I have had this story in my mind for quiet a while. So I thought that it might be fun to share it with others. I am absolutely new here. I have no clue how this works, but I'm going to give it a try. I know that the beginning might not be what you expected but please just give me a chance. I promise you that it will only get better. Thank you for your time.

lucy :)

Disclaimer: I own absolutely nothing. Our wonderful L.J Smith and the awesome CW do.

Chapter 1

"Por favor no se las lleven!" (Please don't take them!)

I could hear my mother yelling this and running down the front steps, as my sister and I were being taken to the awaiting limo. Elena was crying extending her arms towards our mother, while the man in the black cape held her, yelling.

"Mami no me dejes!"(Mommy, don't leave me!)

Our mother was in tears running towards her, but she was instantly stopped by another man in a cape blocking her from approaching us. What was I doing? I was fighting. I was throwing punches and kicks at my captor trying to get free. I actually gave him a good punch in the face, but he didn't even flinch, while Elena merely cried. Then I heard our mother say in between sobs.

"Por favor dejenme despedirme de ellas."(Please let me say goodbye to them)

Our captors considered this for a moment and decided to oblige to our mother's request. Before they set us down though, my captor said almost painfully.

"Siento mucho causarle este dolor senora pero solo estamos siguiendo ordenes."(I am sorry to cause you this pain m'am, but we are only following orders)

My mother stared at him and said in a strained voice.

"Yo sabia que esto hiba a suceder pero nunca imagine que seria tan pronto.(I knew that this would happen, but i never imagined that it would be so soon)

He nodded understandingly, or at least tried, since I was still swinging at him. He held me under my arms and pulled me slightly away so he could look into my eyes and said.

"I like you. You're a feisty little girl."

I was about to scratch his face when he set me down. Then Elena's captor proceeded to do the same. Both of us instantly ran towards our mother who had kneeled down on the floor to embrace us. All three of us were crying. Elena was the worst, not letting go of our mother telling her to not let the bad men take us. I had always been stronger and braver, but for some reason something inside me told me to cry. Because we wouldn't be able to see our loving and beloved mother in a while. I was proven right when our mother finally spoke.

"Ninas quiero que sepan que las quiero con todo mi corazon y que eso jamas cambiara. Pero horita necesito que confien en mi y vayan con estos hombres. Ellos NO les haran dano, al contrario las protejeran con su propia vida."(Girls, I want you to know that I love you with all my heart and that that will never change. But right now I need you to trust me and go with these men. They will NOT hurt you, on the contrary, they will protect you with their own life)

My mother looked past my shoulder to where my captor was standing. I could see his shadow in the driveway and I saw how he immediately nodded his head in agreement. Elena refused to listen and only clung harder onto her. I looked up from her shoulder and saw our uncle Elijah standing on the top steps of the porch as if he'd been there for hours, staring intensely at us. I broke from her embrace and ran to him. He easily lifted me up and said.

"Don't cry, everything is going to be alright."

I shook my head and yelled.

"No it isn't Uncle Lijah! I don't want to leave!"

He gave me a kind warm-hearted smile and said.

"Your departure is necessary. You and your sister are not safe here. Going to live with your father is for the best."

I froze in his arms. What? We were going to live with our father? We hadn't seen him since... well since we were born. That was approximately 10 years. We had no idea of who he was or where he was. I was not only a feisty little girl, I was a stubborn one too. I clung to him not wanting to let him go. He easily walked down the steps towards my mother and sister. He lightly placed his hand on my mother's shoulder and said.

"Miranda, it's time."

My mother nodded slowly, she knew and spoke perfect English as did me and Elena. The only reason why she was talking in Spanish earlier was because she was upset, it was a habit of hers. She rose from the floor with Elena in her arms and turned to him. Her makeup was totally ruined from the tears that she had shed. For the first time, Elena noticed our uncle, she instantly stretched her arms out to him. He smiled kindly at her and handed me over to our mother, while he took her in his arms. My mother leaned close to my ear and said.

"Leslie I need you to be strong not only for yourself, but also for your sister. I need you to understand that these men will not hurt you. They are only here to take you to your father and to safety."

I listened intently to her words and only one thing was on my mind, why?

"Mom, why are we going to stay with father? Why isn't it safe here?"

I may have only been an almost ten year old stubborn girl, but I wasn't dumb. Our mother had enrolled us in the best private schools in the country. She had also taught us some things herself ever since we could talk. My curiosity and questions did not surprise her. My mother sighed, but replied.

"Leslie, you and your sister are very special. More special than you can understand. I am positive that once you reach your tenth birthday, which will be in two weeks, your father will tell you everything you need to know. By the way, happy early birthday sweetie. Don't think I won't get you anything though."

She smiled and then winked.

"Mommy, will we ever see you?"

She instantly got a determined and stern look on her face and then replied.

"Oh yes, of course, your father and I reached an agreement right before I gave birth to you and your sister. You don't have to worry about that! If your father breaks his word... well, lets just say that he won't look as pretty after I'm through with him."

I giggled, our mother was very strict and what she said was law.

"Mom, is dad pretty?"

She chuckled and replied.

"No, he is not pretty, but he is very handsome."

I giggle again and hugged her. Then I heard the voice of my captor say.

"Ma'am I hate to interrupt, but we really need to get them out of here and to safety, as soon as possible."

She sighed again and turned to face him, then replied through gritted teeth.

"Yes, Daniel I am aware of that."

She smiled and then looked at me with a serious expression.

"Leslie I need you to promise me that you will protect your sister. And that no matter what happens you will always stick by her side and be there for her. We both know that Elena is very sensitive and vulnerable, so you must take care of her."

I instantly nodded in agreement. Elena was sensitive. I remembered that once in pre-school a girl had pushed her off the swing just because she wanted it and Elena had ran crying to me about the "mean girl". I also recalled that I went to the girl and threw off the swing on to the floor and started hitting her. I was sent to the naughty corner that day and our mother was called. When we got home mother didn't even mention what happened at all. I smiled at the memory and then replied.

"Yes, mother I promise."

She hugged me tightly and then said with a smile.

"By the way nice hit. Its those moments that make me very proud to be your mother."

I frowned confused, and then I remembered the punch I had given Daniel. I blushed a deep red and buried my head in her shoulder. She then turned towards my uncle and said.

"Elijah let me speak with Elena."

He nodded and set her down while my mother set me down as well. Elena instantly approached her while I went back to my uncle. I smiled up at him and hugged him. I could easily hear my mother telling Elena that we had to stick together and protect each other, like she told me. I could also hear her say that she had to be a good girl and behave. That she would see us soon again in two weeks. Then I noticed that my uncle had lifted me into his arms and was walking with me towards the limo. I could easily see that my mother was right behind us with Elena in her arms as well. I sighed, but I knew that it was for the best. For some reason, we weren't safe and according to them the only place that we would be safe was with our father. My uncle handed me over to Daniel while my mother handed Elena over to another man in a black cape. My mother gave her a kiss on the forehead and proceeded to the same to me. She smiled and then said.

"I love you girls and never forget that."

We nodded and smiled at her. Then Daniel and the other man with Elena stepped inside the limousine. Elena was still crying, but not as bad as before. We stared out the window and waved towards the figure of our mother being held by our Uncle Elijah. Then the engine started and we proceeded to move. I sighed and sat back then I pulled Elena into my arms trying my best to console her. I rubbed her back and pulled her tight into a hug. Telling her that everything would be alright and that the good thing about all of this was that we would meet our father soon. She seemed to consider this for a moment and nodded in agreement. I smiled and told her to sleep. Elena always fell asleep after she cried it was just something that came naturally to her. But we were twins for a reason, she was just as stubborn as me. I smiled at her and then cradled her close to me and began singing her favorite song. When she finally drifted to sleep I placed her comfortably on the seat with my jacket as a blanket. During this entire exchange Daniel and the other man were staring intently at us. I turned to them and folded my arms across my chest and said menacingly.

"If you wake her up, your faces won't be as pretty as they are now. I don't have long nails because I like to play pretty princess."

They stared at me in shock and then immediately smiled. Danny's smile was wider and then he said.

"Lord Zackery will be very pleased to meet you little cousin."