Kitty's Words.
Actual meaning: That it is acceptable, or she is ok.
Kitty's meaning: When used to end an argument - She is right and you need to SHUT UP.
Example: February 15th. 3rd period.
"I can't believe you Lance! I mean, it's like you never listen to me! Do you even hear a word I say?"
"Are you kidding me Kitty? I listen to everything you say!"
"Whatever! Just-Fine!"
Repercussion: She ignores you for a week. DO NOT REPEAT!
Side Note: She WILL call after a week. DO NOT call her every day. It makes it WORSE!
Actual meaning: Of no value or importance.
Kitty's meaning: It means something. BE WORRIED!
Example: April 21st. After School.
"Pretty Kitty..."
"What did I do?"
Repercussion: If not immediately fixed, she gets Wolverine to punch you. Fix it!
Side Note: Do NOT tell Wolverine you and Kitty have kissed. (He'll punch you more.)
Go Ahead.
Actual meaning: You have permission.
Kitty's meaning: This is a dare! You DO NOT have permission! DON'T do it!
Example: June 5th. At the beach.
"Hey Pretty Kitty. So the guys wanted me to hang out and play some games at the arcade."
"And I was wondering if you'd mind."
"Go ahead."
Repercussion: Major guilt trip! Only go if it's important.
Side note: Remind Kitty she is pretty and you love her. She will not guilt trip you.
Actual meaning: Nonchalant. Not important. An admittance of being wrong (In some cases).
Kitty's meaning: F*** YOU! Get her to say this and you are in TROUBLE!
Example: September 30th. At lunch.
"I'm just saying you're kind of over reacting Kitty."
"Excuse me?"
"You're making a bigger deal than it is. You do this all the time."
"Are you serious?"
"Well just think about it Pretty Kitty. You're not looking at this from his point of view."
"You know what Lance, like, whatever!"
Repercussion: She breaks up! If she says this APOLOGIZE! IMMEDIATELY!
Side Note: It helps to buy chocolate and flowers.
That's OK.
Actual meaning: You are forgiven.
Kitty's meaning: She is thinking LONG and HARD on HOW and WHEN you will pay for your mistake.
Example: October 10th. The Institute.
"I'm sorry about bailing on you yesterday Kitty."
"It's just Toad needed help."
"Uh huh."
"I am really sorry."
"...That's ok."
Repercussion: She likes to make you carry her bags around the mall. After her parents give her birthday money. NOT FUN!
Side Note: She kisses you once you get back to the Jeep.
So I hope you thought it was cute. I wanted something short and sweet, and hopefully humorous. Tell me what you think? Leave a review! ^.^