In total he counted three. His phone started ringing. "Danny, now is not the best time."

"Somebody tried to kidnap my daughter, Steve."

Steve realised that the three men outside were part of a scheme to get rid of his team.

"Is she ok?" he was whispering.

"Yeah and I've got one of the guys. HPD is taking him in right now. Why are you whispering?"

"Can't talk right now Danny. Phone Chin and Kono. Tell them to meet at the palace ASAP."

"Steve, what's going on? Are you ok?"

"Send a unit to my house. I've got to go."

He placed the phone back into his pocket and slowly edged towards the front door. He silently opened the door and made his way through the bushes to the back of his house. He crept up on one of the assailants and rendered him unconscious in a matter of seconds. He could see the other two edging their way to the house. They were almost at the back door of his porch. He slowly came out of the bushes and was calm when he spoke to the intruders. "Put your weapon down slowly and lie on the ground." The two men turned in horror. Both of the men pulled turned their weapons on Steve and 2 bullets escaped his gun instantly killing both of them. Steve ran onto the back porch and felt for a pulse in each of the men and took the weapons away from them. He stood on the porch and put his hands on his head, staring around for a minute or two, when he heard a rustling in the bushes on the side of the house. The man he had knocked unconscious made a run for it and was getting into a speeding vehicle. Steve ran to the road and fired two shots at the vehicle, but both of them missed. What had just happened?

He dialled Danny as he heard sirens in the background.

"Danny, are you ok? Is Grace ok?" Danny could hear that he was breathing heavily.

"Fine, we're all fine. What the hell just happened Steve?"

"Three men at my house. Looks like they were going to try take me out."

"Steve, I just got a call from HPD, an ambulance had to take Chin to the hospital, he was knocked over by a car."

"What?" Steve realised that they were being taken out, each one of the team. Fear swept over his body, "Kono?"

"I can't get through to her Steve. I've tried like a gazillion times. No answer. I'm sending a unit there to check on her. Wait.. hold one a sec."

"Danny, what's going on? Danny!" Steve could hear the HPD radio was blaring in the background.

"Um, Steve… there's been an explosion…at Kono's"

Steve's heart was racing in his chest. "I'm on my way over there." He put the phone in his pocket and raced to his house to get his van keys. As quick as lightening he was out of the house and speeding away in his van.