Spencer Hastings was walking in the park one night around 8 o'clock waiting for Aria. Life was good, except for A bothering her and her two best friends and girlfriend. Everyone was shocked when THE Spencer Hastings admitted to having feelings for Aria. Even more so when Aria returned those feelings. She broke up with Ezra and now she and Spencer had the perfect relationship.

Aria was supposed to be here at 7:30 and Spencer was getting worried. Aria always told Spencer she worried too much. Spencer had tried calling her several times but she didn't pick up. Spencer hoped nothing bad had happened, she told herself that she was just being silly but she could help her mind from wandering.

Spencer sat down on a park bench and checked her phone again. Her head snapped up when she heard someone coming. She looked up to see Aria, bruised, limping and shaking. Spencer got up and ran over to her.

"Aria! Oh my god. Baby what happened? Are you okay?" Spencer questioned.

"Y-yeah, I'm good. I…I, not Spence, I'm not." Aria whispered.

"Hey, come on why I don't I take us somewhere private and we can talk there okay?" Spencer said, her voice shaking now too.

Aria took a step forward and winced. She fell forward but Spencer caught her and pulled her into a tight hug. Aria winced again and gasped. She struggled out of Spencer's hold, tears streaming down her face.

Spencer's eyes narrowed. She'd never seen Aria cry before and they'd been friends forever.

"Aria" Spencer said in a broken voice.

"I'm so sorry" Aria whispered.

"Hey, don't be sorry. Let's just go somewhere private and I can take a look at you. And if I think its necessary I WILL take you to a doctor and I except you to not put up a fight Aria." Spencer warned.

"N-no! No doctor Spence, you can just make sure I'm okay. I mean you studying to be a doctor. I'm s-sure it's nothing. I'm p-probably just overreacting." Aria stuttered.

Spencer ignored Aria's horrible lie and wrapped and arm around her waist. Aria gasped and flinched away before putting her arm around Spencer's shoulders. Spencer walked Aria into the car, buckled her seatbelt and drove her to Spencer's house in complete silence.

When they got there Spencer looked over at Aria. She had tears streaming down her cheeks and she was visibly shaking. Spencer hadn't noticed Aria's ripped clothes or all the blood and bruises that seemed so bold now. She reached for Aria hand and intertwined it with hers. Aria jumped and shivered before looking at Spencer with fear-filled eyes.

"Hey" Spencer whispered in a low tone. "We're here."

Aria's eyes widened even more. "Spence are you crazy! Your house, the one with your w-whole family? They, they can't see me like this!" Aria panicked.

"Shhh, Aria it's okay. My whole family is out of town and your parents already think you're spending the week here anyways, remember?" Spencer comforted.

"Oh, sorry Spence. I guess I'm pretty out of it tonight." Aria apologized.

Spencer opened her door and went around to Aria to help her. Spencer opened it and Aria stood up. She gasped and was about to fall back when Spencer caught her. Spencer raised her eyebrows and tried to examine Aria in the dark. Not being able to see her very well, Spencer wrapped her arm around Aria waist causing her to flinch and pull away again. Aria and Spencer sigh and tried again. Aria flinched violently but wrapped a shaking arm around Spencer.

"God this is embarrassing." Aria muttered.

"Aria, being hurt and needing help isn't something you need to feel embarrassed about." Spencer comforted.

"Spencer, it's late. Is it okay if I just take a shower and get some sleep? I can t-tell you what happened tomorrow. I just… I feel so dirty." Aria said, choking back a sob.

Spencer felt her heart break. They were under Spencer's porch light and she could see Aria's dried blood all over her ripped and torn clothes that hid some very dark, painful looking bruises. Tears leaked from the eyes of both girls.

"Aria, I'm so sorry. I wish I could just let you go get some sleep and be happy and forget the whole thing but I can't. I need to do a physical exam. You also need to tell me exactly what happened. Then, maybe you can take a shower and get some sleep after all that. I'm sorry but from now until I'm done with the exam, you're my patient and I'm your doctor. That's how it has to be." Spencer said, in her business tone that cracked twice.

Aria said nothing and followed Spencer into her house. They both grimaced when they looked at the stairs. They slowly worked their way up them until they got to Spencer's bathroom. Spencer let go of Aria and turned on the lights. She looked at Aria who refused to meet her gaze. Aria looked down, feeling exposed at the rips in her clothes she took Spencer's robe and was about to wrap it around her shaking body when Spencer caught her hand. Spencer shot her an apologetic look and put the robe back.

"Aria, I'm going to need to you to take your clothes off." Spencer commanded softly.

Aria froze like a deer in the headlights. Her body shook very hard and she curled up in a ball. She lied down on the floor and gasped for air. She felt like she couldn't breathe and her throat was tight and dry. She gasped and curled up tighter. Spencer dropped to the ground and tried to loosen Aria from her curled up position. Spencer felt Aria's heart rate go through the roof.

"Aria, baby please. I need you to calm down and breathe with me. Shhh, that's good in and out. Slowly, gently. That's good, yeah breathe with me Aria. Just breathe with me." Spencer coaxed.

When Aria finally stopped her panic attack she looked up to see worry etched in Spencer's beautiful face.

"I'm sorry; I didn't mean to freak out like that." Aria mumbled.

"No honey, this isn't your fault." Spencer comforted. "Tell you what, why don't you just tell me what happened now. And I can be your doctor after you tell me the story. Let's just get you comfortable until then okay?" Spencer said.

Aria nodded once and Spencer helped her to her bed. She layed Aria down on one side and she layed down on the other. Aria curled herself into a tight ball and Spencer slowly moved closer. She gently pulled Aria out of her ball and wrapped her arms around Aria's waist. Aria struggled at first, then relaxed visibly into Spencer's embrace.

"Whenever you're ready." Spencer encouraged.

Aria took a deep, shaky breath and began "It was this afternoon. It was raining really hard and I was soaked to the bone on the sidewalk. My car wouldn't start so I walked. I was on my way home to get ready from our date. My Mom had asked me to drop some mail off at the post office so I walked it there. On my way back, Ezra offered me a ride home. We'd been on good terms lately so I agreed and thanked him. I got in the passenger's seat and we drove. We talked about Hollis and his new job mostly and some new book he had inspiration for. He drove by my house and I told him it was turn. H-he laughed said we weren't going there. H-he picked me and up and dragged me into his apartment. I-I told him a-about us and how I l-love you but he wouldn't listen."

Aria choked back another sob. Her entire body trembling so hard the whole bed shook. Spencer was afraid Aria was on the verge on another panic attack.

"Aria, shhh. It's okay. You need to calm down baby; you're going to make yourself sick." Spencer coaxed.

Spencer patted Aria's back in slow circles until she shook less and her breathing returned to a less dangerous pace. Spencer tightened her grip on Aria's waist to try and make her feel safe.

"Go ahead, whenever you're ready." Spencer encouraged again.

Aria let out another shaky breath and continued "He beat me, telling me that he was way too good for me and that breaking up with him was the biggest mistake of my life. He told me you'd leave me and that I was no good dirty whore. Then he started r-ripping my clothes and I begged him to stop. You have to believe me Spence! I fought back, I begged and cried but he wouldn't listen. I'm so sorr-"

"WHAT! Aria, you can't actually believe I'd be bad at you for this. I'm going to KILL him Aria! This is not your fault. I swear to god I-"Spencer yelled, shaking with anger. She stopped when she felt Aria tremble with fear. Aria afraid of her was the last thing Spencer needed so she shut-up and let Aria to finish.

"He told me I needed to know what a real man was like so he. H-he, forced himself into me. It was awful and painful and terrible. I'm so sorry Spencer! I wanted my f-first to b-be you." Aria bawled openly now, sobbing into Spencer's chest. Spencer pulled her tight and wrapped her arms tighter around Aria protectively.

Spencer whispered comforting words in Aria's ears. She hugged her and kissed her cheek. She told Aria she loved her just a much, if not more and thanked her for telling her. Spencer knew she had an emergency rape kit in the bathroom. Aria would need to take it after the exam Spencer still had to give her. This just made things worse.

"T-that's not even the worst part." Aria whispered brokenly. "He made me take an ice bath, for over an h-hour. Then h-he beat me more and did i-it again."

Aria was sobbing and crying again and Spencer fought to control her anger and urge to go kill Mr. Fitz. She was going to kill him; she'd never seen anyone, especially not her Aria so broken before.

"Aria, Aria hey. I love you. Nothing and no one is ever going to change that. We will get through this and I can help you. Tonight, I need to do a physical exam and…baby, baby I need to do a rape kit too." Spencer told her hesitantly.

This brought on a fresh round of sobs from Aria but no argument.

"O-okay." Aria choked out.

"I'll be gentle baby, I promise. Nothing will ever hurt you again." Spencer vowed. "Now let's just get this over with and then you can take a shower okay?"

Aria nodded and sat up. With Spencer's help the two girls walked/limped into the bathroom.

Even now, covered in bruises, blood and shaking with fear-filled eyes; every time Spencer looked into Aria's beautiful eyes, she fell in love all over again.

Please R&R. It's a several chapter story so don't worry, this isn't the end! This is the first Sparia story so lemme know what you think .