Thank you so much to everyone who took time to review, and especially to the people who sent get well messages! You guys all make me feel so special, so this one's for you~!

And sorry to CSICMNCISFreak, I didn't mean to dedicate the most depressing chapter to you~ So here you go, I'll dedicate this one to you too, and hopefully this one will cancel out the angst ;D

Title: The Look in Your Eyes.

Author: Gleekozoid

Warnings: Slash slash slash slash slash.

Pairings: Cameron x Damian, Samuel x Hannah, Darren x Chris (lol keep forgetting to put that one XD)


It was almost time for dinner by the time they got to the cafeteria, so they were joined by Hannah and Samuel, and soon after the rest of their mismatched gang.

"Hey guys!" Matheus greeted as the inseparable two sat down.

"Y'right Matheus?" Damian smiled, feeling particularly chipper in the company of his friends. Him and Cameron had a really great time this afternoon, and though he was dreading the actual eating part of this venture he loved the fact he was surrounded by people he was just so comfortable with. Well, aside from Alex, and maybe Lindsay. They made him feel particularly weary. But then, so did the thought of eating.

Maybe he could get away with avoiding food… One look at the glare Cameron was sending his way was enough to stop that train of thought. Seriously, was the Texan a mind reader or something? Damian smiled at the thought. However, as everyone went to get their food from today's cafeteria pick, Damian lingered behind until it was just him and Cameron.

"Damian, please…" Cameron looked at him with puppy eyes. God, the bespectacled boy looked so cute as he held out his hand for him to take. "You need to eat."

Their was that lingering dread in the air as they both thought back to Ryan's previous comments. So, without another word of protest, Damian just sighed and stood from his seat, taking Cameron's proffered hand with a light squeeze, before he was promptly dragged off to meet with the others.

They both laughed as they ran. not quite understanding what exactly was so funny.

"Cam!" Damian wheezed at they reached the others, punching the other boy's arm lightly as he beamed at him.

It was a sight that made Cameron's breath catch. Damian was finally back, he finally had his friend back and he was being sexy as ever with that velvety laughter of his.

Still giggling to himself, Damian went to the food; randomly, he picked a selection of mash, peas, etc, under the watchful eyes of his friend. He grabbed a bottled water and, for added effect, after he piled the last of the food on the plate he stuck his tongue out at Cameron before sauntering off.

Joining the table, Damian sat next to Hannah, between the ginger girl and Samuel and across from Cameron. He watched the boy pout at his seating choice, grinning.

'Serves you right' he mouthed, cheekily. His eyes were sparkling with joy, until that is Cameron flicked a pea at him…

And it hit Hannah.

Silence spread throughout the once very chatty table, everyone looking at Cameron who, in his embarrassment, pointing innocently to a very offended Matheus.

Smirking, Hannah silently took this as a sign of war.

However, they were a Glee club, nothing could be done in a normal. She stood up, moving to the stereo her iPod in hand. Plugging it in, she strolled to exactly the right song.

"Hannah… What are you doing?" Alex asked, as Cameron gulped at the frankly evil look in Hannah's eyes. Well apparently the girl didn't like food being thrown at her…

"You'll see." Was all she said, before the music of an extremely familiar tune filtered through the speakers.

She began to sing, "Right right, turn off the lights, we gonna lose our minds tonight. What's the deal, yo?"

She pointed a carrot like she was wielding a sword, straight to Cameron, who took it as his cue to take the singing over.

"I love when it's all too much, 5am turn the radio up." He looked genuinely confused as he sang the lyrics. "Where's the rock and roll?"

It was all made very clear to him as he felt the ice cold smack of water against his face. He whipped around to look at Hannah in shock. She'd stopped the music but everyone had continued singing the song acapella, following the Warbler cover of the song. Oh God, food fight… The challenge was high in the air, as the rest of the group continued the song.

"Party crasher." McKynleigh spoke, as she grabbed at the peas on her plate.

"Penny snatcher." Lindsay joined, doing the same with her carrots, grinning at the girl next to her.

Damian grabbed a banana from the table before turning to Cameron and singing, "Call me up if you are gangster."

He grinned, doing a 'phone me' signal, before brandishing the banana like a gun and mock shooting him.

Samuel stood on his chair, belting, "Don't be fancy, just get dance-y! Why so serious?"

He shrugged comically, just before all hell broke loose. Food started to fly in every possible direction, every trying to duck and weave out of the way while still continuing.

Hannah looked at Cameron, yelling "SING!" at him somewhat accusingly as he fired food at Alex, who had just hit Matheus square in the face.

"So raise your glass if you are wrong!" Cameron belted above the noise, the others joining in with melodies and harmonies as they continued firing. Following Sam's previous actions, he climbed onto the chair. "In all the right ways! All my underdogs!"

He grinned, allowing himself to be pelted with food from his very vulnerable position.

"We will never be never be, anything but loud!" He laughed, wiping mash potato from his glasses and mock glaring at Marissa, who smirked back. "And nitty gritty, dirty little freaks!"

He pulled at his now food-covered outfit, mockingly acting disgusted with himself. They all laughed together, not noticing how loud they were being.

Chris and Darren, who had being walking down the halls in search of some form of food, stumbled upon the group of teens. It was all so Glee. They grinned to each other, running in and joining.

Darren interrupted the song, "Slam slam, oh hot damn, what part of party don't you understand?"

The contestants all grinned widely as their mentors joined in. And really, Darren was the one most experienced with covering this song. And it was absolutely hilarious to watch Darren's shocked expression as Chris threw a handful of potato into his black curls.

"Wish you'd just freak out, can't stop, coming in hot," Darren continued, stalking closer to Chris with a dark look on his face. Wait, was was that in his hand..? Chris tried to scramble away as Darren launched the sticky soda drink all over his coworker. Laughing, he sang. "I should be locked up right on the spot, it's so on right now."

Chris pouted, especially when a wayward bit of ham slapped him in the back of the head. Still, it was fun, and he brightened up considerably as he chose to butt in the singing. "Party crasher, penny snatcher!"

He stuck his tongue out at Darren, ducking behind Marissa as Darren threw more food at him. He giggled as the girl wiped peas from her hair, shooting her an apologetic glance.

After that, with no-one choosing to pick up the song, Cameron took over the main vocals again.

"Call me up if you are gangster, don't be fancy just get dance-y," He beamed at the people below him, as he tried not to slip of his vantage point of the chair. "Why so serious?"

Grabbing his bottle of soda, he shook it up, looking at all of the scared glances of the people below him. As he ripped of the lid and threw the now emptying bottle into the air, all the while singing out, "So raise your glass if you are wrong, in all the right ways!"

The bottle clattered to the floor, everyone dancing around it. He continued with the song. "All my underdogs, we will never be never be, anything but loud, and nitty gritty, dirty little freaks."

He grabbed another bottle, jumping off the chair where he was stood. He opened it and, making sure the others were following, raise the uncapped bottle into the air, splashing it everywhere. "Won't you come on come on and raise your glass, just come on and come on and raise your glass!"

They were all soaking, the sloppy remains of their dinner dripping down themselves, but they were happy. In that moment, they were all united, and that made this a really special moment. Even Alex seemed content with letting Cameron lead as he repeated his previous line again. "Won't you come on come on and raise your glass, just come on and come on and raise your glass."

His voice travelled up and down his vocal range, adding his own twists onto the words they all knew so well. They all smiled at the Cameron-style familiarity. The acapella beat boxing, mostly lead by Darren, dropped down quite quiet as the break down began. Samuel looked at his bottle in disdain, before saying in a fake camp voice. "Oh shit my glass is empty… That sucks."

Clapping him on the shoulder and shrugging, Cameron sung. "So if you're too school for cool, and you're treated like a fool…"

"You can choose to let it go, we can always, we can always…" Hannah continued for Cameron, innocently sidling up to Sam, her secret crush. "Party on our own."

With a cheeky wink, she smushed yoghurt into the boy's look black dreads. He gasped at the impact of the cold yoghurt dripping down his head. "Ahh that's cold!"

As he spoke, Cameron belted finally, "So raise your, so raise your glass if you are wrong!"

He sauntered to Damian, grasping the boy's chin and smiling at him as they locked gazes, his voice dropping a tiny bit softer as he half-sung, half-spoke, "In all the right ways."

Damian blushed furiously, before for the second time by Cameron being twirled by him, as the Texan crooned. "All my underdogs, we will never be never be anything but loud!"

Quickly, Cameron lined them all up, pointing at each one of his friends to sing a line as they neared the end of the song, his hand cocked like a gun as he moved from one to another as they sang their line.

Matheus chimed in, "And nitty gritty!"

"Dirty little freaks!" Alex boomed, snapping his fingers in a diva-esque way.

"So raise your glass if you are wrong!" Lindsay's powerful voice was strong above the noise.

Cameron 'shot' Mckynleigh and Marissa at once, using both his hands, so they both shrugged and sang, "In all the right ways!"

"All my underdogs!" Hannah chirped, slinging her arms around Marissa and Samuel who where next to her. "We will never be never be anything but loud!"

Samuel stumbled a little, blushing softly before remembering he was supposed to be a badass, almost snarling, "Won't you come on come on and raise your glass."

"Just you come on come on and raise your glass~" Chris played with the words a little, adding his own little twist to show these children just what he could do.

"Won't you come on come on and raise your glass.." Darren sang, twirling around and grinning.

Damian stepped forward, looking at Cameron, "Just you come on come on and raise your glass…"

He gazed straight into Cameron's eyes, beaming at the boy before singing out to the now silent room. "… For me."

They all burst out laughing, looking at each other. How ridiculous they all looked, it was hilarious. Various food items were dripping from each of them, and really it was kind of gross.

"Damn this is disgusting!" Alex voiced, picking at himself with a little nausea.

Damian laughed, patting his banana covered shoulder. "Y'look fine, mate."

The flamboyant boy winked at him with a flirty smile, and now Damian remembered why he avoided him. Gulping nervously he shakily moved his hand away, before quickly moving away to engage in small talk with a very soaking Marissa von Bleicken.

Cameron watched him, secretly wanting to throttle Alex as he watched the openly gay boy flirt with Damian.

"ALL OF YOU, OUT!" The kitchen staff suddenly screamed, rushing out to see her ruined cafeteria. With wide eyes, they all scrambled away quickly, splitting up and running out the room laughing loudly all the way.


Gasping for breath, Cameron looked around to see who he'd been following, a little disappointed to not see Damian's pretty blue eyes in the instrument store room.

"So, that was fun!" Hannah laughed, wheezing the same as Cameron.

"Yeah…" Samuel breathed, collapsing onto the floor.

Cameron and Hannah joined him, all three Glee Project members lying down on the floor and just resting a second.

A comfortable silence spanned out between the trio, as they just stared at the nothing of the white ceiling above them. It was nice, not really awkward like it would be for anyone else.

Hannah sighed contently, grateful to be so very close to Sam. Still, she couldn't stay quiet for long, it just wasn't within her nature.

"Does this remind you guys of that one scene in the Lion King, or is it just me?" Hannah giggled. "I can be Pumbaa, Sam here is Timone and Cameron can be Simba!"

Sam's mood darkened at Hannah likening herself to Pumbaa. Couldn't she see how beautiful she was? She was big, and that totally made her more pretty then all the other girls to Sam. How wanted to hold some horrible twig in their arms, really?

Still, Sam let it slide so he could add, in a stage whisper to Hannah. "That makes Damian the girl lion, then!"

Cameron blushed brightly and sputtered on the air, earning him a nudge from Hannah. "Aww, is Cam embarrassed?"

She giggled at his reaction, as he tried so hard to deny it. "Cameron Mitchell you should TELL the boy!"

Samuel nodded in agreement, looking at the red faced Texan. "Dude you totally should, he needs to know!"

"I can't…" Cameron mumbled, holding back from saying why. Hopefully the others wouldn't push it.

No chance. "WHY?" They both chimed, slightly annoyed at the oblivious boy.

"Because…" He said sorrowfully, looking back to the ceiling. "He's in love with someone else."

They both blinked, looking at Cameron as though he was crazy.

Sam was the first to ask the question on both their lips. "Who..?"

This was unbelievable, seriously. How did Cameron not see his own crush was madly in love with him! They both felt the damn same! Hannah wanted to knock their heads together.

"I.." Cameron closed his eyes, feeling physically sick. "I think it's you, Sam."

Sam laughed, before realising his fellow Christian really wasn't kidding. "Wait.. that wasn't a joke? Cameron, Damian does NOT have a crush on me! Why would he when he's completely in love with YOU."

It felt like someone had dropped an incredibly heavy sack of potatoes onto his stomach, Cameron thought at that moment. "Wait, what?"

His voice was shaky, uncertain he had heard that correctly.

Grinning like the cat that caught the freaking huge canary by the name of Cameron, Hannah repeated for Sam. "Damian is in love with you, it's easy to see!"

He choked. Literally, he had to sit up because he was choking on his own saliva. He was freaking out! "No. Why.. What?"

"You know dude, it's funny to see you like this and all but we're not going to repeat again, 'kay?" Sam chuckled, a sound which Hannah found very hot indeed.

Suddenly, it clicked for Cameron. Oh God, how had he been so stupid and blind?

"You could say you know him…" Duh, Cameron! It was so blatantly obvious now that Damian had been talking about him. And that thought brought an impossibly big smile to his face.

Seeing her close friend's goofy grin, Hannah laughed at the fact that, finally, it had clicked. She sent a grateful look to Samuel, which he appreciated. She looked so pretty like that, mouthing 'thank you' to him that he practically swooned at the sight of her.

"I have a plan." He stated, joy radiating out of his every pore. And so, the rest of the afternoon the trio spent devising the perfect plan for Cameron to confess.


Oooo, suspense! XD Well, not for me but for you guys! I already know what's gonna happen, and how the three pairings are all gonna get together. Also, I only just noticed this fic is over 20,000 on the word count. Holy Jesus O_O

Anyway, so yeah Chapter 7. Tell me what you guys think.